At the 9-11 Memorial, Obama read Psalm 46. Bush read one of Lincoln’s letters. Biden attacked the “galvanized new generation of patriots.” AFL-CIO chief Trumka accused everyone in America who did not agree with him of being hate mongers—against union members’ pay, their pensions, their jobs. Trumka’s answer: everyone should have a high paying job and pension.
President Obama, supporter of big labor, who vowed to transform America, the President who built America’s national debt more than all the other presidents put together, who caused America to lose her highest credit rating, the President who is bankrupting America morally, spiritually, and fiscally, reads scriptures and tacitly agrees with Biden and Trumka. And Biden and Trumka vilify the American people. Nice work if you can get it.
On September 17, I will be 86 years-old. I would not have believed this had I not witnessed it. As for me, these are the best years of my life. All of my dreams have come true, unfortunately, at the great cost of America. All credit goes to government. America’s government gave the American people what they asked for. Trumka has the answer: see that everyone has a good job and a pension. Stop listening to America’s hate mongers. Don’t change.