Standing in replication of the current oppositon, the Great Pyramid of Giza, its base a square opposing its pinnacle, and all that lies beyond, what is taking place today in Egypt is something bigger than life. We’re at the end of an old age, the beginning of a new age.
Ancient Egyptian priests were star gazers. They were mathematicians. Sir Isaac Newton was into astrology. He studied Egyptian mathematics and came up with calculus, from which he gave us the laws of motion.
The square in astrology represents opposition, and so it was in my life when my ruling planet, Uranus, had transited from my time of birth to a position opposing itself. It happened in my forties. An opposition is indicative of change. It began with my opposition to federal income tax.
I went to the county law library to study my constitutional rights and the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court, as American as anyone can get. In the country law library reading the Constitution, I had the feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling. It was more than taking the IRS to court. And so it is with the Egyptian street protest. There is more than the eye can see. The change in my life is now being repeated on a worldwide scale.
The many obstacles in the way of the Egyptian protest, the same as in my own experience, I had those to overcome. From then on my life improved, to the end that if it could get any better I don’t know how. Along the way, I learned the power that lies within us.
Astrologer’s Handbook tells us the people of the old age are desperate to do the right thing, “but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.” They have as their symbol two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, indicative of dual emotions; they can’t make up their minds about what is taking place. We are told that people of the new age are “born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity. They have as their symbol the water-bearer. . .” They are stubborn in their beliefs and operate as equals among equals. Wouldn’t you know, I’m the latter type? Yes, I’m Aquarius rising. This means that Aquarius is the part I show the world, and as I age become more Aquarian.
In numerology, since Uranus completes its orbit around the sun in 84 years, an average lifespan, and the numbers are from 1 to 9, numerology divides life into 9 cycles, the first of which is discovery of who we are. In my reinvented life, in 1975 I cut from the herd and discovered the real me. The second cycle is the pairing. After I learned who I was, I found the right mate, on my fourth try. Knowing who I was made the difference. In 30 years of wedded bliss, she is still the right mate for me. The third cycle is diversity. Together we’ve lived a really diversified life. The fourth cycle is stability and justice, and I got into that big time. My legal battle with the IRS lasted 11 years, with the IRS hanging itself with its own rope. How’s that for stabilization and justice? Being Aquarian, it was due to my bigger than life calling.
Rather than chaos, disorder and confusion, under the definition of anarchy in my Webster’s College Dictionary, thinking about such as the situations in the Mid-East we wring our hands over, we read: “the absence of direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes cooperative and voluntary associations of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.” Who needs the kind of leadership we see in the Mid-East? Out of chaos comes order. In my Aquarian mindset, God helps those who help themselves. The least government is the best government.
We don’t need a Washington daddy. Please, President Obama, won’t you get out of our lives? Rather than the world’s police force, merely making the bad situation worse, let us be the world’s inspiration. Besides placing our security in jeopardy, you are bankrupting us. We can’t afford this. Please stop stigmatizing us. You give the world a very bad image of us. Let us individually take care of our own needs. Our problems will vanish like mist in the morning sun. It takes two to Tango. The best way to pit the Jewish state against the Arab states is to remain in the status quo. With us, it is individual to individual. You can be sure we, individually, are not going to get us involved in the Mid-East holy war.
And, as to the great disparity in wealth, officialdom leaving us with no logical remedy, in fact, with the world’s economy teetering, an economic meltdown on the brink of happening, we love you President Obama. You are a great orator, and so charming, too. Your toothy smile is catching. But pathetically, your Marxist education does not know the first thing about the economy.
Kevin Kelly of Wired magazine, sees a bright future. Kelly’s economic prediction:
The Law of Connections: The collapsing microcosm of chips and the exploding telecosm of connections will tear the old laws of wealth apart and prepare territory for the emerging economy.
The Law of Plentitude: Curious things happen when you connect all to all. Adding a few more members can dramatically increase the value for all members
The Law of Exponential Value: The chart of Microsoft’s cornucopia of profits is a revealing graph because it mirrors several other plots of rising stars in a Network Economy. However, the same forces that feed on each other to amplify network presences into powerful overnight standards can also work in reverse to unravel them in a blink. Success will become nonlinear and self-regulating.
The Law of Tipping Points: Significance precedes momentum. Success became infectious and spread pervasively. It became difficult not to be infected. For instance, how long could one hold out not having a telephone?
The Law of Increasing Returns: Them that’s got shall get. It depends on this: while centralized government gets more punishing, the Network Economy rewards schemes that allow decentralized creation, and punishes those that don’t.
The law of Inverse Pricing: While the worst—government—gets more costly each year, the very best gets cheaper each year. It is a major engine for the new economy.
The Law of Generosity: Microsoft makes huge profits by giving away its Web browser, thereby creating a need.
The Law of Allegiance: The prosperity of the company is directly linked to the prosperity of the network.
The Law of Devolution: The tightly linked nature of any economy, but especially the Network Economy’s ultraconnected constitution, make it behave ecologically. The fate of individual organizations is not dependent entirely on their own merits, but also on the fate of their neighbors, their allies, their competitors, and, of course, on that of the immediate environment.
Which is it going to be folks, wishing for Obama’s success, and dying in despair, or the law of all times?