So much for listening to the will of the people only 23% of the people want to extend the tax cuts for the wealth. The rest of Americans are against it. These guys don't care either. They just want to pad their wallets.
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How many more American made products does a rich person buy than you. Even they only need so many refrgierators.. Who do you think the commercials for Lexas', Mercedies, and Jaguars. How many of you have 52 inch home theaters.
As for a stand against taxes get real. Do you really think the rich care how much YOU pay in taxes.
But if you don't want to pay your taxes, don't use the roads, and keep your grabage in your living room.
This is not a proposal for tax cuts, it is a stance against a tax increase.
If YOU really want to pay more taxes, YOU can do so easily and not include those of us who believe we are entitled to keep what we have worked for and use it as best we see fit.
If YOU are not included in those who would see the tax increase, then you are simply saying that you feel entitled to more of that which has been earned by the sweat from the brow of your fellow human without having to get out and earn it yourself.
Anyone else out there hearing Mr. Mulrain crying out "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme"?