It boils done to this: the good of the individual or the good of all. For the good of all, Dane County Judge Maryanne Sumi, the Judge that ruled against Governor Walker and lost, sent a Christian minister to prison for two years for conspiracy to promote child abuse, for recommending spanking young children.
Why do I keep writing about the good of all over the good of the individual?
What was on the minds of the 55 delegates that met in Philadelphia to deliberate the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution that Sumi has sworn to protect and defend?
These representatives of our nation had declared America’s independence from England, generally, on the idea that all men are created equal and possess certain rights, those including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But they decided not to consider a Bill of Rights. They decided to limit the debate to states rights. When the Constitution was presented, the American people demanded that the principles of Magna Charta be included in a Bill of Rights. The Constitution, as presented, could not be ratified by the states.
Unfortunately, “the people” was limited to people with property, which included black slaves. That flaw in the law of the land has been corrected, not by the makers and keepers of the law, but by the American people.
Article I, section 8 of the Constitution, known as the General Welfare Clause, spells out all that Congress has the power to do. If you read all that Congress is permitted to do, you will not read that Congress, by any stretch of the imagination, is allowed to tax anyone out of a basic existence. The Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights gives the individual the right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. But the Declaratory Judgment Act allows that if the case has already been heard, it will not be heard again.
The case I brought to America’s courts was that of the IRS taxing me out of existence. The courts used the Declaratory Judgment Act to dismiss me. I was before the Supreme Court. The Attorney General’s lawyer told the Court that the IRS made a “regrettable mistake,” but that it had been corrected. This is true. What was left out was that the IRS made the same mistake again. If the Court had read my case, it would have known. The Court either did not read my case or it ignored the facts. That matter was heard by a district court. After telling the Supreme Court a bald faced lie, the Attorney General admitted to the district court that the IRS had “wrongfully” taken my property. He agreed to refund it. After refunding my property, the IRS went to my bank and demanded every cent in my bank account; that is, my rent and grocery money. The district court refused to reopen the case. It took the court record to The Palm Beach Post. The Post investigated. The IRS could not come up with an excuse. The Post printed a front page story on my eleven year battle with the United States. The IRS, by “mistake,” put me on the street.
Since you never comment on my posts, I assume that you don't get it. Your government permits itself to make limitless mistakes. But if you make one mistake, you go to jail. Those we place in authority have the penchant to say don’t do as I do, do as I say.
In my case, there was not one peep from anyone, and there isn’t now. Long ago, your representatives trashed your Constitution. Best that you do as you are told. You might find yourself in jail.
Because it seems to me that so few people actually think about the very foundations of a free society and simply "REACT" and vote for those issues that emotionally and economically get their attention .
Conservatives tend to be either interested in the social issues [Evangelicals ] or Economic issues but seldom think of the total picture.
Supporting economic freedom but seeking to restrict social freedom or the reverse.
To the Evangelicals I say this ! I want the same society you want however I am not willing to give government the power to enforce all the rules you would seek to enforce.
So what am I suggesting
We all will be judged individually and you and not drag some one into God's kingdom kicking and screaming [God will not permit us to force salvation on anyone]
Want to stop Abortion then do not have one and evangelize your community to join your church and love them. then they won't have an abortion either. Abortion is a financial issue too. Not enough business and the abortion providers find other medical professions.
As for Gay marriage Get government out of the marriage license business, Why does government even get involved ? The TAX CODE ! so end taxes on labor and get government out of the social engineering business [end of issue]
What gives you the right to say what recreational substances we each use, and as for paying for the so called clean up. Let the one who takes the risk also pay the clean up.
The fact that drugs are so controlled has an impact and causes a lot of criminal activity just like in the 1920s when organized crime got rich making or importing booze.
Legislation morality has never worked well, and always has some unintended results !
Freedom requires responsibility, the fact that you ask such questions brings into question your trust of your neighbor ? and why should we trust you ? your questions suggest you are an Authoritarian type.
