White House Set to Ignore Piers Morgan Petition

Obama administration failed to respond to dozens of secession petitions

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
December 27, 2012


Given the fact that the Obama administration has failed to respond to dozens of petitions advocating states secede from the union, it seems almost inevitable that the White House will also ignore the petition to deport Piers Morgan for his rhetorical assault on the constitutional rights of American citizens.

The petition to deport Morgan for his call to disarm Americans in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, originated by Infowars, has garnered viral media attention and a total of over 80,000 signatures, well beyond the 25,000 threshold that mandates a White House response within 30 days.

However, a brief investigation into which petitions the Obama administration has actually responded to confirms that the White House merely cherry picks those it wishes to address and completely ignores others, violating its own rules.

For example, the petition for Texas to secede from the union reached the threshold to warrant a comment from the administration on November 12 but has still not been addressed 45 days later. Dozens of similar petitions from other states also passed the threshold but have been ignored, despite the total number of signatures for all states equaling well over a million.

In contrast, petitions calling on Obama to enact gun control measures in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre, only three of which totaled over 25,000 signatures, were addressed within days.

Other petitions that have received relatively few signatures, such as one calling to digitize federal records, have also been responded to despite getting nowhere near the 25,000 signature benchmark.

In October last year, the White House responded to a petition entitled, “Actually take these petitions seriously instead of just using them as an excuse to pretend you are listening,” with a post by ‘Special Assistant to the President’ Macon Phillips which asserted, “We’re listening. Seriously.”

However, the failure to respond to the overwhelmingly popular secession issue, while responding to others almost immediately, proves that the White House is merely abusing the ‘We The People’ process to bolster its own policy agenda while sidelining any issue that asks genuine questions of the Obama administration.

The administration is using delphi technique manipulation to hoodwink Americans into thinking they are an engaged part of the political discourse when in reality the whole petition process is a fraud because the White House only responds to what it wants to and ignores the questions that the majority of the American people want addressed.

The ‘We the People’ section of the White House website is billed as “your voice in our government,” and has been cited as another example of the government’s drive for “transparency,” yet it has been proven to be nothing more than just another public relations mouthpiece for the Obama administration to promote its own pre-planned political agenda.

Despite the likelihood that the White House will ignore the petition, it is still important because significant media coverage of the controversy has drawn people’s attention to the fact that foreigners are now openly lecturing the American people about their own rights. The petition has also been a key exercise in using the first amendment to defend the second amendment and a reminder that Americans will not tolerate any attempt to eviscerate the right to keep and bear arms.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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  • M16ark58 -

    I think that the whole point of these petitions, all of them like deportation and secession, serve the purpose to discredit and overload. Granted some people see it as a waste of time, but doing these 'types' of things to the corrupt establishment is actually using their own tactics back at them.

    Dee posted two great articles on this today located at: http://teapartyorg.ning.com/forum/topic/show?id=4301673%3ATopic%3A1...

    Here comes the Alinskyite Right
      By:  Thomas Lifson   David Gregory and Piers Morgan have both met the Alinskyite Right, and progressives in positions of power should take note. Bo…
  • What made anyone think that they would take the online petitions seriously?  You register your e-mail with them and they got a lead to your front door. Just like the Concealed Carry License that most states now issue to people. You know the background checks, the personal references, and the monies paid to the local governments is a money maker. You are registered as a "gunowner", already through the Concealed Carry Licensing system. Also they probably have a database off of the NICS. At first Reno and Clinton got caught, since the progun community insisted that there would be no data base made of NICS, registering the honest freedomloving citizen. The 2nd Amendment/Constitution was ours to begin with, no license is required to be endowed by Rights Given to us by God Almighty.  Government officials are obsessed with power and control over us, they took our rights, or make us believe we don't have them, look at the volumes of their gun control laws that they imposed on us through the years. I believe with this current regime, Oblamea will force the Frankenstein/Fienstein gunban down our throats through the force of dictate, as he now believes he is a totalitarian dictator of the United States. Everything he is doing, no one is stopping Obama and his minions, looks like the Whitehouse and Washington DC has been commandeered by the Socialist/Dems. What other explanation is there? Back to this Piers Morgan Bullshit, I CANT STAND LISTENING TO THESE LIMEY MFRS TALK WITH THEIR FGGASSED SISSY VOICES! I hate em deport them all back to the brits, and send Obama back to his birthplace in Kenya!

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