The preacher at a nearby Baptist church recently paid me a visit. He had heard that I played the guitar. He brought his guitar with him. My neighbor had told me he was in the hospital with pancreatic cancer. I’d never heard of anyone recovering from pancreatic cancer, and I told him how amazed I was to see him alive and well. He told me he died in the hospital and begged God not to take him. He loved his wife and she needed him. He said he was here by God’s grace. We played our guitars and sang gospel songs. I have not been a member of a church since the 1960s. I don’t like the doctrines and dogmas. The preacher asked me to play at a special musical they were doing at the church. I accepted. There are a great many Americans who feel God’s presence. I’m one of them.
At age 35, I felt like I was 85. My joints were aching. My teeth were abscessing. I had advanced pyorrhea. My lymph glands in my groin were swollen. My doctor feared I had Hoskins Disease. Hoskins Disease is a killer cancer without a remedy. My doctor put me in the hospital to have groin issue examined. The test was inconclusive. I told my dentist I thought my teeth were the problem but that my doctor rejected that notion. I told my dentist to go ahead and pull my teeth, even though my doctor said I could be dead within 24 hours. With my teeth out my health immediately improved.
When I was 65, I was experiencing tightness in my chest. My doctor gave me a stress test to find out if I had a heart blockage. He told me I had a serious heart blockage. He ordered an angiogram. Die was injected in my groin. An X-ray machine would show how bad the blockage was. It was determined that I had a 21 percent blockage in my main heart artery, on the second try. The X-ray machine broke on the first. I questioned charging me twice. The hospital asked me why I complained. My insurance paid the bill. My doctor told me that within five years I’d have to undergo open-heart surgery. He ordered me to take a drug that caused my throat to spasm. It was very painful. My doctor told me to continue taking the drug.
Much later I learned that a 21 percent heart blockage was nothing to worry about and that a stress test would not indicate a heart blockage unless the blockage was more than 50 percent. I’m 85 now. I didn’t take the drug. I didn’t have open-heart surgery. I don’t have tightness in my chest, even when walking up steep grades. I’m in good health. My doctor was connected with the hospital. I was conned.
I’m reading Suzanne Somers’ knockout. I read about her similar experience to mine, only hers was much worse. Somers went to the E.R. unable to breathe and her body covered in red whelps. She was dying. They injected her and put her on oxygen. She slowly revived. They did a Cat scan. Somers was told she had full body cancer, the same is saying you are as good as dead. Two days later they told her the diagnosis was mistaken; she probably had either tuberculoses or leprosy. They went down her throat to take tissue from her lung, which could have damaged her vocal chords. Somers is a singer.
They put Somers in isolation and told her it would take 6 weeks or longer to make a determination. They put her on drugs, which cost Somers $5,000. Had she taken them she probably would not be alive today. They misdirected the drugs’ use. Finally, it was determined that Somers had Valley Fever, which comes from a fungus in the soil in the area of Somers’ home. She had been working the soil in her garden.
An investigation found that the hospital failed to look at the blood test they performed, as a matter of protocol, which would have told them where to look.
Somers reports in Knockout, after an extensive investigation, that chemotherapy is a $200 billion a year racket. There are cancer cures that cost a fraction as much that actually cure cancer; chemotherapy doesn’t. In many cases chemotherapy kills the patient. Doctors who are actually curing cancer are being arrested and treated as criminals. A swat team used a battering ram to bust down the door of one doctor. They ordered him to get on his knees. They put pistol to his head. One doctor on trial had a number of witnesses to testify that he had cured them of cancer when they were told their cancer was terminal. The doctor was acquitted.
America’s health care has skyrocketed in cost. It now consumes 14 percent of the national income.
Shades of the past, I claimed the income tax was unconstitutional. IRS goons took it upon themselves to lawlessly tax me and withhold my large tax refund when I was struggling to exist. My business was on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me. The IRS lawlessly put me on the street. I took the IRS to the Supreme Court; the news media reported that tax protesters were being sent to prison. Judges were reporting to the news media that tax protesters were “spurious constitutional objectors.” I can tell you that America’s judges would not know the Constitution from a book of nursery rhymes. Justice Black said the Constitution is what we say it is. The Supreme Court refused to hear my case. I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post. An investigation was made. You know the record had to be absolutely outrageous. A front page story told the world that IRS had violated the U. S. Code a number of times and had violated court orders.
There was not one peep from anyone. Senator Bob Graham wrote me that the IRS was permitted to use “draconian means” of collecting income tax. Senator Lawton Chiles wrote that he received more mail protesting the income tax than all the rest of his mail put together. He reasoned that it was because the income tax directly affects the individual. What is going on in America is so absurd that one wonders if we haven’t reverted back to lower animal intelligence. It doesn’t make any difference anymore to a growing number the American people, if it doesn’t make them feel good, they don’t want to hear it.
Who is the President of the United State? The American people voted for the former community organizer of South Chicago. America has become a giant mafia. Need I say more?
You know what went wrong in America. The question now is what are you going to do about it?