James, thanks for the incite but I think we agree on the same things. My original question was about you elaborating more on your perspective difference of the two topics, Libertarian & Conservative. And to answer your question, Yes I know what freedom is, I live it every day. We may be separated by our life experiences but we both want the same thing. Keep up the good fight James, I still respect your experience that you share with all of us. I do consider you a friend.
I appreciate the views expressed here on freedom. Now I'll add my two cents.
Knowing that power corrupts, America’s Founding Fathers wrote a Constitution that balanced the three branches of the federal government in power and gave the states and people the power to control the federal government. “Social Security tax, the Medicare tax, corporate income taxes, the death tax, the self employment tax, the alternative minimum tax, the gift tax, capital gains tax, tax audits, and some major headaches every April 15” caused syndicated talk show host Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder to write The Fair Tax Book.
In their book, we read that a senior IRS official said to Congressman Linder, “I sincerely hope you succeed in your effort to repeal the tax on income and move to a sales tax. The situation is much worse than you can imagine. The IRS is out of control and needs to be abolished.”
I personally know how bad the situation is. I know that Congress knows. The Fair Tax Book was published in 2005. Since its printing, the situation has grown consistently worse. Not only do we remain with outrageous taxation and collection practices in America, but now government spending is totally out of control. And why? Senator Harry Reid, recently told the Los Angeles Times that he could not see any reason to pass a budget. It doesn’t take a genius to know why he said that. To put a lid on spending would mean his power would be done for. He would not be able to promise the moon to his constituents.
Power corrupts because the American people believe you can turn a frog into Prince Charming. In my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012: An Explanation for the underlying Mechanism of Creation, due to be published this June, a detailed accounting of what unrestricted power has done to America, my book is an actual personal experience. I’ve been guided by voices of the past in the writing of my book, and just in time to see America’s tinsel town begin to be blown away, hopefully with some good advise on how to weather the storm.
In 1975, my wife was divorcing me. My business enterprise was on the rocks. The IRS was after me for self employment tax I did not owe. The self employed are not entitled to food stamps or unemployment compensation. They are not the type to vote for Harry Reid.
Thanks to Reid and the Democrats, as well as me-to Republicans, federal income tax has turned into the biggest fraud in history. In 1975, I incurred a loss in my business enterprise. The capital gains tax caused me to owe a lot of tax on non-existent gain. It wasn’t a tax on income. I had no income. With this in mind, I claimed that federal income tax was unconstitutional. I sent a letter to the Attorney General of the United States.
My capital gains tax was not gain. Government caused inflation wiped out my gain. My self employment tax paid for food stamps and unemployment compensation for unemployed workers, for which I was not entitled. Inflation didn’t affect the government entitled. They received cost of living increases. Harry Reid does not want anything to change. Like so many of those now in control of American lives, Reid is an authoritarian.
I was entitled to a tax refund on my business loss. Eleven years after they made a “mistake,” the IRS admitted they made the mistake. In the meanwhile, my case had been before three district courts, the court of appeals and the supreme court. If government calls it a “regrettable mistake” it is not confiscation of property. Government is entitled to make as many “mistakes” as it likes. You don’t know this, but the makers and keepers of the law know it. It isn’t only in taxes but in anything government does, if government calls it a “mistake” nothing is done to prevent it from happening again and again. But if you or I make a mistake, ignorance of the law is no excuse. This isn’t the way the law works. Under authoritarian control, it's the way the legal institution works—if the people allow it. The form of the law also must have within it substance. There is little if any substance left in the legal code of the United States. Our enemies know this, and are using it against us. They know America’s leadership is authoritarian and morally weak.
America’s authoritarian leadership goes strictly on external factors. My former wife, affected by the leadership of America, had sent our joint return in with only my signature on it, with no payment. She had control of our bank account during divorce proceedings. She made out a separate return and paid half of the tax owed. The IRS made the joint return, with only my signature, my separate return and charged me the full tax. The IRS made a deliberate mistake. Having done this, the IRS offered to send me the remainder of my tax refund for business losses, if I would agree to drop my petition to the tax court, thereby allowing the IRS to collect a tax it knew was double what I owed, plus penalty and interest.
