Women’s Rights Activist Slam UN Agency’s Support of China’s Forced Abortion

s April 2, 2017

/by LifeSiteNews

. . .One of [WRWF Founder and President, Reggie Littlejohn,] recommendations regarding how the UN can help the women and babies of China is by investigating UNFPA’s activities in China, demanding transparency, and in the case of a lack of cooperation, defunding UNFPA. Littlejohn states: “The United States Secretary of State should investigate and evaluate UNFPA’s activities in China, and the President should de-fund them under the Kemp-Kasten Amendment, which ‘prohibits funding for any organization or program that, as determined by the President, supports or participates in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.’” “UNFPA has been found to be complicit with coercive population control in China in the past, and I have no doubt that any unbiased investigation would find them complicit again. I have long advocated for the defunding of UNFPA. The U.S. cut off funding to UNFPA in 2002 because an investigation, headed by then Secretary of State Colin Powell, found that UNFPA was complicit with the Chinese Family Planning officials in coercive implementation of China’s one-child policy. The Obama administration restored this funding. The UNCSW – as the advocate for women’s rights within the United Nations – should press relentlessly on the UNFPA to be fully transparent and accountable regarding its ‘family planning’ activities in China. I believe that any independent, unbiased investigation into UNFPA’s activities in China will lead to the inescapable conclusion that they are complicit with China’s population control practices, which include forced abortion and involuntary sterilization. To the extent that the global community is funding the UNFPA, the blood of Chinese women and babies is on our hands.” (Read more from “Women’s Rights Activist Slam UN Agency’s Support of China’s Forced Abortions” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/womens-rights-activist-slam-un-agencys-support-chinas-forced-aborti

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