“ Who Else Is Sleeping In Bed With Your Spouse ? “
“ Who Else Is Sleeping In Bed With Your Spouse ? “
This weeks article takes us to part 2 in a series of commentary and a discussion regarding the need to share and in helping all Americans understanding as well as fully implementing the return of our nation to common sense and Biblical principles. This particular article raises the following questions; Are you married or wish to be in the future ? Then, who else is or will be sleeping in bed with you and your spouse ? Interesting questions perhaps? If are interested thus far, then please read on and pay close attention to the information given in this article.
If you were like me up until some years ago, I was not fully aware of how truly ingrained the U.S Federal and State's governments were involved in our personal lives. I mean, I was aware that to some extent there was an increase or a creeping in of our Federal and State laws purposely forcing and enabling evil things such as abortion, homosexuality, and other areas like it in our personal lives, but to the degree of evidence and facts arising against our very own government in purposely subverting our God given, natural and Constitutional rights, I really was not that aware. Since that time however, I have found that there is no area of our lives that our nations leaders have not left untouched in violating Godly and Biblical precepts including that of the sanctity of marriage. As an increasing number of states pass laws such as allowing homosexual marriages and or unions, anyone with open spiritual eyes and that understands common sense can see that there is a furthering in our nation's moral decline and Biblical thinking and in turn, we have now lost our favor with God. Of course, most evil people do not recognize this, for wicked minded people care not what God thinks or even that they believe in the God of the Bible so why should they care right? Well, to answer my own question here; yes and no..... It is true most evil people care not about God or believe in God for that matter but the bottom line is they should care. Even a Roman Catholic like Rick Santorum(I'm not saying I endorse the man for President) has a very good understanding that violating Godly and Biblical precepts invites God's wrath and that means in the end, good as well as evil people will also sufferhttp://www.the33tv.com/news/la-pn-santorum-satan20120222,0,6346449.story . We should all come to an understanding that all people suffer at the hands of God for ignoring evil and refusing to apply practical precepts of Biblical good rather than the acceptance of evil. Every Christian's responsibility for removing all evil is a Biblically sound New Testament as well as an Old Testament idea. It seems the only “Christians” that may disagree and argue with me here about this idea are those of a(theologically wrong) American “feel good and itchy ear christian” belief system.
We who can clearly see where allowing such evil and anti-biblical acts such as allowing government sanctioned gay marriage or homosexuality to be propagated, endorsed or even encouraged in America(or anywhere for that matter) is quite dangerous for our nation's health. We true believers need to continue in raising our voices in warning our fellow American Citizens of the dangers of allowing such unnatural, perverted and anti-biblical acts such as homosexuality and “gay” marriage or even instituting government over God. There is something else we need to do to get our nation back on track, and that is to separate ourselves from this and other acts of evil in it's entirety. As our nations elected and non-elected officials in all three branches of government take actions that offends God and His people, Biblical action is required on our part in returning our nation back to God. What I mean by this specifically in regards to homosexuality and marriage as well as forced government evil mandates is that the “institution of marriage” needs to be returned back to the church as outlined in the Bible. The American and state's governments have placed itself as god in the institution of marriage and this is where the problem needs to be addressed. Get government out of the business of marriage and return marriage and other areas of our society back to the Bible believing churches and America will in part, begin to be restored.
