Ohio Govenor calls a police officer a "IDIOT" after being stopped for a traffic violation. Govenors through out the U.S. are turning this country into a dictatorship. Legislative Republican puppets are leading the way. Now whos the Idiots? Senate Bill 5 is pretty hard to swollow since no dialog seems to be allowed . Has the soup nazis's sat down with anyone to see if they would give concessions to help figure this "crises " out? The govenors attitude is to push and shove and call out the National Guard to solve their problems.
sorry i'm afraid i did work for years and was and still i'm a member of afl-cio iue , for years the unions were great, but with trumka we ended up give back more than got. when i left i was making 18.00 an hour ,the last contract trumka agreed with the company that all new hire-in the most they would ever make topping out at 12.00 an hr. he gave that back for a closed shop and the only thing that done was push us olders ones out.
the governers should do exactly what Reagan did with the air traffic controllers fire every damn of them bust the union and rehire if they want a job , that would solve the pension to