What's the Answer?

The headline today on http://teapartyorg.ning.com/ :  “Watch out! Feds could seize your private savings.” Desperate people do desperate things.  The questions: Why is the Federal Government desperate? What is America’s future?  We are here to correct the wrongs of the last time we were here. Today, Carroll of the American Baseball League, in response to my “Comes a New Cosmos,” blog, says, “This information has caused in me some quasi-cascade effect that has resulted in a great rearrangement of my knowledge almost akin to a complete paradigm shift in the way I perceive the world. Thank you so much for this and I bet you will accumulate a ton of Karma and positive chi due to your wonderful undertaking in this blog!” This is one of the thousands of favorable comments on my far-out blogs at www.mymiraclemessage.com .


My business enterprise was on the rocks; my wife was divorcing me. As I was self-employed, I was government entitled to nothing.  I was living from hand to mouth on a minimum paying job, my employer withholding part of my wages for Federal income tax and FICA tax. I could not pay my rent. I was locked out.  Millions of American must personally deal with this situation.  After government puts people in a desperate situation, government gives them their answers.  My answer was to challenge government answers.


It seems to me that the Tea Party should want to know what I have to offer.  My life is now as good as it gets. Carroll is right. I’ve received a ton of Karma and positive chi.

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