How come the tea party is not running its own candidate?
Its obvious that the GOP is running a bunch of RINOs so Barry will win and be in office when the double dip hits and therefore be the one with egg on his face when we are all eating cats.
Couldn't the Tea Party offer up an alternative.
Iven if that candidate did not win, the millions of votes would be a bargaining chip in the next presidential elections. I would show how big the conservative movement really is.
And how come somebody won't close the frigging borders?
Come on, drugs keep pouring in to get our kids hooked. Does no one have a soul?
Tea Party, do something. Resurect the Minute Men, do something. Anything.
I announced my candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States on September 7, 2011 on Facebook. I made this decision for many reasons, but there a few very important ones. Leadership is the most important. This is the most important quality that the citizens of this country demand of their President. Our President has displayed a continued lack of leadership, eloquent speeches, but no action. President Harry Truman said, “In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” Where are we now under President Obama? His lack of leadership and courage dates back to his days as an Illinois State Senator when he refused to take a stand and voted present 36 times.
As President I will take a stand on the issues and you will know my position and why I believe in those ideas. No eloquent speeches without substance, just action. I will lead us in the right direction, with everyone working together for the good of the nation.
I am the polar opposite of the President on the role of government. Government is not the answer to all of our problems. The federal government has grown too large and interferes in our daily lives. It needs to be vastly reduced and we must remember what our founding fathers wrote about the purpose of government.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
In the days to follow, I will detail how we must reduce the size of the federal government to conform to the principles of our Constitution. One example of promoting the general welfare means taking care of children, the elderly and the disabled; not telling us what type of light bulb we can use or how we choose to provide for our own health care.
I do not believe in an “entitlement” mentality in our society, but I do believe in a safety net for our citizens. People should be rewarded for hard work, not penalized by our government. I believe in capitalism, not socialism. The private sector creates jobs. Government should create an environment that allows the private sector to grow and create jobs. The only jobs created by government are those for essential services.
I believe in a fair and equitable tax system. We should not be scrambling every year to fill out tax forms. There should be no need for individuals and businesses to search for tax “loop holes.”
We will fight terrorism and defend our country. We will secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws. Our nation is a nation of immigrants. We are all proud of our heritage, but we are all Americans. We are a free nation. Free to practice our religion, but we are a Christian nation.
It is time for ordinary citizens to become involved in government. Every election cycle gives us career politicians who are out of touch with the day to day problems we face. I have had personal and financial struggles and have suffered being laid off, only to accept a job at half the salary I was accustomed to earning. What day to day struggles do the current candidates have in common with the working people of this country? I don’t think I personally know someone that can afford to attend a thirty-five thousand dollar fund raiser.
I pledge to do bring honor to the office of President of the United States. I pledge to