NewsMax - Texas Governor Rick Perry has accused President Barack Obama of "gambling with American lives" after a bullet believed to be from a gun battle in Mexico hit a building. "For the second time in two months, bullets from a gun battle in the escalating drug war in Juarez have struck a building in El Paso," Texas’ Governor Perry said. By comparison, the border issue is minor. There is a far greater issue on our minds now, due to Obama’s late stand that gambles all American lives.
A blogger on Blogit wrote: “Don't try to explain why you are here. If you do, you will be gone.” This blogger’s thought was brought to mind when I read on MSN news today, under “misidentification,” a fault of the keepers of the law. After a person identifies a criminal from a police lineup or a picture, one or two years later at trial the identifier is more certain he was right. “You get wedded to your own version.” Innocent people are convicted. In short order you lose your freedom. Think about this. If you look like some criminal, you can be locked up for life. The case is closed. It is good for prosecutors.
“You get wedded to your own version” and justice in mind, obviously, there are a lot of opinions of who we, the American people, are. We’ve never been more divided and little wonder. The Founding Fathers wrote a Constitution we, the American people, have never followed. Today’s problems began on day one. We’ve expediently interpreted the law since day one to suit the needs of the moment. Today, misidentification of who we are is the Sword of Damocles hanging over every American’s head. It is good for Obama. He will own you if you let him have his way.
United we stand; divided we fall. The astrologers’ zodiac tells them America was born under the sign of Aquarius. Astrologer’s Handbook tells us Aquarius stands for brotherhood. There are lots of brotherhoods in the world. One is the Islamic Brotherhood, which operates under Sharia law. Violators are stoned to death. Jesus said we are our brother’s keeper. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Sharia law or Jesus? It should not be a problem to decide, but it is. It comes under the heading of freedom of religion, a shrine to Sharia law on hallowed ground. In America, we believe we have souls. We value human life above religion, but Obama has a far different view. Marxist Obama refuses to comment on his idea. Beware! You are a short step from enslavement.
Marxism and Islam have this in common: neither gives any credit whatsoever to individual rights. If mainstream Marxism and Islam have their way, together they will rule the world. Thus, if you leave it to the authorities to decide your fate, if you try to explain why you are here, you will soon be gone. That’s for sure. Having said this, I have another question to the above mentioned blogger issue about explaining why you are here: Why would anyone in his right mind leave it to the authorities to decide his fate? If you value your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, why would you not stand up and be counted?
If we lived in a perfect universe, there would be no movement. Without movement, what you have is zilch, nothing, zero. You can’t zero out your soul; it is not a quantity. “Misidentification”—wedded to your own version? Excuse me! Your soul is defined as your immaterial essence, your animating principle, your actuating cause of life. You are here in a moving environment for your purpose, not authority’s purpose.
We fear movement, but change is certain to come. Should we move toward Marxism and Islam? According to the astrologer’s zodiac, we are leaving the Age of Pisces. We read that Pisceans have a terrible time in making up their minds of who they are. Yes, and while they are trying to make up their minds, we all lose every right we have. “The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities.” West Va. State Board of Education v. Barnette. Adding to “Leadership Void throughout Government,” Timothy L. Peyton’s blog, something esoteric that never enters most American minds, making up our minds is not a problem for we Aquarians. We know the law of all times. The U.S. Constitution is a good Aquarian fit. A groundswell is building in the form of the Tea Party. Obama’s proposed transformation is sinking. He can’t change the universe to his version. The Tea Party and Aquarians operate as one on one; they fit the mold Jesus left.
At last, on earth as it is in heaven, we are going to start following America’s fundamental law—no expediencies. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. It’s something to look forward to, and BTW, in case you didn’t know, the U.S. Constitution is backed by “Higher Law.”