What is taking place in the world today, not a pretty picture, out of business; my wife was divorcing me, my future looked bleak. Aside from my personal problem, the IRS was on my case, and making “mistakes” against me, not a pretty picture, what to do?
I’m viewing the War and Remembrance series, Herman Wouk’s accounting of World War II. It is a riveting work. It asks the question of how do maniacs like Hitler take control? When a nation gets between a rock and a hard place, the people looking externally for answers; it always ends with the wrong answers. That’s where the United States is now, a very dangerous place to be. Having just viewed the gastly things Nazis did to Jews, Jews being reduced to animals, how could they allow it, I’m particularly concerned about patting down all airline passengers. This taking advantage of us, stripping us of our rights, is it the beginning of reducing us to animal status?
In Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” who was “us?” It came to me when I read the Constitution that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. I’ve never heard authority say that “us” is voices of the past. “Us” is always today’s authority doing the lesser of two evils. The pat down saves you from being blown out of the sky. I’ve never heard today’s authority say to look within for answers. The IRS told me Congress had the authority to tax my income up to 100 percent. Actually, the IRS took more than 100 percent of my income. My income was zero. Government created inflation caused me to pay a capital gains tax with no gain. Imagine that. What government has done with the income tax tells you what government is capable of doing. Government gives the individual no rights. I looked within for answers.
The makers and keepers of the law do not allow for individual constitutional challenges, but that didn’t stop me. Federal income tax is government taking from the individual, in many cases what the government has no constitutional right to do. The law says if I have a personal stake in the outcome I have a constitutional right to challenge. Government was taking my existence. Why do you allow government to grope you? The makers and keepers of the law have their lawless bureaucracy to enforce their wills. You have the constitutional right to challenge the frauds. I challenged Federal income tax on constitutional grounds. The IRS hung itself with its own legal rope. You didn’t win anything. If you don’t demand your rights, you don’t have any.
Was I born to be groped and taxed out of existence? I don’t think so. A lot of blood has been spilled to gain your rights. Would the Founding Fathers have allowed themselves to be taxed out of existence, or groped by King George’s men? George Washington miraculously won the War for Independence. If he had lost, everyone who signed the Declaration of Independence would have been hung. When your life is on the line, it is amazing what you can do. Your lives are on the line right now. For some inexplicable reason, when everything should have gone wrong for me everything went right, not only in my tax case, but in every other way (throw in a couple of miracles). So, again, who is us? Beware when your government gives you no respect.
I shudder when I think about what Hitler’s men did to human beings. Groping is a first step. It will happen over my dead body. I wonder what kind of a world this would be if, instead of looking externally for answers, we looked within. For sure, maniacs like Hitler would never take control.
Some Astrologers have it that the Age of Pisces began with the birth of Christ and the Age of Aquarius begins with the reappearance of Christ. There is precedence for that idea. Almost everyone expects a big change in the world. The Mayan calendar says our world ends on December 21, 2012. Age changes actually take place over an extended period of time. But you could say the official day the world ends is the end of the Age of Pisces. With every end comes a new beginning. You could say the new beginning is the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity.
The Obama, Pelosi, Reid team have taken the destructive monster former administrations created and made it three times as destructive. Giving the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team credit for taking America down a garden path, the symbol for the Age of Pisces, two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, meaning division, incapable of making up one’s mind, is duck soup for the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team. Is Obama going to remain President? If 2012 is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the symbol of which is the water-bearer, we’re told the Age of Aquarius is an age of brotherhood and fraternity, in no way does the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team fit that mold. By the way, I was born Aquarius rising. That means, according to astrologers, as I grow older I become more Aquarian. Yep, we’ve got a big change coming. The energy is building. I don’t think the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team, or George Soros’ Shadow Government, is going to be around in 2012. Aquarians are stubborn in their beliefs. They despise hypocrites. They are independent and self-reliant.
It interests me that the cutting edge of science is picking up where the ancients left off. The cutting edge of science finds that without consciousness nothing could exist; that before anything comes the state of consciousness. Between pure consciousness and reality is the microcosmic. The atom is not what we once thought it was. It appears different every time it is observed. The microcosmic is a world of infinite possibility.
We are conscious of a lot that can’t be explained in the conventional way. During my time at sea, on one occasion, mentally, I picked up cries for help. I sailed straight to three young people who had been caught in an ocean current and taken out to sea. It all began when I read the Constitution and had a bigger than life calling.
According to quantum physics, when our quantum minds observe, the microcosmic changes to our reality. Would it not follow that the more consciously aware one is, the more one is in control of his life, and more capable of influencing others? And, if this is so, would the converse not also be true? The less aware are more subject of being used and abused. So, again, who is us, external authority or the internal God-self? Jesus said you can’t serve two masters. I give all the credit for my good life to the fact that when I was at my darkest moment I looked within and came up with the right answers.