When I see "Old Glory" I pause in my mind, and thank God that I live under the Red White And Blue stars and stripes. Not long ago while I was at Camp Arifjan Kuwait, I looked at our flag and wondered what our founding fathers must have felt. I tried to feel what they felt, it was no use, I realized that was truly something one had to experience, much like war. Unable to feel what they felt I tried to write down what it took to give birth to our Glorious flag and what it truly meant. What I came up with follows.
What is it about it about a piece of fabric that inspires so many, the sight of it can bring tears to the eyes of the beholder. A simple piece of fabric that has bound a nation together for the past two hundred thirty three years. A fabric which supports the weight of all, we as a people, hold dear. Our Freedoms, Liberty, and Justice, just to name a few, are all supported by and dependent upon the strength of this Red, White, and Blue fabric, symbol the United States Constitution. Creating such a fabric required many different threads, each carefully selected for its ability to withstand time and stress while maintaining its strength, integrity and values. Every thread had to be bound together tightly so they could not be divided thus compromising the integrity of the fabric. Each thread of this fabric has a name, to mention only a few, Honor, Duty, Loyalty, Morality, Strength, Honesty, Trust, Dignity and many more. All the threads in this fabric represent the greatest attributes of the human race, one race, with different shades of one color. Without love of God, calling upon his name, and yielding every hope to him the miracle called The United States of America never would have existed.
What arrogance, what ignorance, what hatred of everything good and righteous must dwell in the soul of a man who would deny this great nation was a gift. A gift of from God to those who desired his law to that of the world. True Americans must desire this same relationship with his creator if he is to protect this gift. It cannot be done without the strength of God almighty.