To really understand the issue as well as the severity of unbiblical and immoral government involvement in our lives, we should understand that marriage as well as many other areas of government made regulations forced upon us takes root in contract law. American and state's government being full of lawyers, have taken upon themselves(many years ago) to make marriage part of government control and their contract law. This is why a person will “sue” for divorce in a government courts(The Bible teaches against this in 1Corinthians 6:1-11). Rejected by the American Government and courts even for Christians is 1Corinthians 6:4 which states “If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. “ No government should be allowed to interfere in a Christian's life or where the Bible clearly states for men or government not interfere, allowing homosexual marriages included. There is a built in financial incentive however for the government to be involved in every area of every American's life and family, Christian or not. In the USA, a couple cannot get legally married without signing a government contract for marriage. When you, I or anyone else signs a contract, of course we are legally bound to it. Perhaps you are, or were, like I had believed in the past that a marriage contract signed, was only between myself and our spouse(male and female), how wrong that belief is ! When anyone signs any government contract, whether a marriage “license”, tax return, driver's license, social security application, pet license, any government ID and so on, we are bound to the government and agree to them as part of that area of our life whether we want the government there or not. A government marriage contract in America today means that a government official figuratively lays in bed between you and your spouse. This also means 24 hours per day, seven days-per week, 365 days per year, there is a government official overseeing your marriage and ready to intervene in every aspect of your marriage and family life. There is no escaping forceful government intervention including on behalf of the anti-God homosexual agenda. The sad fact is, once you have signed that government marriage “license”, Family Courts, Child and Adult Protective Services, Domestic Violence Program workers, social workers, teachers, school officials, judges, police officers, lawyers and many other “agents” of Federal, State, County and Local Governments can invite themselves into your marriage and or family uninvited anytime they wish and tell you what is or is not acceptable behavior or what is a healthy belief system according to their man made ideas-again, whether you want them there or not !
Yes, it's time for marriages and families to be governed by the Biblical churches once again, as God says so. I believe as well that we need to institute Jesus Christ back in the marriage as the “third strand” as declared from Ecclesiastes 4:12 and take the government out. There is a real war of the heart and soul of all Americans. The US, States and other Government officials would like to convince you that evil is good, just ask “judge”Tonya Parker of Texas who would love for you to reject God and follow her evil belief system to accept gay marriages; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2105958/Openly-gay-Judge-refuses-marry-straight-couples-sex-couples-rights.html. The American Government never should have been allowed to been involved in Godly and Biblical mandates to begin with so taking government out of marriage in it's entirety will help our nation in being restored to Godly blessings. Rejecting the government from any and all marriage and rejecting all evil precepts such as homosexuality or “gay marriage” may take some hard work on our part such as instituting marriage certificates and holding our own records rather than the government doing so, but what ever is done, that in the end, I believe all the work to remove government and evil mandates from our lives is well worth the blood, sweat and tears we may shed in the process.
Don't be afraid, I have already had a death threat from the Batavia, NY police, had my children, house and property illegally confiscated by corrupted US and New York State government officials for my siding with Jesus and the Bible, but that does not dissuade me nor should any threats from evilists also deter you from doing what is right in the eyes of God as well.
Acts 5:29 “But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men “
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
You are correct, there is so much evil in our nation and so few who stand up to confront that evil.
I appreciate all positive feedback on my blog articles. Thanks for the comments.
Dr B Leland Baker, if you read the Christian Bible, you will indeed read that each individual is responsible for their salvation through Jesus Christ but every nation as well has a responsibility to elect and promote Biblical ideals if that nation ever wants to see and receive God' blessings. No nation on it's own can stand. Every man, every nation needs Jesus Christ of the Bible. History proves my point I believe.
van nolan price , we are all in great danger only in part because of the "lip service." It is that we ignore evil and allow it to grow without being checked is the issue.
Good point about "strayed" - that was not my intent.
Some may have strayed intentionally and with full knowledge and others may have strayed without devious intent, but the result is the same.
In addition, Ministers and Priests that advocate Socialism and Progressive agendas in my opinion have "strayed" from teaching free will (individualism) and have shifted to support of collectivism ... which is not a biblical principle.
Free will is implicit in tithing or donations for instance, versus the collectivists' forced redistribution of wealth as per our ever increasing federal taxation.
Dr. B.
The word "strayed" makes it sound unintentually.
I concur that US Government has strayed from Biblical principles ... and our politicians have not adhered to their oaths of office. In addition, many church leaders have fallen as well, by supporting a progressive government that is no longer centered on Christian values and/or Constitutional compliance.
I believe you are trying to say that most people are only giving lip service to God.