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Jim DeMint makes an excellent point. In the business [real] world, when an employee is fired they are escorted off the premises and not allowed to return for fear of future damage. What kind of damage can a group of ticked off congressional people do in the Obama Regime? I shudder to think.


Dems put out of a job in Nov will be able to come back and rob the nation blind

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Jay Leno, standing beside a 1908 White Steamer, opting for a vintage vehicle over a sleek sports car, appears more interested in America’s heritage than the here and now. The picture reminds me of the message I have for America concerning values and principles. Hey Leno! I’ve got a funny story for you.

America turned thumbs down to Richard Nixon. My funny story begins with my understanding that Nixon’s corrupt government was stealing my power. The means, federal income tax, Nixon was robbing Peter to pay Paul. I studied the law and threw down the gauntlet by writing Attorney General William B. Saxbe a letter letting him know that I was coming after the corrupt government that hired him. We need to write millions of letters to Obama’s Attorney General letting him know we are coming after him.

Why does the current President of the United State say that the intrinsic principles and values that are behind all parts of America’s basic document are flawed and our liberties negative? I’m shocked. The course of destiny—which is it to be—yours or Barack Obama’s Marxist establishment?

Jesus came at the height of the Roman Empire with a new way to think. He was crucified. The Roman judge Cicero did the same. He was killed. When you are in Rome, as the saying goes, you do as the Romans do. Yes, and what happened to the Romans? The course of least resistance is to go along with the establishment. Over the years, the same as in every other establishment, America’s establishment has grown corrupt. It is on the verge of collapse.

You don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Why allow a minority of Marxist revolutionaries, Obama’s friends and associates, make the determination to do away with natural law and nature’s God, the background of America’s Constitution? America needs reform, not destruction.

America’s establishment began on July 4, 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence (from the British Crown). None like it had ever been tried before. The first miracle that occurred was that George Washington’s ragtag army beat the most powerful nation on earth. America grew to become the most productive nation the world had ever seen, as well as the most generous. The second miracle: America became the envy of the world.

I’m reading A miracle That Changed the World: The 5000 Year Leap. America began when England’s King James established Jamestown in 1609, in what is now Virginia. The occupants of Jamestown, 400 years ago, had little more than those who began civilization 5000 years ago. The miracle was self-government. Success was up to the individual. The American people, who migrated from Europe, came to a wild land with two things in mind: freedom and opportunity. With those values in mind, the Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution.

Early Americans were personally responsible and self-reliant—capable of self-government. In order for self-government to work, it takes men of virtue in control, men who place the nation’s interests ahead of their own. In that America was a government of the people, it required the same of the people.

As always, there were injustices in early America, and as always, wolves in sheep’s clothing in both the private and public sector conning the meek for the express purpose of building their own power bases. Money goes where money flows. Money and power are birds of a feather. Obama and Soros, birds of a feather, socialism is the form of government they desperately want, not for the good of all, but for their own benefit. The name of the Obama-Soros game—stealing the individual’s power and enhancing the power of the high and mighty.

Compare me to a flea attacking an elephant. Under the law, however, government and I were equals. The law allowed me to challenge the income tax, after I paid the tax. So called tax protesters don’t know that. Tax protesters are fleas. They give me a bad name. After I paid my income tax, I had the right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place.

The IRS and my wife, who was divorcing me, conspired to cheat me. The IRS doesn’t know the law. I took the case to the tax court and won. As soon as the case was closed, the IRS confiscated my property. The IRS claimed it didn’t know anything about my tax court order. The IRS doesn’t know that the law requires the IRS to obey court orders. Simply not knowing there was a court order does not hold water. It is lawless. The confiscation of my property, in violation of a court order, constituted a violation of the Constitution, and something for the higher courts to consider. The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled for the IRS. Attorney General Saxbe claimed that the IRS made a mistake that was corrected in tax court, failing to mention in his brief to the Supreme Court that the IRS made the mistake of violating the tax court’s order. Saxbe was lying; the U. S. Court of Appeals was lying. The Supreme Court looks the other way on such issues. The Taney Court ruled that whites owning blacks was constitutional. The IRS got away with an unconstitutional confiscation of property. All Americans are tax slaves. The result: an economic meltdown.