To the American people, I was a “tax protester.” The IRS gave the press misleading information. The press did not follow up. The American people are not only being duped by government but by the press.
In the spring of 1975, as far as anyone who knew me thought, gone nutty as a fruit cake, I cut from the herd. I left my North Texas home and headed for Miami, Florida, coincidentally, on Good Friday. I arrived in Miami on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. My ex-wife told everyone I deserted my responsibilities for a life at sea.
The day after arriving in Miami, I was employed. It took only three phone calls. We were in the middle of a recession. My job, part of the time working on a boat yard’s fuel dock, part of the time security guard, a month after arriving in Miami, I had worked the night shift. At 12:30 a.m., my key would not unlock my one-room apartment door. The lock had been changed. I had not paid my rent.
Down the street a few blocks was a mile long food stamp line, which I passed every day on my way to work. These were mostly snowbirds for the north basking in Florida’s sun, living on their unemployment pay and food stamps. Jobs were available; that is, jobs that did not provide a living after taxes. So why work?
Having informed you of this, government goons, were after me for tax I didn’t owe. My tax refund had been frozen. My after tax take home pay was not enough to pay my rent. In the middle of the night, there I stood, homeless, and as far as anyone knew, deserving it.
I was on the street less than one hour. I called the police on a payphone. My landlord had not followed the legal procedure for locking a tenant out. Two days later, my lawyer called me, stating that my wife had been successful in getting the divorce court to repudiate our property settlement agreement. I’d have to return to Texas and be present at the trial, with everyone who knew me thinking I was a bum.
The court awarded me expenses out of the money my then wife had in her control, while I waited for the trial. Since it was agreed that my wife would receive custody of our five year-old boy, I had agreed to give her the lion’s share of our property.
At the trial, my wife had her peanut gallery there to observe justice being served. In that she had the court repudiate the agreement we made, on the ground that I coerced her, the Texas Homestead Act provided that since I owned the land prior to our marriage, the land and all the improvements went to me. My ex-wife was given 30 days to move out of my home and off of my land. She was awarded the furniture. The judge told her he was being overly generous.
My astrologer called it “a part of fortune.” People who do things behind my back end paying dearly. It was my plan to buy a boat and go to sea for a couple of years. Although it was she who was divorcing me, my wife didn’t like that idea.
It was in my best interest, and my son’s best interest, that I leave him in his home. I offered to go back to the agreement we made, with this exception, instead of receiving unimproved land for my part of the agreement, my wife would receive all of the land and improvements if she got a loan on the property and paid me in cash for my part. What else could she do? Justice was served. On Christmas Eve 1975, I set sail on my sloop Bold Venture on the South Atlantic Ocean. During the two years I spent at sea, miracles occurred, and continued after I left my life at sea. It’s all in my book.
The IRS hung itself with its own rope. The truth is stranger than fiction. Now in the twilight of life, not many can say what I say. All of my dreams have come true. It seems to fit what Jesus said in the Gospels. He called officialdom in his day hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Read my book and tell me I’m crazy.
What you refer to is not freedom it is dropping out of society.
You are right freedom is not free it carries great risk with it, that risk is being responsible for your own health and wealth and next meal.
It does not expect society to provide a safety net you catch your lazy or stupid ass when you don't want to work or abuse your body and can't work because of self inflicted illness or injury.
It does not object when you want to take a risk like swimming in the local lake [might die doing it] so we will protect you from yourself.
James, With all due respect, I am happy for you. Do you write these post's to gain attention to your cause? I know we all want as much freedom as possible. Just don't forget, freedom is not free. If you want real freedom, you can look under any bridge in any metropolitan area. Cardboard cities are popping up everywhere. I respect your freedom of speech but think you should elaborate a great deal more on your perspective difference of the two topics. P.S. did you read my last post to you about your computer issue?
