I am interested in taking back our government from the corporations, special interest groups, unions and all those big money people that control our government. As far as I know it's supposed to be Government of the People, by the People, and for the People and until we take back the election process back from big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ we will never have that. We need real election reform and I wont join any organization that wont work for that.Only The BestCaptain Tony
Tony - You are singing our song. We cannot stop big $$$$$$$$$$$$$ if they are allow to buy elections. The method to buy is money laundering with BailOuts, Stimulus, EarMarks and Pork. The politicians slide these items in with really no oversight of the use of these funds. The funds are then channeled back into their political campaigns or cronies to ensure the process remains unchanged. We have to stand together so these organization cannot divide us. I'm telling you personally that we are winning the war. Our goal is to have Representative Government and then stop the flow of blood money. The apathy or disenfranchising is not the right move and has lead to the erosion of our society and leadership.