Federal income tax, according to the makers and keepers of America’s law, is constitutional no matter what. The undeniable fact that as far as my property is concerned I don’t have any constitutional protection, makes the United States lawless. Under the law in practice, I’m a flea. Government is an elephant.

I took the record to The Palm Beach Post. An investigation was made. The Palm Beach Post didn’t believe it is now the law of the jungle. It printed a front page story, the IRS admitting that it illegally confiscated my property. Nevertheless, the IRS, “for the good of all” is allowed unlimited mistakes. I remained a flea and the government an elephant. In America, might makes right. America, the same as Rome, is on the verge of being wiped out by barbarians.

My testimony here is not based on the actual fact: I’m a flea. Government is an elephant. My testimony is based on other facts from which deductions may be drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved. Under my Constitution, the one Obama says is flawed, I’m equal in rights to government. Under Obama’s notion of the Constitution, the good of all overrides the rights of the individual. With a big toothy smile, Prince Charming calls it “collective salvation.” We know all about that. He who laughs last laughs loudest.

Obama says, “Republicans treat me like a dog.” Millions of Tea Party fleas are hopping on Obama. Republicans better start thinking constitutional or millions of fleas will be hopping on them.

By the way, I see that newly appointed Justice Elena Kagan (M.I.A) wants to do the right thing. I congratulate her. Keegan told the Senate at her confirmation hearing that she stays strictly within the limits of the U. S. Constitution in her judgment calls. That’s something many of her colleagues have not done and are not going to do. America’s judges—I was before 18 in all—gave me no respect. They hung themselves with their own rope. To many judges, I can tell you from personal experience, the good of all uppermost in their minds, the individual a flea, the end result justifies the means, such as IRS confiscations of property, they are socialist frauds. The only way we are going to get the country back is to tie Obama and all of America’s activist judges up in constitutional rope.

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We are going to start hearing all about a Democrat surge in the weeks and days before our November 2nd historic elections -- especially in light of the highly successful Communist/Socialist gathering of Oct 2nd at our nation's capitol. And you can believe that, as much as a Democrat surge.


...saying of the GOP’s insurgency, “The corks were popped a little early.”

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“Figures don’t lie, but liars sure do figure . . .”

Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School Lies with Panache

Accusing Racist Lenders of Causing Fiscal Meltdown

Adolf Hitler and Josef Goebbels both credited the progressives under President Woodrow Wilson with creating the science of propaganda which the two of them came to master and exploit so well in Nazi Germany years later. Hitler in Mein Kampf, written in 1924, described the audacious propaganda technique known as the “Big Lie” and emphasized just how powerful and useful it was. Let’s talk about a recent example: yesterday, in keeping with Woodrow Wilson’s proud legacy, two Princeton University Professors from that University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs revealed their mastery of the Big Lie and the incredible lengths that progressive academicians will go to change history right under the noses of American citizens. By injecting RACISM into their latest altered and fudged version of history, they certainly caught the liberal media’s attention . . . if the twosome weren’t so treasonous and vile, one feels almost like congratulating them for sheer unadulterated chutzpah.

The important thing, of course, is their “headline” information about “racial predatory lending” . . . the article was actually devoid of any statistics or records of any sort except one** that had nothing to do with the story’s central point, but absolutely full of bogus conclusions which inspired Reuters and the Associated Press to publish the tripe. As in so many Reuters and Associated Press articles found online, the shock level of the report linked above is twenty-times greater than any factual value contained within these news agencies’ “tireless research.”

