Not only are Facts wrong but there is a political bias.

  • Pro Democrat

  • We work 40+ hours and they have an 8 Hour work week what is that all about?   

Read it in their own words:

Labor History

Wisconsin has long been a leader in labor rights. The Progressive Movement, which had its beginnings in our state, led to laws limiting child labor and safety in the workplace. Unions such as the AFL-CIO and Teamsters allow us to enjoy an eight-hour work week and vacation time. In fact, it has been argued by some historians that the history of the United States itself could be a history of labor.

In December of 2009, Assembly Bill 172 was signed into law, making Wisconsin the first state to require the incorporation of “the history of organized labor in America and the collective bargaining process” into the state standards for social studies. We are convening a workgroup to research, discuss, and implement this change, as well as to revisit and update the Lessons in Labor History curriculum guide that the Department of Public Instruction published in 2001.

There are some websites that offer information and ideas on how to incorporate labor history into your social studies classroom.

Educational Communications Board Surf Report on Labor History

Wisconsin Historical Society Labor Collections

Wisconsin Labor History Society

For questions about this information, contact Kristen McDaniel (608)266-2207

Last updated on 9/28/2010 11:05:40 AM

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