It boils done to this: the good of the individual or the good of all. For the good of all, Dane County Judge Maryanne Sumi, the Judge that ruled against Governor Walker and lost, sent a Christian minister to prison for two years for conspiracy to promote child abuse, for recommending spanking young children.
Why do I keep writing about the good of all over the good of the individual?
What was on the minds of the 55 delegates that met in Philadelphia to deliberate the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution that Sumi has sworn to protect and defend?
These representatives of our nation had declared America’s independence from England, generally, on the idea that all men are created equal and possess certain rights, those including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But they decided not to consider a Bill of Rights. They decided to limit the debate to states rights. When the Constitution was presented, the American people demanded that the principles of Magna Charta be included in a Bill of Rights. The Constitution, as presented, could not be ratified by the states.
Unfortunately, “the people” was limited to people with property, which included black slaves. That flaw in the law of the land has been corrected, not by the makers and keepers of the law, but by the American people.
Article I, section 8 of the Constitution, known as the General Welfare Clause, spells out all that Congress has the power to do. If you read all that Congress is permitted to do, you will not read that Congress, by any stretch of the imagination, is allowed to tax anyone out of a basic existence. The Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights gives the individual the right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. But the Declaratory Judgment Act allows that if the case has already been heard, it will not be heard again.
The case I brought to America’s courts was that of the IRS taxing me out of existence. The courts used the Declaratory Judgment Act to dismiss me. I was before the Supreme Court. The Attorney General’s lawyer told the Court that the IRS made a “regrettable mistake,” but that it had been corrected. This is true. What was left out was that the IRS made the same mistake again. If the Court had read my case, it would have known. The Court either did not read my case or it ignored the facts. That matter was heard by a district court. After telling the Supreme Court a bald faced lie, the Attorney General admitted to the district court that the IRS had “wrongfully” taken my property. He agreed to refund it. After refunding my property, the IRS went to my bank and demanded every cent in my bank account; that is, my rent and grocery money. The district court refused to reopen the case. It took the court record to The Palm Beach Post. The Post investigated. The IRS could not come up with an excuse. The Post printed a front page story on my eleven year battle with the United States. The IRS, by “mistake,” put me on the street.
Since you never comment on my posts, I assume that you don't get it. Your government permits itself to make limitless mistakes. But if you make one mistake, you go to jail. Those we place in authority have the penchant to say don’t do as I do, do as I say.
In my case, there was not one peep from anyone, and there isn’t now. Long ago, your representatives trashed your Constitution. Best that you do as you are told. You might find yourself in jail.
Why do I keep writing comments like this?
Because it seems to me that so few people actually think about the very foundations of a free society and simply "REACT" and vote for those issues that emotionally and economically get their attention .
Conservatives tend to be either interested in the social issues [Evangelicals ] or Economic issues but seldom think of the total picture.
Supporting economic freedom but seeking to restrict social freedom or the reverse.
To the Evangelicals I say this ! I want the same society you want however I am not willing to give government the power to enforce all the rules you would seek to enforce.
So what am I suggesting
We all will be judged individually and you and not drag some one into God's kingdom kicking and screaming [God will not permit us to force salvation on anyone]
Want to stop Abortion then do not have one and evangelize your community to join your church and love them. then they won't have an abortion either. Abortion is a financial issue too. Not enough business and the abortion providers find other medical professions.
As for Gay marriage Get government out of the marriage license business, Why does government even get involved ? The TAX CODE ! so end taxes on labor and get government out of the social engineering business [end of issue]
All those social issues would go away.
Chas Kenny : Drug .....
What gives you the right to say what recreational substances we each use, and as for paying for the so called clean up. Let the one who takes the risk also pay the clean up.
The fact that drugs are so controlled has an impact and causes a lot of criminal activity just like in the 1920s when organized crime got rich making or importing booze.
Legislation morality has never worked well, and always has some unintended results !
Freedom requires responsibility, the fact that you ask such questions brings into question your trust of your neighbor ? and why should we trust you ? your questions suggest you are an Authoritarian type.
