Woke Engineering

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The Supreme Court has repudiated the claim that the dubious benefits claims, made without a proper accounting of their results and consequences, of diversity cannot override the Equal Protection clause of the 14th amendment. It's all out in the open now, no more hiding; the subterfusions of affirmative action are exposed and repudiated, after so long disguised as diversity, more recently amplified with equity and inclusion.

The touchstone of an individual's identity is challenges bested, skills built, and lesson learned, not the color of one's skin, which is merely a racist stereotype. As Gayle Heriot points out, to do such most often promotes putting people in a place where they are incapable of performing, hence creating serious negative consequences not only for all parties involved but for society as a whole. All that sneaking and lurking and defending and justifying window dressing for guilt-ridden liberal whites and votes for liberal politicians for so-called social justice merely wreaks havoc for all involved. Yet, in the name of the deceptive term "equity," US resources are moving to groups more closely identified with left-wing/democrats and taken away from groups that aren't. Federal courts all over the country overturn these provisions finding they are not compatible with constitutional equal protection. FOIA requests have revealed just how idiosyncratic and ideological is considerations can be. Enough catering to the lifelong chip on your shoulder like michelle obama

The expedient woke policies (aka social-engineering) of the left-wing, when put into practice, degenerate into social dysfunction, bureaucratic inefficiency, and political corruption. The impetus behind this is Western civilization's self-hatred movement through an uncompromising hatred of only Western tradition. Such self-hatred is most noticeable by how its worldview is so fervently embraced by the left-wing. Western self-hatred has become the core of left-wing ideology and the central bond of the left-wing, the "intersectional" glue that holds the left-wing together.

The central arguments of this movement are that whites in the West are responsible for all or most evil, and that this evil overshadows any alleged good works that might raise doubts about whether whites and Western tradition are appropriate hate figures, and most absurdly--like all marxist beliefs--is that this self-hatred also believes that those who disagree with its obviously false premise must be stigmatized as proof. And, of course, accordingly, any of self-hatred's ideologies or policies that fail are the result of the very presence of any who disagree, and never-ever-never its practioners or its ideas.

Civilizational self-hatred is a systemic, extreme, and and one sided criticism of the values, institutions, and history of one's own civilization which is not extended to other civilizations. The left-wing attacks the West or one of its component parts or systems, such as the traditional family, religion, the market economy or the criminal justice system, typically as a whole. if and when there arises a relevant issue or criticism that would more logically apply to particular persons, events, or issues instead.

For the self-hatred left-winger only revolutionary change can be considered as a remedy. For it there is no point in discussing the relative merits of incremental reforms, and little need to get into specifics of why proposed revolutionary changes will work better than the status quo. We'll work out the details once we dispose of the common enemy is its mindset. That helps paper over important conflicts that will occur, even between various groups of self-haters. It will always attempt to deny or tactically tone down such conflicts.

And of course other civilizations must be viewed as blameless victims of the West, they are to be either ignored or selectively flattered, largely based on their utility as potential allies in the struggle, and not upon germane, cogent facts. If it must, self-hatred will excuse and justify any and all sins of other cultures, again, except its own.

So, why are neo-liberals so easily seduced by a broader, open-ended self-hatred? What is so appealing about self-hatred?

Well, the left wing, with the pervasive tendency to think of the world in terms of groups rather than individuals, expects impossible perfectibility, easily obtained; in far reaching promises of progress that fundamentally corrects their perceived flaws and brings their world to an unobtainable utopia. It offers the illusion of a community of morally and intellectually superiority, on the cheap, and, therefore, the lesser the need to sweat the details or justify/prove their proposed alternatives as actually producing improvement. Self-hatred therefore offers the benefits of membership in the community with little burden of responsibility, other than ideological conformity. It conveniently offers a shield against the most difficult psychological steps - having to admit deep flaws in long-standing beliefs/commitments at the heart of one's self-image, of having to yield one's supposed moral/intellectual superiority, and even worse, having to admit one may have actually helped perpetrate new evils. As such this ideology easily morphs into double-standards compelling one to blame others even more harshly while ignoring one's own equivalent or worse flaws. The more one is dissatisfied with one's own life and with the surrounding society, the more tempting it is to blame the problems on a scapegoat, thereby simplifying the problem and avoiding the need to take responsibility for doing one's best in a complex world. So, the self-hatred people become a movement  that takes great satisfaction from directing their frustrations outward at their contrived object of hate, especially when done within a community of fellow believers.

And of course an important driver is political expedience, or to use the left-wing's preferred term, power. Values and institutions deriving largely from Western traditions happened to be the main ideological rival of the West's self-hatred movement.

Incrementally cultivating and refining the West's traditional virtues and institutions - such as the pursuit of moral, educational, technical, and vocational excellence, religious devotion and community, decentralized charitable activities, the rule of law, the market economy, and democratic government rooted in a separation of powers - is not the alternative for the left-wing, only destroying them as a hate object to be superseded by an ever changing assortment of utopian fashions du jour.

Self-hatred makes it possible, not only to discredit its main ideological rival, but to attempt to rule out open, competitive discussion of its strengths and weaknesses and to target its supporters reputations, careers, and even physical safety. Such intimidation has its greatest success, not in direct attacks on targets, but in creating both a persuasive fear that silences so many, along with a thoroughgoing ignorance about the benefits offered by Western tradition.

This hatred, unconstrained by coherent ideals or succesful examples, has no clear standards for appraising or prioritizing its increasingly incoherent array of allied miniutopias - and merely defaults to its already failed, anti-traditional social-engineering in cultural hedonism and economic collectivism. The ideology serves only the privilege of the self-hating elites, while harming most of the less fortunate whom the self-haters falsely claim to represent. The bigotry, failure, and narcissism of the self-hating left wing could hardly be more blatant.

Similarly clear, but ignored by the self-hatred movement, is the universality and success of the tradition it demonizes, whose main progenitors are dismissed with ad hominem, racist argument that they are merely "dead white men." Despite the fact that they expoused timeless values of individual and communal virtue and excellence, were titanic, transformational exemplars of scientific and artistic excellence, world historical contributors to the development of a decentralized, rule-based vastly widepsread prosperous economic and successful political order, which seeks to treat all equally and thereby generates an open and competitive society that best promotes human flourishing.

Of course when reality "constrains" or "exposed" their promises, which it always does, the self-haters will desperately still cling to their ideology, powerfully addicting as it is to them.

"If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the government, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction cannot lay claim to progress. They are reactionary."--Calvin Coolidge.

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