why would Donald Trump want to welcome people who desecrate the American flag?

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )

Fakhruddin Ahmed (below) whines about “Trump’s unwelcoming message to Muslims in America.”

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NJ.com Muslims immigrate to America not to change the American way of life but to embrace it (NOT! Muslims only move to the West to Islamize it, as they have done in every country in which they are the majority now…and even in countries where they are just 50% like Nigeria or only 11% like in Kenya).

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Muslims are attracted to America because of the way it is; they have no intention of changing or harming America. (Oh really? Muslims are instructed in the quran to lie to infidels on behalf of jihad. Do you need me to quote the passage, Ahmed, or can you find it yourself?)

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FYI: ALL the photos that follow come right from the streets of New York City in Midtown Manhattan. Notice the black flags of jihad and the people in yellow who represent the terror-linked Muslim Brotherhood.

Muslims know that if they had settled here first, modern America would probably look like the Middle East, and would not be a welcoming beacon of freedom and innovation. (Can’t argue with you there. But if not stopped in its tracks, Muslim immigration and overbreeding will make it look like the Middle East eventually. In many places, it already does as in Dearborn)

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Muslims are traversing the same path of hope trodden by millions of immigrants before them. If President Donald Trump understood these simple truths, perhaps his misgivings about Muslims would subside. (He knows why they are coming here which is why he distrusts them)

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As more Americans decouple from organized religion and embrace tribal and racial identities, some fear that Muslims will fill the religious void. They need not worry. 

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Muslim Americans (You insist on calling yourselves “Muslim Americans” which means you consider yourselves Muslims first and foremost. You never call yourselves just “Americans” even if you were born here) are following the same trend that has delivered other religious groups to the doorsteps of secularism. (No other religion but Islam indoctrinates its followers with conquering countries by spreading the religion using violence, if required, and other methods of forced conversion to Islam)

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Fear of Muslims overrunning America is exaggerated. According a 2015 Pew Research Center Poll, only 1% (3.3 million) of Americans are Muslim. (which is a huge increase from 2.6 million in 2010)

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New Jersey has the highest concentration of Muslims (3-4%), followed by New York and Arkansas (2-3%).  Twenty-four states’ Muslim population is less than 1%. (Not for long)

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It is hard to fathom President Trump’s rationale for repeatedly brandishing the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.” If it is to strike fear into the hearts of Muslim terrorists, it has failed. (Agreed. He shouldn’t call it “radical Islam,” Islam alone will suffice, no radical needed, when talking about terrorism)

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If it is to conflate Islam itself with terrorism and offend the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims who do not see a link between the two (then they are blind), it has generally succeeded, but to the detriment of America’s standing in the Islamic world.

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(Everyone with half a brain knows that Islam = terrorism, as confirmed in countless passages of the quran and hadiths, not to mention more than 30,000 deadly Islamic terror attacks around the world, just since 9/11. But nobody gives a hoot about America’s standing in the Muslim world. On the other hand, the Muslim world has virtually NO standing or respect in America.

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America had every right to be angry and would have been justified in temporarily banning Muslims from entering the U.S. in the aftermath of the horrendous 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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Instead, President George W. Bush demonstrated statesmanship and chose magnanimity over vindictiveness. President Bush visited a mosque six days after 9/11, called Islam “a religion of peace” that the 9/11 terrorists had hijacked, and set a tone for tolerance that lasted through his and President Barack Obama’s presidencies. (In retrospect, George W Bush should have been forced to resign for lying to America back then)

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Muslim nations should have reciprocated America’s goodwill, empathized with its anguish, and offered assistance in rooting out Muslim terrorism. Instead, most proffered plenty of lip service, little assistance, and took America’s generosity for granted. (Can’t disagree with you there).

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In a drastic departure from the decorum of  his predecessor, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” in the aftermath of the San Bernardino terrorist act by a Muslim couple in December 2015.

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As president, Trump has issued two executive orders banning immigration from certain Muslim-majority nations. In June, the Supreme Court partially upheld the second ban. (As is his duty and right according to the U.S. Constitution)

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President Trump’s Ramadan greeting this year was more of an indictment of Muslim terrorism and addressed not to “Muslim Americans” but to “Muslims who live in America.” (He must be reading BNI)

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Trump’s White House and State Department have discontinued the practice of hosting Ramadan dinners started 25 years ago during Bill Clinton’s presidency. President Trump’s message to Muslim Americans Muslims in America is blunt: You are not welcome in America. (Isn’t it nice to have a president who tells the truth for a change?)

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“Muslim Americans” (You need to start calling yourselves what you are – “Muslims in America”) were blindsided by the first travel ban and panicked. Would they be able to return if they went abroad? (Hopefully not) Will their families ever be allowed to visit them? (Hopefully not) The most gut-wrenching questions came from the children: “Will we have to leave America?” (From your mouth to God’s ears)

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Trump has demonstrated a penchant for tormenting Muslim Americans Muslims in America. Eschewing empathy, he stokes the anti-Muslim prejudice of his base. Trump’s actions may have caused irreparable harm to the psyche of some Muslim-American children Muslim children in America. He is also making life increasingly difficult for Muslim-American adults Muslim adults in America. (Then isn’t it good that you are free to leave whenever you want?)

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Muslim Americans Muslims in America are apprehensive and are unsure of what to do, how to act. They want to remain unobtrusive (Going back where you came from will solve that problem).

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When they see a Muslim on television, they worry he will say the wrong thing and get them into further trouble. (Don’t you mean saying what Muslims always say behind our backs?)

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Unlike Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Trump has not visited a mosque. (Hallelujah!)

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Because of Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, which cross-pollinates with that of hate groups, and the tone of intolerance it has set, anti-Muslim hate crimes have continued to spike through his presidency. (What Muslims call “hate crimes” are mostly name-calling and graffiti, much of which is self-imposed)

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Muslim women wearing the hijab, or headscarf, are harassed (That’s because they are demonstrating Muslim supremacy which is very un-American). 

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Muslim children are bullied in school. Mosque-building faces stiff resistance. Existing mosques are regularly vandalized and receive bomb threats. (Most of these turn out to be “hate hoaxes,” pimped to the media by  CAIR, but never solved, because they were done by Muslims themselves to get media attention and leftist sympathy)

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The guard rails that protect Muslim Americans are beginning to wobble. (Well then, it’s time to get out while the gettin’s good)

Muslim Call to Prayer in Midtown Manhattan at 5:15PM (one of 5 times per day)

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