I’m most pleased to learn from Sean Hannity of Hillsdale College. Hillsdale teaches its students that our Constitution is the greatest charter of liberty ever written. Hillsdale teaches that our nation is in danger because our national leaders have almost no understanding of the principles of liberty and limited government.
Forbes Magazine rates Hillsdale ahead of three Ivy League schools and many other prestigious institutions. While enrolment is declining at many schools of higher learning, Hillsdale enrolment is increasing. A new 16,000 square foot building is now being built only a few blocks from the nation’s capital building. You are invited to participate in a survey and to donate to help Hillsdale grow.
Go here to complete the survey. https://www.hillsdaleforliberty.com/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=1&custom_1=HIP7NAAA&custom_2=e001p
More on Hillsdale:
Hillsdale College was founded as Michigan Central College in Spring Arbor, Michigan, in 1844. Nine years later it moved to Hillsdale and assumed its current name. As stated in its Articles of Incorporation, the College undertakes its work "grateful to God for the inestimable blessings resulting from the prevalence of civil and religious liberty and intelligent piety in the land, and believing that the diffusion of sound learning is essential to the perpetuity of these blessings."
Though established by Freewill Baptists, Hillsdale has been officially non-denominational since its inception. It was the first American college to prohibit in its charter any discrimination based on race, religion or sex, and became an early force for the abolition of slavery. It was also only the second college in the nation to grant four-year liberal arts degrees to women.
Professor and preacher Ransom Dunn, who would serve Hillsdale College for half a century, raised money to construct the new hilltop campus in the early 1850s by riding 6,000 miles on horseback on the Wisconsin and Minnesota frontier. It was largely through Dunn’s efforts that Hillsdale would survive while over 80 percent of colleges founded before the Civil War would not.
A higher percentage of Hillsdale students enlisted during the Civil War than from any other western college. Of the more than 400 who fought for the Union, four won the Congressional Medal of Honor, three became generals and many more served as regimental commanders. Sixty gave their lives.
Because of the College’s anti-slavery reputation and its role in founding the new Republican party (Professor Edmund Fairfield was a leader at the first convention), many notable speakers visited its campus during the Civil War era, including Frederick Douglass and Edward Everett, who preceded Lincoln at Gettysburg.
Hillsdale’s modern rise to prominence occurred in the 1970s. On the pretext that some of its students were receiving federal loans, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare attempted to interfere with the College’s internal affairs, including a demand that Hillsdale begin counting its students by race. Hillsdale’s trustees responded with two toughly worded resolutions: One, the College would continue its policy of non-discrimination. Two, "with the help of God," it would "resist, by all legal means, any encroachments on its independence."
Following almost a decade of litigation, the U.S. Supreme Court decided against Hillsdale in 1984. By this time, the College had announced that rather than complying with unconstitutional federal regulation, it would instruct its students that they could no longer bring federal taxpayer money to Hillsdale. Instead, the College would replace that aid with private contributions.
Hillsdale continues to carry out its original mission today, both in the classroom and nationwide, through its many outreach programs, including its monthly speech digest Imprimis. A prayer written in the Bible that was placed inside the 1853 cornerstone of Central Hall reflects its continuing commitment: "May earth be better and heaven be richer because of the life and labor of Hillsdale College."
My conclusion:
The names of Tea Party contributors tells the story of who most believe in America’s Constitution, the descendents of America’s original European pioneers. This explains why Obama is suing Arizona. It also tells the story of why Barrack Hussein Obama wants to overthrow American posterity and transform America into his foreign poverty-stricken heritage. Obama does not believe that our Constitution is the greatest charter of liberty ever written. He is intent on doing away with it. He is intent on giving away all that America accomplished.