Why I Joined the Tea Party

I am a Conservative and have observed conservative values under steady attack for most of my life. I believe that the Tea Party in its grass roots approach to addressing problems offers the best and probably the only realistic approach to putting our nation back on track.
I also believe that as a conservative citizen it is my responsibility to really listen to what all the candidates for public office have to say and not pay any attention to 10 second sound bites. I will vote for whoever lays out the best approach for putting our country back on track.
I will vote for a candidate based on his adherence to smaller Federal Government and following the constitution , lower taxes, repeal of Obama Care, creating a stable business environment by lowering corporate taxes (we have the highest in the world), reasonable environmental and regulatory laws, balancing the budget, promoting conventional energy sources such as coal and nuclear for domestic electricity production, moving away from subsidizing unworkable green energy such as windmills (the regular electrical infrastructure has to be in place with windmills and a power plant cannot just be put online immediately when the wind goes down). I believe that Climate Change Legislation is just a back door attempt at controlling the masses by the political elite and I am against such legislation such as Cap and Trade.
Douglas Falzerano Sr
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