Not surprisingly, the article turned up the wake of what turned out to be a small time National Mall “One Nation” rally. The 32,000 individuals (they were trying to steal back some of the thunder from Glenn Beck’s “Restore Honor” rally on August 28 which attracted over 650,000) participating from some 320+ individual progressive organizations were led by labor unions who used union dues to fund the bussing-in of members of CPUSA, ISO and D-S of A . . . that is, the Communist Party USA; International Socialists Organization; and Democratic-Socialists of America and others to the rally. Believe it or not, the cry went up to “stop the nation’s shameless river of foreclosures . . .” Bingo, just like that our two progressive Princeton academicians the very next day give us a study without meaningful statistics coincidentally backing, that very same point, and suggesting (according to leftist blog spinoffs) that the racists TEA Party and its ilk was responsible for the sub-prime lending crisis and all those poor people who got loans for $450,000 homes at 0% down payment without jobs and only food stamps for “income” deserve our help to keep the foreclosure bogeymen away. The two profs specifically stated, “The U.S. Civil Rights Act should be amended to create mechanisms that would uncover discrimination and penalize those who discriminated against minority borrowers.” What? No help for us poor white trash borrowers?

Supposedly, according to the two astute professors, loans that carry unreasonable fees, interest rates and payment requirements granted to minorities in the inner-cities spurred the whole financial house of cards! These loans made it impossible for these home owners to meet their mortgage obligations, alas!! Those damned racists, ruining the country and only picking on inner-city minorities, not on inner-city Whites (well, actually, they provide no stats about that and who cares about those honkies anyway?). Enough of progressive lies . . . . How did the collapse actually happen?

Remembering that in 1975, 63% of Americans owned their own homes, the highest private ownership in the world . . . the system wasn’t broken, but it had to be fixed anyway. Progressives under Jimmy Carter passed the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 (CRA ’77) forcing home lenders to make knowingly bad loans. Thankfully, the CRA ’77 law was poorly crafted and the change from 1975 to 1985 was big, but not decisive: the amount of high-risk loans (3% or less down payment) more than doubled from 0.24% to 0.51% . . . but it had no real effect. Overall, before Bill Clinton’s arrival in Washington, only about $100 Billion was loaned out due to CRA ’77 in roughly those fifteen years.

Bill Clinton’s three earliest interventions** in the mortgage-guarantee picture sent us on the road to ruin. By 1995 14.1% of all home loans were high-risk loans virtually all of them forced upon lenders by CRA ’77. Then his final legislative expansion in 1998 changed things in both the numbers of high-risk loans and in the size of the loans poor people were offered. By 2005, 34.4% of all loans were high-risk, many of them ultra-high-risk loans for very expensive housing properties. In other words, thanks to progressive actions, the percentage of inadvisable loans increased 13,800% between 1977 and 2005.

Think about that: a 13,800% increase in loans at 3% down payment or less (most commonly at 0% down payment) . . . and more importantly loans to lenders who would not have been allowed a bank lollipop in 1977, much less a huge loan . . . say, Brother, could that have caused a financial debacle? You think that might shake the very foundations of our economy? Oh, and you do remember that the system wasn’t broken to begin with, don’t you? This is the essence of progressivism (the belief that we need to “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution so we can create their Utopia) and that is the nature of the elite who are trying to shove it down our throats . . . .

Since the Communist Party was involved in Saturday’s rally on the National Mall where the hue and cry went up for “stopping foreclosures” and for punishing the “racist predatory lenders,” perhaps a truly shocking fact ought to be told as well. The fiscal debacle that the country felt first in mid-2007 was deliberately created, or let us say deliberately “orchestrated” to destroy capitalism. You read that right.

It began in 1966 with the publishing of an article The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in The Nation magazine. In their masterpiece, the Columbia University (NYC) Marxist twosome opined that Alinsky-tactics (Saul Alinsky was a self-described “neo-Marxist who authored Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals) could overload the welfare system and force the government to create a GNI (guaranteed national income) and thus poverty would be abolished in one fell swoop. Today, this idea of orchestrated crisis is known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy” or C-P Strategy.

