Why are we spending our tax $ to protect Germany, Japan and the other hundred countries that have US military bases? Why is it that our military budget is greater than the combined budget of the next 10 largest countries on earth?
Just because we won WWII does not mean we have to protect everyone from everything because WE CANNOT AFFORD IT !!! Keeping the United States as protector for the world is not financially sustainable nor does it make sense. Keep in mind that we have given Egypt BILLIONS of dollars every year in financial aid for the past 20 years. What did we get? A revolution and guess what? Those who are going to be in charge will not like us anymore.
Let's bring all our troops home, put them on our borders, and let's protect the United States. We will save hundreds of billions of dollars per year and will be safer in the long run.
And for those of you who will mention 9/11, sure, we can bomb the crap out of scumbags who attack us. But we don't have to send an occupying army. Who the hell wants Afganistan anyway? I know I don't.