Defend and support the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES every day as it is in your own best interests to do so. The question to ask oneself is are we as Americans asleep behind the Wheel of Freedom?
I agree with you that this administration is a disaster. But we must look beyond because every administration regardless of party is being directed by the One World Government people who definitely do not have America's best interest at heart. They are trying their damnest to get rid of our Constitutional Republic and I believe that is why they keep using the word democracy. We are not a democracy and never have been. They are very clever at using words to brainwash the public, e.g., choice. They are intent on turning this Republic into a Socialist State and from there into a Communist one and from there joining us into a modern Feudal Empire or a One World Government where only a select few are charge of the rest of us sheep without rights and without hope and without the means to change it. This is a slow process for them but they have the patience as shown by their past efforts. This effort has been ongoing for hundreds of years orchestrated by Satin (Lucifer) and he continues to recruit people in every generation in order to get rid of religion and to perpetrate sin everywhere. In the past people had a sense of guilt when they sinned it means nothing...they are even rewarded and praised, e.g., Hollywood characters. What these characters fail to understand is that they are being led down the primrose path to self-destruction. These secret societies want to get rid of religion and the idea of 'conscience formation' because those with finely honed consciences cannot be "brainwashed" by the perpetrators of destruction. They have a moral compass which they follow and cannot be easily led by the nose, so to speak, to do the bidding of these evil people who want to control all of us and who is the final analysis don't give a hoot about our welfare and consider us all expendable. May we Americans be humble enough to ask God to help and bless America because we cannot do it by ourselves without trememdous collateral damage to all. Louis I support and defend the constition everyday as do others on these sites . I contribute small amounts of money to support Heritage , Second Amendment Foundation , Joe Arpaio , Arizona Sheriffs , 10th Amendment , Oathkeepers , We the people , NRA and other pro secondamendment organizations . I am a member of WRAM , NC , GA and TN militias , The Black Robe Regiment . I spent 20yrs in the submarine service during the last years of the cold war and thru the vietnam era 1954-1974. When oh'bummer annunced his candidacy I imediatelt began to check into his background . His mother was a whore who didn't want him , his grandfather was a communist who introduced his mother to Frank Marshall Davis a communist drug dealer pornagrapher who knocked her up . She was also screwing a little black kenyan who was also quite promiscuous with other white college girls in Hawahii . As soon as the little black guy saw the baby barry he knew it wasn't his and he bailed out . His mother then married another muslim communist Soetrero and it didn't lasst very long but long enough to become an indonesian citizen and be educated / brainwashed ( Brain ? ) as a communist muslim . When the mariage ended his mother went imediately back to his father Frank Marshall Davis where he was taught hoe to do and sell cocaine and be a better commnist muslim starting at about 10yrs old he was then dumped in his grandmothers lap because STANLEY didn't want anything to do with him . Our boy oh'bummer is nothing but a black con man chicago thug from a trash background who happened to be in perfect timing after the civil rights act where white america gave him every possible bit of help in going to HAAVUD where he studied the constitution learning everyone of the weak areas of it so he could destroy it . He's a piece of SH** always has been always will be . Polished and painted but still a turd . His bible is Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals ,if ya haven't read it you should , it'll tell you his methods and how the integrate with the Cloward Piven strategy of how to destroy a free enterprise capitalist culture by taking advantage of it's prosperity and tendency toward generousity toward the poor to overwhelm the economic system with entitlement and welfate programs . This is done to bring the culture to communismn and every one knows how prosperous all communist countries are . right ? This guy and the whole group of communists in the government republican democrat / independent , all of them have to go until every one of them has been elected by the true american members of the TEA Party . We are going to run this government the way it should be . As A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC . Democrack is a promise tha your government will be run by an illiterate mob . No more illiteracy in registered ID'D voters .
I agree with you that this administration is a disaster. But we must look beyond because every administration regardless of party is being directed by the One World Government people who definitely do not have America's best interest at heart. They are trying their damnest to get rid of our Constitutional Republic and I believe that is why they keep using the word democracy. We are not a democracy and never have been. They are very clever at using words to brainwash the public, e.g., choice. They are intent on turning this Republic into a Socialist State and from there into a Communist one and from there joining us into a modern Feudal Empire or a One World Government where only a select few are charge of the rest of us sheep without rights and without hope and without the means to change it. This is a slow process for them but they have the patience as shown by their past efforts. This effort has been ongoing for hundreds of years orchestrated by Satin (Lucifer) and he continues to recruit people in every generation in order to get rid of religion and to perpetrate sin everywhere. In the past people had a sense of guilt when they sinned it means nothing...they are even rewarded and praised, e.g., Hollywood characters. What these characters fail to understand is that they are being led down the primrose path to self-destruction. These secret societies want to get rid of religion and the idea of 'conscience formation' because those with finely honed consciences cannot be "brainwashed" by the perpetrators of destruction. They have a moral compass which they follow and cannot be easily led by the nose, so to speak, to do the bidding of these evil people who want to control all of us and who is the final analysis don't give a hoot about our welfare and consider us all expendable. May we Americans be humble enough to ask God to help and bless America because we cannot do it by ourselves without trememdous collateral damage to all.
Louis Louis I support and defend the constition everyday as do others on these sites . I contribute small amounts of money to support Heritage , Second Amendment Foundation , Joe Arpaio , Arizona Sheriffs , 10th Amendment , Oathkeepers , We the people , NRA and other pro secondamendment organizations . I am a member of WRAM , NC , GA and TN militias , The Black Robe Regiment . I spent 20yrs in the submarine service during the last years of the cold war and thru the vietnam era 1954-1974. When oh'bummer annunced his candidacy I imediatelt began to check into his background . His mother was a whore who didn't want him , his grandfather was a communist who introduced his mother to Frank Marshall Davis a communist drug dealer pornagrapher who knocked her up . She was also screwing a little black kenyan who was also quite promiscuous with other white college girls in Hawahii . As soon as the little black guy saw the baby barry he knew it wasn't his and he bailed out . His mother then married another muslim communist Soetrero and it didn't lasst very long but long enough to become an indonesian citizen and be educated / brainwashed ( Brain ? ) as a communist muslim . When the mariage ended his mother went imediately back to his father Frank Marshall Davis where he was taught hoe to do and sell cocaine and be a better commnist muslim starting at about 10yrs old he was then dumped in his grandmothers lap because STANLEY didn't want anything to do with him . Our boy oh'bummer is nothing but a black con man chicago thug from a trash background who happened to be in perfect timing after the civil rights act where white america gave him every possible bit of help in going to HAAVUD where he studied the constitution learning everyone of the weak areas of it so he could destroy it . He's a piece of SH** always has been always will be . Polished and painted but still a turd . His bible is Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals ,if ya haven't read it you should , it'll tell you his methods and how the integrate with the Cloward Piven strategy of how to destroy a free enterprise capitalist culture by taking advantage of it's prosperity and tendency toward generousity toward the poor to overwhelm the economic system with entitlement and welfate programs . This is done to bring the culture to communismn and every one knows how prosperous all communist countries are . right ? This guy and the whole group of communists in the government republican democrat / independent , all of them have to go until every one of them has been elected by the true american members of the TEA Party . We are going to run this government the way it should be . As A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC . Democrack is a promise tha your government will be run by an illiterate mob . No more illiteracy in registered ID'D voters .