James, thanks for the incite but I think we agree on the same things. My original question was about you elaborating more on your perspective difference of the two topics, Libertarian & Conservative. And to answer your question, Yes I know what freedom is, I live it every day. We may be separated by our life experiences but we both want the same thing. Keep up the good fight James, I still respect your experience that you share with all of us. I do consider you a friend.
I appreciate the views expressed here on freedom. Now I'll add my two cents.
Knowing that power corrupts, America’s Founding Fathers wrote a Constitution that balanced the three branches of the federal government in power and gave the states and people the power to control the federal government. “Social Security tax, the Medicare tax, corporate income taxes, the death tax, the self employment tax, the alternative minimum tax, the gift tax, capital gains tax, tax audits, and some major headaches every April 15” caused syndicated talk show host Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder to write The Fair Tax Book.
In their book, we read that a senior IRS official said to Congressman Linder, “I sincerely hope you succeed in your effort to repeal the tax on income and move to a sales tax. The situation is much worse than you can imagine. The IRS is out of control and needs to be abolished.”
I personally know how bad the situation is. I know that Congress knows. The Fair Tax Book was published in 2005. Since its printing, the situation has grown consistently worse. Not only do we remain with outrageous taxation and collection practices in America, but now government spending is totally out of control. And why? Senator Harry Reid, recently told the Los Angeles Times that he could not see any reason to pass a budget. It doesn’t take a genius to know why he said that. To put a lid on spending would mean his power would be done for. He would not be able to promise the moon to his constituents.
Power corrupts because the American people believe you can turn a frog into Prince Charming. In my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012: An Explanation for the underlying Mechanism of Creation, due to be published this June, a detailed accounting of what unrestricted power has done to America, my book is an actual personal experience. I’ve been guided by voices of the past in the writing of my book, and just in time to see America’s tinsel town begin to be blown away, hopefully with some good advise on how to weather the storm.
In 1975, my wife was divorcing me. My business enterprise was on the rocks. The IRS was after me for self employment tax I did not owe. The self employed are not entitled to food stamps or unemployment compensation. They are not the type to vote for Harry Reid.
Thanks to Reid and the Democrats, as well as me-to Republicans, federal income tax has turned into the biggest fraud in history. In 1975, I incurred a loss in my business enterprise. The capital gains tax caused me to owe a lot of tax on non-existent gain. It wasn’t a tax on income. I had no income. With this in mind, I claimed that federal income tax was unconstitutional. I sent a letter to the Attorney General of the United States.
My capital gains tax was not gain. Government caused inflation wiped out my gain. My self employment tax paid for food stamps and unemployment compensation for unemployed workers, for which I was not entitled. Inflation didn’t affect the government entitled. They received cost of living increases. Harry Reid does not want anything to change. Like so many of those now in control of American lives, Reid is an authoritarian.
I was entitled to a tax refund on my business loss. Eleven years after they made a “mistake,” the IRS admitted they made the mistake. In the meanwhile, my case had been before three district courts, the court of appeals and the supreme court. If government calls it a “regrettable mistake” it is not confiscation of property. Government is entitled to make as many “mistakes” as it likes. You don’t know this, but the makers and keepers of the law know it. It isn’t only in taxes but in anything government does, if government calls it a “mistake” nothing is done to prevent it from happening again and again. But if you or I make a mistake, ignorance of the law is no excuse. This isn’t the way the law works. Under authoritarian control, it's the way the legal institution works—if the people allow it. The form of the law also must have within it substance. There is little if any substance left in the legal code of the United States. Our enemies know this, and are using it against us. They know America’s leadership is authoritarian and morally weak.
America’s authoritarian leadership goes strictly on external factors. My former wife, affected by the leadership of America, had sent our joint return in with only my signature on it, with no payment. She had control of our bank account during divorce proceedings. She made out a separate return and paid half of the tax owed. The IRS made the joint return, with only my signature, my separate return and charged me the full tax. The IRS made a deliberate mistake. Having done this, the IRS offered to send me the remainder of my tax refund for business losses, if I would agree to drop my petition to the tax court, thereby allowing the IRS to collect a tax it knew was double what I owed, plus penalty and interest.
