We politicized it. We said that it was up to the individual to decide and that it would neither be decided for or against in the court of public opinion. Churches state that life begins at conception and that anything that stops life afterwards is murder. Opponents state that life begins when they determine, whether it is implantation, a certain month, or even birth. There are even arguments made about a certain amount of time after birth. However, it was supposed to be left in the state of, "we can agree to disagree." The idea of too many was this; allow abortions, abortificients, and other such medications and procedures to be available but up to the individual to choose to utilize it or not, thus respecting the free right of all Americans.
Although personally against this as many Americans were against blatant murder of the unborn, respecting the rights of others to do as they wished tore on the consciences of many. They acquiesced to the demand of others to do as they pleased under the guise of the "rights of the individual". Once this was the status quo, those who believed that abortions and those medications and procedures that could cause abortions should be readily available and in fact enforced throughout medical facilities, doctors offices, and pharmacies, regardless of the personal beliefs of those who work in those locations moved one step forward again. Quoting the rights of the individual again, it was put forth that no one should be without something that they might need, whether the prohibiting factor be cost, availability, or the religious convictions of others.
It is beside the point that this country was not founded on an entitlement culture, but on an accountability culture, where one earns what they have, works for what they want, and their rights are not given to them because of who they are but because of of the principles they stand on and what they are willing to fight for if it came down to it. Demanding rights that are not given to them in the Constitution, the proponents of ObamaCare trample the rights of those whose rights are secured in the Constitution.
The court in a recent Fox News article not only had an opinion on when life begins, not at conception, but it going to impose that belief on the Hobby Lobby company to force them to go against personal conscience and religious belief stating that as Hobby Lobby is not a religious institution but a for-profit company, their beliefs have no business in the public forum.
Our forefathers wanted to ensure that the government would not establish a religion that we all had to follow but the government has already done so. It wants to be our religion. The government wants to be our provider of all. Our caretaker and our stay in times of need. Instead of the power of the individual working to make a name for themselves and and accomplishing all on their own, which has always been the American dream, the government wants to hand it all to us safely, in sweet comfort and keep us unsuspecting of what we lose as it shows us all we can gain.
Caring for us in illness, in hard economic times, when we need education, when we need some extra money, the government wants to be our answer to every need we might have. Ironically, these are all things the church used to do. They would take care of the sick and needy, the hungry and the widows, the fatherless and the forsaken. The best way to become our god is to push out the competition, which is what the government is working on- pushing out the church in the public sector and doing it under the guise of separation of church and state.
Note that those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. This has happened before in Communist countries. The state is the national religion and missionaries in those areas are severely persecuted. Scary that it is happening here, huh?
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