Icon, Milestone Comics character.
*The above comic book character is an alien who landed in slave era America and is a devotee of legendary Black conservative Booker T Washington. The series addressed what it means to be a Black conservative in modern times.
Icon is a particularly timely back drop for this post's topic:              
who says I can't be a Black conservative real life superhero? 
American Blacks who think for ourselves make some White folks nervous. Ones like me seem to give some of them hives!
I'm a real life superhero ( RLSH ) activist who openly promotes conservatism and other American traditionalist solutions to crime and poverty RLSH combat.
The RLSH community is known for its charity and open-mindedness. My being Black was never an issue within this  creative activist group.
After I let it be known I was conservative and promoting this as a RLSH approach to crime and poverty is when some famously open minds closed a bit.
Most haven't changed their interaction but some have distanced themselves while others have became estranged.
One, a Gay, pro-abortion activist named Zimmer Barnes, tried to smear my activism as "criminal" and even "racist" because I didn't share his anti-family radicalism.
Another motive was my membership in a creative activist group he co-founded but was expelled from. I quit the group after it became clear my conservatism offended its more extreme left members.
Zimmer's failed smear campaign joins those of other self-appointed anti-Black conservative crusades. This form of racism meets silence from the liberal mainstream, including the NAACP, in which I'm a life member.   
Google the hate toward US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Congressman Allen West and activist Deneen Borelli.
While not a conservative, a classic recent example is the pornographic frenzy actress Stacey Dash experienced for endorsing Mitt Romney. 
Ninety-nine percent of real life superhero activists are above such prejudice or at least disguise it well. 
RLSH tend to be, as a group, liberal. This fact doesn't stop them from assisting police and self-funding outreach. These two facts alone should quiet conservative skeptics quickly  dismissing them as another group of anti-social progressives.
This majority liberal community has a healthy tradition of self-help and can offer conservatives significant insight.
Conservatives, conventional,and otherwise, welcome American Blacks who are patriots with open arms. We share the recognition that Black America is in the grip of super villains far worse that what Marvel or DC comic offers.
The values heroes I discuss and share are all colors. Americanism is a system not confined to any one ethnicity. 
Obviously as a real life superhero activist I'm not super powered. I am powered by America's super principles, available to all!
Much of what RLSH do is apolitical: stopping fights; giving out food; offering inspiration to the depressed or ill. Many wish to keep it apolitical to avoid partisan ugliness seen elsewhere.
RLSH and related creative activists are involved in the Hurricane Sandy relief effort. That's the kind of people they are- always willing to help!
Neutrality in this politically charged era is a noble sentiment. I still consider it limiting, but well intended. 
Last year, I stopped two assaults on children; two adult suicide attempts and one shooting. I also secured various protest marches; gave food to the homeless ( including my annual Birthday Food Give Away ) and promoted  numerous Republican causes.
As a creative patriot, there is no limit to my activism. A political philosophy I and other conservatives consider destructive has to be opposed in the inner city and throughout America.
Ignoring this means ignoring a major driver in why there's so much fatherlessness; crime and bad choices in communities like mine.   
While some have unsuccessfully hinted I shouldn't, my " Cap Black, The Hood Conservative " role is my creative patriotic contribution.
Who says I can't be a Black conservative and a real life superhero activist? 
My daily answer is " Yes! "
Photo: Always wanted to shot this brother in #BlackandWhite #washingtondc #DepartmentOfEducation #JourneyForJusticeRalley <a href=
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative. asks:
" Why Can't I Be A Black Conservative Real Life Superhero? "
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