In 1967, Cloward, Piven, and community organizer George Wiley created the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) to test their theory out. In 8 years the NWRO bankrupted New York City and just missed bankrupting New York State by the addition of 8.2 million more welfare recipients. They did NOT get their GNI but they published and bragged about the great thing they’d done and suggested that voter registration and housing were the next two areas to test out the theory upon. Enter ACORN in 1977 the same year that CRA ’77 was created -- ACORN the architect of an ongoing voter registration scandal and the sub-prime housing fiasco. ACORN and progressives for over 40 years now have been seeking to bring down capitalism by abusing decidedly unwise “compassionate laws.” In the case of CRA ’77 they’ve been misusing that particular law for thirty-three years now. The C-P Strategy is known as “orchestrated crisis” and though it takes a while, we’ve seen two incredible instances now of just how devastating these Marxist plans can be . . . .

Meanwhile in 1975, the year NYC failed, the United States had the highest private home ownership in the world at 64%. The system was NOT broken, but in early 1977, these same progressive creators of the 1967 National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) which had willfully bankrupted NYC (requiring a federal bailout after deliberately overloading the welfare rolls by street tactics, shakedowns and browbeating social workers working in the Welfare Dept. between 1968 and 1975 and adding 8.2 million new recipients in NYC and New York State) . . . the very same Cloward, Piven and Wiley immediately shifted attention to housing and voter registration and Wiley lieutenant Wade Rathke who’d been working for NWRO in Arkansas created ACORN in response to the CRA ’77 law of Jimmy Carter. This and the later actions** of Bill Clinton, their first ACORN president, is what caused the financial meltdown and two lying progressive profs can’t change history to say differently.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** To wit, this is their amazing statistic: “From 1993 to 2000, the share of subprime mortgages going to households in minority neighborhoods rose from 2 to 18 percent.” So what? There’s certainly no connection to racism there. Here’s the truth: Bill Clinton, our first ACORN President ‘s (the “A” in ACORN originally meant “Arkansas” and ACORN helped Bill win 12 of 14 possible years as Arkansas governor as well as putting him into the Oval office) very first two significant acts upon becoming U.S. President were ACORN acts. 1) Passing the Motor Voter Act with Richard Cloward and Frances Piven standing behind him in the official signing picture and 2) Demanding a regulatory overhaul and expansion of CRA ’77 including quotas for banks.

After Clinton’s changes, so-called "community groups" like ACORN benefitted greatly by a process which was essentially legalized extortion by street action embarrassed Banks into bad loans based upon the Clinton quotas (the CRA is enforced by the Fed, the Comptroller of Currency, Office of Thrift Supervision and the FDIC so CRA protests by any of these well- organized groups resulted potentially in huge financial penalties and fines for the banks and blocked for long periods of time their plans for expansion). This leverage was used and the "community groups" got millions of dollars in “donations” from the banks as shameless demanded payoffs for marketing these loans and they also made the banks promise to make a certain number of future very risky loans in their communities, resulting in more money for the "community groups.” Purportedly Barack Obama was the king of shakedowns when he worked as an ACORN lawyer between ’94 and ’96 . . . think what Barack might have done if he’d had the Clinton ’98 CRA changes in place!

All of these factors enforced by strong government agencies created a situation in which suddenly millions of people were buying homes they simply could not afford. This caused an artificial feeling of financial prosperity for everyone and an incredible TRillions of dollars were going into bad investments. which forced lenders who knew better to grant sub-prime loans to lenders without jobs, illegal aliens, folks who listed “food stamps” as income, etc. . . . and then in 1995, Clinton expanded CRA ’77 twice legislatively; and in 1998 gave us the steroid legislative expansion of CRA ’77. Thanks to Clinton and ACORN after Clinton’s ’98 steroid CRA ’77 expansion, Barack Obama and other ACORN lawyers were not needed. Street-educated people with junior high educations were getting banks to loan poor people $450,000 home mortgages just as easily as eight or ten years earlier they’d been getting them $140-$150,000 loans. This is why the Big Lie about the conservatives and the free market driving the car (the economy) into the ditch (into recession) never fooled Rajjpuut. The truth is:,_then_dismemberment_part_i.thtml

The statement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner last month (linked above) was 100% accurate when he basically said that G.W. Bush saved the economy and prevented a free-fall of housing prices and (talking about cars and ditches), the real truth is:

Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN- PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (94% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff, when George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!

