It just hit me.  I'm wondering why the Republicans have done nothing over this President's and administration's unconstitutional actions.  Then it hit me.  No one has the strength or stamina to stand up for what's right, good and just - and for what our country is about, as outlined by our Founding Fathers.  

Then it hit me again - Only Newt Gingrich has stood against the Washington machine and won.  Only Newt brought the Republicans to a House majority in over 40 years.  Only Newt balanced the budget.  Are we really questioning who the best candidate is?  Clearly, it's Newt Gingrich.   

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  • Unfortinitly Newt oe4s not hqave enough of a national following to beat Obumble.e has accomplished more-legislativly than all the others combined and one person cannot acomplish much legislativly, me have to  remake the congress  and stick it with patriots, not political "put it to everubody else but not us" executive pupits.

    Newt should have a place in the next administration, his political expertise can be of enormous value to bringing our nation back to being the greatest nation on earth and everyware else.

    Mitt Romney would need Newt like he needs hgis arms and legs. I am beginning te see Romney as the candidate who would be the mnost mallable to be able to work with an HONEST congress to get great things done.  

  • Sorry to disagree, but Santorum can excite the base. Newt doesn't have baggage he has freight. He lost me when he admitted taking money to be the Historian for freddy mac. He didn't go in and read books to them, he was a lobbyist. That was not illegal, so why lie? Everyone wants to see Newt debate OStalin but don't understand that his highness will never agree to more than 1-2 debates and the media will control the questions. Not excited to hear what Barrys favorite flavor of snow cones he prefers. The 48% who vote for Barry will not even watch he debate, they will wait for their political analysis fron the comedy channel. With respect Newt is killing Santorum's chances by staying in the race. With Newts totals which were small except Georgia, santorum could have won 7 states. Mittens cannot win the general, he is a McCain without war hero status. He can't debate healthcare, abortion, and when Obama finishes with that smear he will introduce him to Bain and use the Rich vs Poor class warfare angle. Sorry to disagree but Newt is polling so poorly outside Georgia he needs to quit now and go back to reading history books at Freddie Mac. With respect.

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