To the American people, I was a “tax protester.” The IRS gave the press misleading information. The press did not follow up. The American people are not only being duped by government but by the press.
In the spring of 1975, as far as anyone who knew me thought, gone nutty as a fruit cake, I cut from the herd. I left my North Texas home and headed for Miami, Florida, coincidentally, on Good Friday. I arrived in Miami on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. My ex-wife told everyone I deserted my responsibilities for a life at sea.
The day after arriving in Miami, I was employed. It took only three phone calls. We were in the middle of a recession. My job, part of the time working on a boat yard’s fuel dock, part of the time security guard, a month after arriving in Miami, I had worked the night shift. At 12:30 a.m., my key would not unlock my one-room apartment door. The lock had been changed. I had not paid my rent.
Down the street a few blocks was a mile long food stamp line, which I passed every day on my way to work. These were mostly snowbirds for the north basking in Florida’s sun, living on their unemployment pay and food stamps. Jobs were available; that is, jobs that did not provide a living after taxes. So why work?
Having informed you of this, government goons, were after me for tax I didn’t owe. My tax refund had been frozen. My after tax take home pay was not enough to pay my rent. In the middle of the night, there I stood, homeless, and as far as anyone knew, deserving it.
I was on the street less than one hour. I called the police on a payphone. My landlord had not followed the legal procedure for locking a tenant out. Two days later, my lawyer called me, stating that my wife had been successful in getting the divorce court to repudiate our property settlement agreement. I’d have to return to Texas and be present at the trial, with everyone who knew me thinking I was a bum.
The court awarded me expenses out of the money my then wife had in her control, while I waited for the trial. Since it was agreed that my wife would receive custody of our five year-old boy, I had agreed to give her the lion’s share of our property.
At the trial, my wife had her peanut gallery there to observe justice being served. In that she had the court repudiate the agreement we made, on the ground that I coerced her, the Texas Homestead Act provided that since I owned the land prior to our marriage, the land and all the improvements went to me. My ex-wife was given 30 days to move out of my home and off of my land. She was awarded the furniture. The judge told her he was being overly generous.
My astrologer called it “a part of fortune.” People who do things behind my back end paying dearly. It was my plan to buy a boat and go to sea for a couple of years. Although it was she who was divorcing me, my wife didn’t like that idea.
It was in my best interest, and my son’s best interest, that I leave him in his home. I offered to go back to the agreement we made, with this exception, instead of receiving unimproved land for my part of the agreement, my wife would receive all of the land and improvements if she got a loan on the property and paid me in cash for my part. What else could she do? Justice was served. On Christmas Eve 1975, I set sail on my sloop Bold Venture on the South Atlantic Ocean. During the two years I spent at sea, miracles occurred, and continued after I left my life at sea. It’s all in my book.
The IRS hung itself with its own rope. The truth is stranger than fiction. Now in the twilight of life, not many can say what I say. All of my dreams have come true. It seems to fit what Jesus said in the Gospels. He called officialdom in his day hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Read my book and tell me I’m crazy.
What you refer to is not freedom it is dropping out of society.
You are right freedom is not free it carries great risk with it, that risk is being responsible for your own health and wealth and next meal.
It does not expect society to provide a safety net you catch your lazy or stupid ass when you don't want to work or abuse your body and can't work because of self inflicted illness or injury.
It does not object when you want to take a risk like swimming in the local lake [might die doing it] so we will protect you from yourself.
Are you sure you understand what true freedom is?
James, With all due respect, I am happy for you. Do you write these post's to gain attention to your cause? I know we all want as much freedom as possible. Just don't forget, freedom is not free. If you want real freedom, you can look under any bridge in any metropolitan area. Cardboard cities are popping up everywhere. I respect your freedom of speech but think you should elaborate a great deal more on your perspective difference of the two topics. P.S. did you read my last post to you about your computer issue?