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From the West Side to the Wailing Wall


Black & Bulletproof: An African-American Warrior in the Israeli Armytells the intriguing story of one man’s journey from the terrors of“thug life” to a position of honor in the Israeli military.

Standing at a checkpoint in Israel with his assault rifle pointed over the headsof Palestinian Arabs, Marcus Hardie reminds himself, I am the good guy.Hardie was born and raised by his grandmother in a poor neighborhood onthe outskirts of Los Angeles, a black youth stuck in the urbanghetto. He survived the ghetto and graduated from college and lawschool, Marcus Hardie seemed destined for a future far from the violentsurroundings of his childhood, an upbringing filled with urban gangwarfare. He showed promise in California’s political scene, rising toan important position in the Governor’s office. No one would haveimagined, though, that he would soon become an elite anti-terroroperative in one of the most violent places in the world: The MiddleEast.

Marcus Hardie was groomed for a position of power in the Republican Party. This memoir deeply explores the inner working of a political party. This is the book you want to read this political season.

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Still can't get help!

Every ship that was in the war zone in Vietnam EXCEPT for carriers are being ok'd for AGENT ORANGE compensation. I've got a uncurable disease with " NO " family history, served my country and they slap you in the face because I worked the flightdeck on a aircraft carrier and contracted this slow death. . Rep Latta from Ohio just feels badly.. right! With no real offer to help me fight!
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Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression.Ratified12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom ofspeech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably toassemble, and to petition the Government for a redressof grievances.

Also anybody who thinks it's okay to stone people to death or murder people for not agreeing with other people beliefs it violates thisamendment of the Constitution:

Amendment 8 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Ratified12/15/1791.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Author: Brian D. Hill

Simple Note to threatener: Give us lots of proof that the entire video and I mean the entire video was false or we won't take down thevideo. If you do not accept this term and attempt to force people toremove links to our website then you are not a reasonable human beingand is just another guy or girl working for the elite or a factionstarted by the elite. We have ways to advertise across the country usingadvertisement chains so anybody who wishes I censor information thatmay be true is just plain unacceptable. I understand parts of the videomay be false but the last part of it looks to be true according to thefact it was filmed from a foreign news station. I am against anyfactions that wish to take away rights and harm other people. I will notaccept any religious violence because the elite wants to murder us viathe Georgia Guidestones so that the population does not exceed500,000,000. That's why the elite wants radical religious groupsinciting conflict with one another so that the plot to exterminate partsof the human population can happen. This is the elites plan and I donot condone any gross or inhuman religious act. I support that Muslimshave their own beliefs BUT I will not cater to their religion underduress because doing so is what cults do to non believers. I am NOTanti-Muslim but I will not cater to any violent radical faction thatwishes to kill those that don't agree with their beliefs.

Also I will bring out any video that we believe is truthful because how do we know that the guy who said the video is false isn't adisinfo agent. I am still unsure about whether parts of the video aretrue or not but I want to talk with people that knows the subject beforeI remove it because I do not condone any kind of censorship whatsoever.I run a truth site and I will fight to bring out the truth.

Also according to the english version of the Quran reported directly to me by a Quran Researcher found out that all Muslims have toread all gospels of the bible which includes our bible so all Muslimsshould have to accept other peoples views including Christians. How isthis a hate site after what I have said? You believe what you believe! Ibelieve what I believe! Don't force me to follow any belief or I willfight back.

Right now threats are being passed to USWGO by a man that thinks that USWGO is a nazi hate site against peaceful Muslims instead of againstthe radical Islamic Factions that is one of the fascist groups being setupon the world to try to force convert the world into a WorldGovernment with a world religion under the guise of peace and unity butis really a framework for legalized enslavement and the start for amind-controlled police state. Globalists love religious groups killingeach other because it helps out their goal of reducing the populationfrom the billions to less then 500,000,000 according to the GeorgiaGuide Stones. I have witnessed the Georgia Guide Stones with my own eyesbut this was way before I ever got into going against the new worldorder. I have seen these stones myself so I know they are for real.


