In keeping with Genesis 1:26, man created himself and God, leaving himself in control. Habakkuk, disgusted with the whole thing, in Habakkuk 1:2 we read: “O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou will not save.”
This sad state of affairs at the end of the Old Testament brought about the New Testament. The writer of the first Gospel, the first book of the New Testament, was Matthew, called also Levi, a Jew of Galilee, a tax collector for the Roman oppressor, one of those ill-reputed publicans, the purpose of the book was to tell about Jesus.
Starting from his birth, Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea. The three “wise men” spoken of were Magi, Persian astrologers. At the time, astrologers advised kings. King Herod heard that the Magi were in his kingdom looking for the birth of the king of Jews. He was deeply troubled. He gathered together the priests and scribes, demanding that they inform him where Christ would be born, so he could worship the king of Jews. The Magi followed the Star of Bethlehem to Christ’s birth place, worshiped him and departed. Joseph took his wife Mary and Jesus to Egypt. Herod killed every child in Bethlehem two years and younger.
Following his calling, Jesus went about teaching the people that God loved them, and that the scribes and Pharisees were hypocrites, “for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in” (Mt. 23:13). Jesus spoke of earth and heaven in The Lord’s Prayer, followed by “But first seek ye the kingdom of God.” He distinguished the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God. In the Gospels, there are many references to the kingdom of heaven, and omissions Jesus attributed to the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians. Jesus preached in their temple that they did not represent God at all, but their own selfish desires. He turned over the moneychangers’ tables, the source of their personal wealth. For being a nonconformist, a dissident, Jesus was crucified. Is it any wonder that those who represent themselves as followers of Jesus’ teaching, at the same time condemning to hellfire and damnation all of those who don’t adhere to their doctrines and dogmas, that they are seen as hypocrites? Jesus taught us to love one another. What makes them that condemn me different from the very authorities who crucified Jesus?
Where do we look for answers? Where is the kingdom of God? In Gen. 1:26, “Let us make man in our image,” who is us? What those in power don’t want you to know is that your good answers are internal. Authority’s answers, external—for the good of all. You have a choice: God in out of sight heaven; God in self. Go back as far as your memory goes. Play your life as you would play a movie. The events of your life will make connections. You will know when you made the right and wrong decisions. The longer you’ve lived the better you will know.
Have your dreams come true? If they have not, if you meticulously examine your life, you will know why. You didn’t listen to that small voice within you. You followed external leads, such as the stained glass windows in your church, such as the Capital Building in Washington, D.C., such as the desire to own a large home in an affluent neighborhood. In Europe, there were magnificent cathedrals with stained glass windows, enormously impressive capital buildings, beautiful, large homes. Imagine yourself in early America, no stained glass windows in your church, Washington, D.C. remote and never on your mind, living in a log cabin, cooking in a fireplace, kerosene lamps, working long, hard hours to survive, what would your dream have been then?
By looking externally, maxed out in every way, heading for moral, spiritual, and fiscal bankruptcy, we have not been able to handle our advanced lives. We are going retrograde in time, back toward the Dark Ages of religious and political oppression, but there is a force of nature at work few know. The “end time” the religious speak of is the end of the Age of Pisces, the dawn of the Age of Aquarius.
Those depending on government elected Barrack Obama in November 2008. Saturn, the learning planet, went into its worst alignment with Pluto, the generational planet, in November 2008, and will remain a force until near the end of Obama’s term of office. The world situation has gone from bad to worse since Obama’s election, but not in Obama’s estimation. He welcomes emerging democracies in the Mid East and blesses the Muslim Brotherhood, throwing Israel under the buss.
When I was born Saturn was trine Pluto. A trine is the best of alignments. My rising sign is Aquarius. The rising sign is the part of me I show the world. As I age, I became more and more my rising sign.
My ruling planet is Uranus. It takes Uranus 84 years to orbit the sun. When I was in my forties, Uranus would have been opposed to Uranus when I was born. Such an opposition means significant change. When I was 49, I cut from the herd and went on my own, went on my path of destiny, started looking within for answers. I can say my choice was best for me, but no one else I knew. To them, I was cutting out on my responsibilities; that is, my responsibilities to them. I say that I am responsible to make myself what I want to be, not what others want me to be. It goes with my astrological makeup. I did what many think about doing, but never do.
Before my departure, I was playing the blame game for everything that went wrong in my life. After my departure, when I had no one to blame but myself, everything started going right.
Last February, I decided to open my own Web site and blog my philosophy. The Internet provider of the number of comments waiting for my approval, presently over 6,000. Roughly half of the comments I read turn out to be spam or trash. I’ve approved of over 3,000. To receive this many comments from all over the world means I’m onto something big, something the powers that be are not onto. Who knows how many are reading my blogs?
Most if not all of the comments I’m receiving are coming from entrepreneurs, people who have something to sell on the Internet. Kevin Kelly gave us“New Rules for the New economy: Twelve Dependable Principles”in Wired magazine’s September 1997 issue. While Obama, the radical left, and the Muslim Brotherhood are pushing us toward global slavery, the world is moving away from being influenced by external factors and toward one-on-one brotherhood. Obama, the radical left and the Muslim Brotherhood are whistling Dixie. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.