I plege alegiance to the FLAG of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and for the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under GOD!!!!!.  I do not see Barack Oboma's, Mitt Romny's name, Ron Pauls name, the name of any union, the ACLU, the name of congress or any of congress' minions or a\the names of any burocrat, or any one religious organization nor any thing other than the UNITED STATES under GOD!!!!

GOD and COUNTRY only.  So now we must choose those who we would like to govern this great nation.  One who has served his church in an honorable fashion and who has displayed a belief in GOD, one who has accomplished things that have benifited everyone in different ways, one who believes in individual and states rights,  one who RESPECTS the intelligence and beliefs of others.  Well we don't have anyone with the wisdom of King Solomon, we only have imperfect humans who also are GODS creation.

I am not affiliated with any political paty or any political person, I respct everyones right to think for

themselves, to choose their lifestyle, to live their life in the way they choose to as long as they DO NOT infringe or attempt to impair, deprive or demean my rights.  I do not choose to engage in homosexaul behavior and I resent any one attempting to influence me in that life style.  I choose to worship my God in my own way and refuse to be influenced otherwise.  I refuse to adopt any political idealogy and resent any attempts to influence me otherwise. I refuse to smoke or ingest any kinds of recreational drugs, Only God has the power to make life a beautiful, fulfilling adventure, nothing else can compare. I am a hybrid Christian not bound to any religious church or sect. I have live my life as a free man and I will continue to live as a free man until God calls me home.

I will vote for the Romney/Ryan  presidential ticket, they embrace more of my concepts of God fearing, moral, ethical and honorable imperfect humans than a great many of the existing political powers  combined.   


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