To the Editor or Program Manager,

I believe the general public - who does not follow current events or politics other than what they see in the news  - needs to hear what Senator Dianne Feinstein said yesterday on the Senate floor...

What she said exposes an agenda no one has really looked at or made comment of - and for Military Veterans, of which San Antonio has a very large population, should know and pay attention.

In a nutshell and transliterating, Senator Feinstein stated all Military Veterans suffer from PTSD and should not be allowed to own firearms - she seeks to strip the 2nd Amendment rights from all Veterans!

I question how any Citizen who respects Veterans of any Service for the sacrifices they have made in their families, health and sometimes their life - can tolerate this kind of statement from a person elected to Congress.

I grant that Senator Feinstein's "assault weapons ban" will likely be voted down and become a non-issue - but I charge the Media to focus on what is said in Congress, the people who are making these statements contrary to the rule of law and our Constitution.

What Senator Dianne Feinstein said needs to be heard by the people of our City. It should be heard Nation-wide...

For additional information, please Google "IA-0257-09" and discover the document created in 2009 by the Department of Homeland Security which defines our government's ideas who a "terrorist" is nowadays... it is chilling in the extreme and it notably does not include the conventional definition of a terrorist.

Aubrey Mason

San Antonio, Texas

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