I am a 67 year old grump living in Royse City Texas. I have had the good fortune to have grown up during a time of war. World War II was concluding and patriotism was at a climax. We fought a major war and ACTAULLY FOUGHT TO WIN!
Then came Korea and Viet Nam and the concept of wars for bragging rights and Presidential legacy. My Father served in WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. Praise God he returned healthy and whole. My family was one of the lucky ones. I served in the United States Air Force.
Patriotism faded into history and it became fashionable to spit on our warriors and badmouth the country and it's policies. This was the birth of the "ME" generation. Selfish and arrogant the followers couldn't find enough bad to say about America.
I was a lifelong Republican as well as republican. That has changed. I am an ex-county coordinator for the Constitution Party of Texas. I have lapsed into inactivity there as it was discouraging trying to drum up interest in the Constitution and other founding documents. My attempts at organizing fell on deaf ears for the most part and I tired of the effort. I am one of those dinosaurs that believe the Constitution means the exact same today it did when signed and ratified. It is not a "living" document to be bastardized according to whim or popular opinion. I believe that the nation was founded on God's "natural laws" and if it is to survive, it must return to those precepts.
I still write articles on occassion, but even that has slowed markedly. I am of the opinion that most "Americans" could care less what happens to them. I sincerely hope I am wrong. Perhaps this November and the aftermath will reinvigorate my combativeness. For now, I am tired. I observe and sometimes comment. I no longer preach or teach (yes I actually lectured on the Constitution and such). My wife and I will not pass by a member of the Armed Forces without thanking them for their service. It's the least we can do.
Perhaps, someday in the future, I will be called on to give up my blood and my life for the country. I fervently hope I am not found to be lacking in will or character when that time comes.