The world is populated with two types: truth-seekers & truth-deniers. When truth-deniers outnumber truth-seekers, tyrants rise & reign. These truth-deniers are the soil in which the seeds of tyrants & tyranny spring forth. Populations that see no further than their clan’s comforts can easily be taken down the path of destruction.
While we fight these tyrants, we must realize they did not come out of nowhere. They rose because the average person is completely selfish. Self-centered individuals are the roots that grow & sustain evil weeds in leadership.
Selfish, small personalities sell out in the workplace & the home; causing trouble; either through committing it directly, or indirectly, by refusing to oppose the evils evident each day in their own environment. What is going on in the workplaces & the homes becomes what naturally populates the governing bodies.
The dysfunctional parenting of huge portions of the US population is responsible for producing decadent youth, who become decadent adults….continuing the cycle. Our nation is now filled with the results of promiscuity over the last several decades. No nation prospers through individual irresponsibility.
The buck stops in the home! Though constant screams resound with blame that the schools, the media, etc. are responsible for America’s problems; a sensible person knows that the parenting in this nation has no resemblance to the parenting of generations that produced great American populations.
Truth-seekers do not rise from a generation that blamed everyone but themselves for the character of their children. Truth-deniers do!
Spoiling children, & acting as tho’ they are faultless, is the opposite behavior of generations that correctly recognized children were sinners who needed strong discipline, intense character training, & purified hearts. Children are born selfish; a fact truth-deniers abhor!
Children are constantly taught they are little gods who dare not be reprimanded or spanked. They learn early to seek the punishment of anyone who finds fault with them. They know how to play emotions & tell lies.
It has become the norm to make idols of children. Any attempt to discipline them is tantamount to abuse. Anyone brave enough to discipline will find themselves threatened with punishment. The natural tyranny of a child’s nature will prevail through this idiotic system. This forms the soil of rebellion perfect for the production & rise of political tyrants.
America is now in this sorry predicament. Like an addict that cannot give up their drug, the nation continues to raise selfish children; excusing & exonerating them from all personal responsibility. How do you build a great nation on immorality & populations created through the scourge of promiscuity? Add to this the masses of aliens flooding America, with populations already strongly founded on decadent child-rearing, & destruction is assured.
TODAY America is reaping the results of the rotten child-rearing ideologies of the past decades. We are ripe for takeover; having raised kids who are now adults with enormously selfish, cowardly natures; ready to applaud any fraud.
The solution is NOT to keep chanting the lying mantra that childhood is innocent perfection; but to realize children are selfish sinners who must be corrected before the whole nation reaps the destruction that selfishness automatically brings.
The globalists, & the impostor in the White House, were once spoiled-rotten kids. These liars, thieves, & destroyers practiced their rebellion to perfection during their childhood. They grew up in a nation that found no fault in them because they were kids. Now they are poised like serpents to send their toxins into every life.
This nation now reaps the destruction that selfish, truth-denying parents, raising selfish, truth-denying kids, produces.
Voters elect those who reflect themselves.