Where I Stand

I printed out the core concepts of the Tea Party. They closely match the core planks of the Constitution Party platform. I suspect this may be coincidence rather than a case of anything sinister or dishonest. Like minds think similar thoughts and have similar values. I thought I might take each core concept and spew forth my two cents worth. As usual, I don’t expect, nor do I wish, blind agreement with what I have to say. Civil disagreement and discourse is the hallmark of a healthy society. Only lemmings have universal agreement and look at what it gets them … a suicidal dip in the ocean.


Well, yes. Federal law makes it a misdemeanor crime to enter the country without proper documentation and authority. Illegal aliens are criminals by definition. Remember, I previously stated that words have distinct meanings. The accepted definition of a criminal is one who commits a crime or has been convicted of committing a crime. The noun is unambiguous. If you commit a crime, you are a criminal and your act was illegal.

Excuses such as “we take jobs American won’t take” are just that, excuses. They do nothing to mitigate the crime. This is nothing more than an attempt to justify the illegal behavior. And the “reconquista” concept is also an illegal attempt to justify criminal acts. The fact that the southwest United States was acquisition by conquest is of no importance in the discussion of illegal immigration. How the land came into the possession of the United States has no bearing on the commission of a crime. The land was ceded to the US as a result of military action against the government of Mexico. Right or wrong, the land in question is internationally recognized as being part of the United States. To enter the area in question under the premise that it still belongs to Mexico is ludicrous … and still illegal.

The last time I checked, one who applies for citizenship must swear or affirm that they have no criminal history that would disqualify them for citizenship. Since we have ascertained that entering the country without proper documentation or permission is a criminal act, it would seem to me that illegal aliens have, by their own criminal act, removed any hope of becoming legal immigrants or citizens. Amnesty therefore is a moot point. One does not reward criminal behavior.

#2 Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable

While this statement is undeniably true, how we deal with the problem is another can of worms. Most companies are now multinationals. They are going to move their manufacturing or service operations wherever it costs the least and maximizes profit. This is a fundamental concept of capitalism. The companies cannot be faulted for trying to keep their stockholders happy. One the other hand, this behavior can understandably be seen as unpatriotic by some. The only way I can see to attract new manufacturing jobs, or jobs of any type, is to improve the economic climate for companies. Since it is not beneficial to reduce wages and as a result the standard of living, we must look to other means for attracting business. This is generally done by reducing the tax burden on businesses such that they can afford to pay higher wages and still retain profitability. Taxing success is detrimental to economic health. Punishing companies for being profitable is counterproductive and kills the hopes of generating new jobs that pay a decent wage. Taxes of any stripe are the antithesis of a healthy economy. Returning the federal government to it’s constitutional sources of income would be a great start to economic recovery.

#3 Stronger Military Is Essential.

This is a subject that is dear to my heart. I may seem to be digressing from the core premise here, but I will do so in any event.

Yes, a strong, technologically superior military is vitally necessary to our survival as a nation. It is only by demonstrating that we have the power and will to protect ourselves that we provide for our way of life and that of our children. We must be ever vigilant and prepared to take forceful action against those who would cause us harm. Investment in the people and equipment is imperative to secure our peace.

Having said that, I would caution against the misuse of the military power we underwrite as citizens. The decades following World War II found the government to be abandoning the self defense aspect of a strong military and moving toward a “projection of political will” instead. Thus, in Korea, Viet Nam, and other theaters of conflict, we were frequently found to be wasting young American lives on the alter of political expediency or worse, some politicians ego. We now find ourselves in the role of policemen to the world. We perform “nation building” and ”export democracy”, all by way of military force. This is WRONG! When discussing the need for a standing army, the founders were concerned about the role the military would play. They envisioned it as the protector of the land and people of the new nation. While it was true that early on we projected military power abroad, it was done to protect American citizens and property against those who would attack us first. The Barbary Pirates were one example. The Navy and Marines were dispatched to deal with the problem and did so with efficiency and alacrity. Then they came back home. We have no business expending the lives of our military men and women to satiate the ego of our commander in chief, or to benefit the special interests that permeate the halls of government. The military should be for the defense of the nation … period. Unless there is a compelling national security interest, we should keep our noses out of other countries business. I adhere to the premise “friend to those who would be our friend, protector of our own.” Please understand, I AM NOT A PACIFIST! I do however believe with all my heart that the lives of our warriors are sacred and should be spent reluctantly and with solemn respect for their sacrifice, honor, and courage.

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