This is the threat we have received:

Dear sir or madam, I have just visited your website for the first time,
I saw a story titled "Mass Hamas Wedding in Gaza With Girls 6-9 Years Old",
this is a totally discredited story, it is a known exposed lie, it is a hateful
disgusting video designed to spread hatred and violence towards Muslims, and you
have made it a prominent story linked on your front page, not only that, but your
employee Brian D. Hill has added his own hate speach saying that the Quran encourages
prostitution, what kind of sick Nazi website do you run here to say that kind of thing?
You're website was linked by another website which I respect, which is why I visited your
website, I demand you remove that entire page and discipline your employee or I shall do
everything in my power to discredit your website and try to get links to your website removed
from other websites, I shall expose your website as being a Nazi hate-mongering, lying, fascist
website, I have noticed many videos regarding your site on
YouTube, that will be a start, please remove that page and apologise thank you

I never said that the Quran encourages Prostitution and I only report good news I find not to mention is was on beforeitsnews.

Also I am against any radical factions and fronts that have been set up by the worlds elite. Radical Islam is one of the oppressive forcesattempting to dehumanize the world and bring it into slavery. Anotherone of those fronts is the communist faction while another one isradical socialism. The elite does pedophilia, enslavement,dehumanization, eugenics, genocide and death, and other kinds of horrorsthrough many names and many false fronts.

I am scared half to death that Islam is being forced in America because I thought the Constitution said that the government shall makeno law in respect of a establishment of a religion which means that nolaw shall be in respect of a establishment of a religion whether it beChristian, Judaism, Muslim, or any other religion. The Sharia Lawviolates the U.S. Constitution because that law is based on religiousviews which can be distorted by elitists because we've seen all sorts ofreligious gospels and documents being censored before our very eyes.

Also I will admit after doing some more research some parts of the video I mirrored was misrepresenting the truth as an attempt to bashMuslims BUT the guy who said that it was legal to marry any age of girlswas from a foreign news station and that I am certain of. I did foundout that they weren't married to little girls according to a AFPnews report but how can I think that video I saw is fake as well ifit came from a foreign TV news station? There is two sides of thebattle one saying that the Prophet is for pedophilia and one is against.I only try to report on the truth and the way the video looked itshowed little girls and grown men so how would I know if it is all falseor not.

Now according to our research I know the last part of the video is true from that mans perspective and the first parts are probably falsealthough it could be an attempt to cover up all allegations ofpedophilia.

So right now I want anybody that lives in the area of Gaza to respond to this so we can know whether it is true or not.

I will not respond to censorship requests and I must have proof that the entire video is propaganda before I remove it or add a note sayingthat it is found that the entire video is false but we need moreevidence before we can disprove it.

I will only take down the video if I talk to at least 20 different Gaza citizens, Islam experts, and others that will have to prove to mewhether the information in the video I mirrored is accurate. Once I get aconfirmation that this isn't a cover-up attempt then I will take thevideo down.

I still think that standing up against any faction that wishes to strip our rights away is what free humanity supporters should do.

I will be against any faction that the globalists have set up to take over the planet. I have heard of plenty of examples of Radical Islamtaking over other countries then killing Christians that clearly shouldhave a right to practice their religion. I do not tolerate any religioustakeover and do not tolerate anybody who wishes to take away anypersons rights whether it be men, women, and children.

I will clearly expose anyone who believes it's okay to harm another human being or promotes fascism. I am not the fascist here I will goagainst anybody who threatens Americas rights.

That is my response to the threaten-er. If you cannot accept this as a proper response that I want proof then your probably apart of one ofthe elites factions. I will not censor any truth I find. If I feel that Iand other Americans are threatened in any way I will fight back underself defense.

I will not accept Sharia Law in the United States and will fight it by any peaceful means, and I will resist any law that oppresses anyonein the United States.

