It is always easy to justify the conduct of anyone or any company. Or course there is a real cost to everything under the sun. In the US we have some very real problems. Over the last 100 years we have seen a great deal of change in this nation. But have we really?
One hundred years ago the companys were killing people to keep them from forming unions. They were wounding citizens in the work place and dumping them into the streets of the nation. They actualy murdered employees. Keep them in bondage and poverty. As a result injuried workers ofter died. Some sued and won in the courts. But actually the companies would buy off judges and lawyers alike. It was a tragic time in the nation.
Something had to be done, the employees begain raising hell. Law suits had begain to drag companys into public view as well as union orgionizers. So the Government and the kings of business came up with a plan.
Let creat a workmans comp system. That way we can have a legal right to abuse the workers in a system we can control. And we can get away with abusing the citizens of the nation. And all was well. Then the companies said let us use our power to self manage our own administration of Work comp injuries. Of course the small company can't really afford to due that. So the Large company had a advantage over the start up. The gap begain to grow.
Those corperations then said we are able to abuse out labor force again and get away with it. They begain union busting and ending collective employee rights. Then they said lets get our employee to sign up for welfare and lets get them on SSI. Then they said lets just dump our injuried Workers into the streets again. After all that is how we do it in Arkansas. So today millions of people are on SSI in the nation. And who pay the price, every tax payer. And the Government with business allowed and created this system.
The purpose of the Government is to provide a level playing field in business not to get in bed with bussiness and use it collective power to bring more wickedness into a system of abuse. Of Course business wants to be king over there business. It is strange to think you can remain king when you becomes bumbs and beggers.
And the stock holders said this is Very Good we can make money off investing in Companies that defraud there employees. And they then said give us dividens. And the companies did. Then they said give us more profits. Now as the corperations had no real talent. They said lets lower the wages of our employees even futher. So they did and the Investors said this is Good. Then the stock holders said give us more money, they cut medical benefits. But it was not enoof money the investors complained. So the companies gave them modified foods and even discount drugs. The investors said it is good all is well. So the CEOs got large big bucks the people got abused and the stock market fall apart.
American is now entering into BLUE LIGHT special days as a result. They took God our of the schools, Out of bussiness, Out of Governement and And out of the Money. So you have failed schools. failed businesses and a falled government and your money is worthless. So has America changed.