Thoughts on my mind today in my book of memoirs, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012:
The current economic situation cannot be compared with anything in the past. We’ve yet to face the reality of America’s never before national debt. It’s just too horrible to face. The debt is due to government entitlements. What would we do without our great humanitarians in Washington? What did we do without them? I was here before entitlements. Like everything else that doesn’t work, entitlements are here today and gone tomorrow.
Science, the law, and religion all have their fiefdoms. Two thousand years of weak wills and now in its death throes, the Age of Pisces is becoming history. We are leaving the age of confusion and fear of the unknown. The unknown is fast becoming the known, in more than one way.
The New York stock market is close to being recovered, while before our very eyes every security is blowing away. There is nothing to keep the stock market from a free fall. The weak willed will continue to look for the security of the nanny state until they see it all go up in smoke. Then they will wonder why they didn’t see it coming.
Four dollar a gallon gasoline and five dollar a loaf bread tells the story. Not long ago, gasoline was less than a dollar a gallon. Not long ago bread was less than a dollar a loaf. The big difference reduces the debt we owe. Here’s the way it works. By removing fuel and food from the basket of goods that determines inflation, inflation is kept to a low number, consequently interest paid on the debt at a low number. The government entitled don’t get cost of living increases to match actual inflation, and they earn a tiny interest on their savings. But entitlements are not cut. As debt increases, our standard of living goes down. We end in a street battle; you see it taking place. In the end, we get a socialist world, the individual with zero rights.
We continue to move toward colossal failure, the Middle-East going up in flames, Greece in anarchy. In America, most vulnerable of all is Florida’s economy, which depends on government entitlement money. Millions of cliff dwellers, government dependents from the north, bask in Florida’s sun. It is not a pretty picture.
Obama calls it democracy. He supports the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is working toward Islamic control of the world. Obama and the Brotherhood are on the same band wagon. What do they know about the workings of the universe? Look at an anthill and know what they know.
The President of the United States bows to Islam. He holds to the unapproachable “Most Great Name of God.” In his early life, this thought was in Obama’s religious training. I learned from a believer in Islam, Marcos Rodin, that the reprehensible idea of God being unapproachable is not universally accepted in Islam.
Originating among the Shia in Iran in the nineteenth century, the Baha’i, emphasizing the spiritual unity of mankind, had in their sacred scripture, “Enter ye the dawning place where mention of God is made. Blest art thou o’ house for God hath made thee a resting place for those He favoureth. Blest art thou o’ house for God hath made thee a home for those in whom He holdeth dear. Blest art thou o’ house for God hath made thee a home for those in whom He hath placed his trust.”
Islamic believer Rodin of San Ysidro, California, a few miles north of Tijuana, home of Motel 6, a pawn shop that cashes checks, drug running, and Rodin, a mathematician with his own theorem he called The Dandelion Puff Principle: Point Energy Creation Physics (I wondered what he was on) explaining all of nature in numbers.
Beginning with the life process—doubling—he gives us a code he calls third dimension doubling. Einstein proved, mathematically, with numbers, that everything reduces to vibrations. Rodin shows that vibrations reduce to numbers. And unlike Einstein, who could not bring himself to face it, the numbers he used included human creation, therefore God. Rodin is far ahead of his time. The unapproachable Most Great Name of God is explained in numbers.
All numbers are reducible to the numbers one through nine. Zero is not considered a number. Called discrete numbers, for example the number 16, 1+6=7, Rodin’s doubling code- 1=1, 2=2, 4=4, 8=8, 16=7, 32=5, 64=1, 128=2, 256=4, 512=8, thus the code, 1248751 to infinity, which leaves out 3, 6, and 9. Rodin graphically illustrates his code, including all the numbers, which he identifies as nature’s harmonics. He points out that middle C on a keyboard vibrates 256 times a second, the next C up vibrates 512 times per second.
Just the other day on the History Channel, I was informed that anywhere you go in the universe, the information is the same. I knew this 25 years ago from Rodin. Rodin’s number patterns show this. Rodin illustrates the flow of forces with numbers. Rodin’s Inestimable Sunflower Hologram is a logarithmic drawing showing how the universe works.
The news from the mainstream press supports a leftist political agenda. People like Rodin are in San Ysidro—out of sight, out of mind. I found him. Birds of a feather flock together. The mainstream press, Obama and the Brotherhood, Rodin and me, the energy is building for a great change, who is going to win the battle? Can the mainstream press, Obama and the Brotherhood, change the universe? Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Rodin, a believer in Islam, believes in the spiritual unity of mankind, and illustrates it with numbers patterns. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.