What Color Is Liberty?


American Blacks are taught by liberals to wield our past like a weapon against fellow Americans. Opposing real racism isn't the issue.

The heroism and constitutional valor of old school liberals like Charles Hamilton Houston and Thurgood Marshall sets the tone of my response to real racism as a de facto conservative.
We use the law and moral suasion to beat this serpent back into the civic hole it crawled out of.
They didn't spend their careers attacking every White person for the sins of a few.
Why should we, who never suffered Jim Crow, be so blindly embittered toward the good America offers, White folks included.
Race relations hinges precariously upon president Obama's re-election chances. I've heard rumors Left and Right about potential ghetto riots and military coups.   
We should resolve to be better Americans in the face of such historic uncertainty. 
Inner city Obama loyalists should carry Dr. King's non-violent standard to urban hot spots and remind them that whatever progress American Blacks have came through principled reform like his- not mob rule.
Patriots in the armed services should carry the constitution to their peers and remind them of their sacred duty to obey the orders of civilian authority- even if they don't like the current commander-in-chief.
We are not some banana republic where overthrowing government lurks whenever ranking military officers have too much time on their hands.   
We don't need the Hood nor service personnel waging war against America. Doing so means disloyalty to our country in her greatest hour of need.
I'm not saying be yes men. I am asking all of us, regardless of party, philosophy or pigment, to say, " Yes! " to the peaceful transfer of power which has made us the envy of the world.
Since race is the volatile variable in Election 2012 it's fair to ask:
What color is liberty?
Look in the mirror.  
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
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  • @Capblack: I totally agree. My parents taught me to hope and pray for the best but to also be prepared for the worst, and not be afraid to take the challenge if there is one. In their eyes, this was what made this country great and I agree so I won't disrespect them. They were hard working, honest people....never rich but we got by and they were happy with what they accomplished on 8th grade educations.

  • @A Nobody: I mentioned rumors of coups out there. My position is the union must never be split again. We have a time tested, though imperfect system, which allows the PEACEFUL transfer of power. THAT'S where I want american regime change to occur- first, last & always. I'm bitterly displeased with the current Admin, which is why proudly work with the broad " American rights " coalition of diverse patriots lawfully opposing him. Not being a polyanna here but if people risk death in the Southwest desert or the Atlantyci to take a chance on our system, can't we who are born here do the same? :) 

  •    Well said Captain Black ,  and Welcome to America .

  • Red, White and Blue. Racism nor Religion, as long as it's peaceful, has no bearing on how I vote. Had I my choice I would have voted for Allen West. I have the utmost repsect for that man. The closest thing I have, without doing something stupid, like voting third party Is Romney who's night and day better than Obama, I vote conservative because any fool knows, debt is dangerous for the individual as well as government.

    And, Cap Black, you mention coup. That should be used only as a last desparate move to save our country.

  • Arron Armand Grottolo: Re-read my post. The military officers I refered to were ones in bananna Republics who ritually other throw each other- not Americans. coups aren't part of our military culture. Regarding service I was a Naval Reservist. Joined at 34. I was in when Sept 11th happened. I was second in my unit to volunteer for active duty. it's not a lack of patriotism that spurred my observations, it's this overriding patriotic concern: America doesn't need coups! We're better than that. I voted against Obama in 2008. I early voted against him last month. I fight in one of socialism's strongholds,  Black America, daily!  No need to be hostile with me- save it for the liberals who despise both of us for being conservatives! America survived the Civil War; Nixon AND Clinton! Let's give the peaceful transfer of power the Founders established a chance to play its role before considering other options.

  • Arron Armand Grottolo: Disloyalty starts in the White House with this Pseudo unqualified Constitutional ripping president. So you think Military Officers have to much time on their hands? I was one for decades and I can't say I had to much time on my hands. How much time and did you even serve in the military? I thought not otherwise you would not make such dumb statements. As a militery office I took the oath to defend the US Constitution aganst ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. That oath is for a life time. It is our duty to defend the US Constitution. I am positive many military officers share that sentiment. Only those that never served would ignore the Constitution. For those of you who espouse the idea that the constitution is out dated, think about this: Is freedom, morality, tyranny, and subjigation to the State a thing of the past?


  • a simple but a real answer to "what color is liberty". it is red, white and blue, the flag of the United States of America. there are no hyphenated Americans in what our flag stands for. we are all Americans period.

    its our politicians, over many years who have used race as a way to get elected and re-elected and then doing nothing to solve there "so called" problem, they just entrench themselvels in an easy selfish money making job for them and whomever (their friends) they want to dole out our taxpayer money to.

  • The color of Liberty is the one which will yield the most votes for whoever is in office or running for office!


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