What is the Answer

Personally I believe that part of the problem we face in this country is the motivation of our elected representatives. We have, for as long as I have been voting (40+ years) , been seeking term limits with no success. No surprise, most want to preserve their career first and foremost.

I believe the best thing the Tea Party could do is help to achieve term limits through a "Endorsement Contract" with candidates for office. The contract would state that the prospective candidate would agree to serve no more than 2 consecutive terms. Incumbents would agree to one additional term beyond their current term(s).

If they cannot agree to this I would urge the Tea Party to withhold endorsement. Our representatives will need to make some of the toughest decisions in this countries history in the coming years, we cannot afford to have indebted representatives with only their next election on their minds. An effective representative will need to make decisions that will make some angry if we are to get back on track.

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  • I agree!  They should not be allowed to 'serve' or is it 'to be served' (I am a little confused these days....I always thought that government employees no matter if they are civil servants, congressmen or the President are there to SERVE) more than 2 terms ....period.  They use the excuse that we are throwing away their hard gained experience if we vote them out of office.  That is a lame brain excuse since they have so many employees who are extremely familiar with how the congress works to advise them.  What we are throwing away is their hard gained experience on deceitful ways of screwing the taxpayers.  I will admit that there is a small percentage of honest politicians who are there to SERVE but it seems that this percentage diminishes with each and every year.  While we are cutting down term limits let us tackle the money.  How about limiting the amount of money and air time they can purchase.  How about a equal playing field for both, i.e., equal amount of money and air time.  That way they will have work on their message and delivery instead of buying our vote...they will have to earn it.
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