I am against the New World Order! I am against World Opressive Religion! I am against any faction that wishes to take our rights away!

This site is about free humanity and any radical faction that wishes to take our rights away is not welcome to use up bandwidth.

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Cloward-Pivenist Obama
Calls FOX News 'Destructive' to America

Every Psychology 101 student is introduced to “projection,” a typical defense mechanism wherein under even the slightest stress; the subject tends to accuse everyone else of his own obvious weaknesses. In this case a man who’s spent time on the front lines for ACORN deliberately seeking to bring America down (by forcing compliance into knowingly bad loans forced by Progressive** Democratic legislation) now is accusing the FOX News organization of being ‘destructive’ to America. In oral commentary and as revealed in an 8,000 word interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Mr. “How can I best undermine the American economy?” compared FOX’s cable news channel to the William Randolph Hearst news organization’s crusading for Hearst’s own political advancement in the early 20th Century. As usual Mr. Obama’s analogy covers up his poor job performance and other more sinister behavior now and in his past.
His hatred for FOX News is obvious, but Mr. Obama has, apparently, no problem with toady media prostitutes like Rolling Stone, N.Y. Times, Washington Post and MSNBC asking “Please, may I, Oh Great One?” before rubbing their noses between the cheeks of their “anointed one’s” buttocks and planting the sweetest, most worshipful of kisses therein. As always, Obama uses the nearest available punching bag to distract the voters from the less than marvelous job he’s done as President of the United States . . . because FOX is no respecter of Obama’s competence or goals, this is their third swing at discrediting “The Most Trusted Name in News.” A very strong argument could be mounted that President Obama is the single-most ‘destructive’ force America has ever encountered. Far worse than the Cold War era Soviet Union; the Nazis and Japanese in World War II; or even our own Civil War. If, on the 1-10 scale running from principled patriotism to utter treason, FOX News rates a 0.25, then clearly Mr. Obama rates an 11. Rajjpuut says unabashedly, “Thank God for FOX News, without FOX there is no TEA Party movement to hold the G.O.P.’s and Obama’s Dems’ feet to the fire. And without the TEA Party this last 19 months, America is already a Marxist nation.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The United States had the highest private home ownership in the world, so clearly our system was NOT broken. Nevertheless, CRA ’77 and Obama and Clinton and progressive Dems^^ and ACORN took the percentage of “highly-suspect” home loans from 0.24% in 1975; to 0.51% in 1985; to 14.2% in 1995; to 34.1% of all home loans in 2005. Before ACORN began pushing CRA ’77 compliance loans under 3% down payment were almost unheard of, 15% of loans in 2005 were made with 0% down payment including for homes of $500,000.
^^The Progressive Dem’s 30 year history of CRA ’77 (the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977) includes Bill Clinton producing three expansions (’95 twice and the steroid version in ’98) to Jimmy Carter’s law and also an immediate regulatory “reform” as he took office in 1993; and Barack Obama as an ACORN lawyer brow-beating and shaking down lenders uneager to make horrific home loans to people with zero chance of repaying their mortgages short of winning the lottery. ACORN (which put Clinton in the Arkansas governor’s mansion for 12 out of 14 possible years after their creation in Arkansas in 1977; and then into the Oval Office) discovered after Clinton’s ’98 steroid version of the mortgage-guarantee CRA ’77, that it was just as easy to put illegal aliens into $400,000 homes as it had been earlier to put slightly poor people into $120,000 houses. The exact same (Cloward Piven Strategy and Alinsky Tactics) process and goals as Cloward’s, Piven’s and Wiley’s NWRO’s seven-year campaign to overload the welfare system which resulted in the Bankruptcy of New York City and the ensuing federal government bailout. A horrible law was created to fix what wasn’t broken; deliberate operations were undertaken to overload the federal system created by the new law; a regulatory fix and three further expansions of the law and ACORN street tactic were applied to overload the housing system. As part of the ACORN attack, Mr. Obama then and now as our first Marxist President has a vested interest in the total collapse of American capitalism.
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As the November 2010 mid-term elections approach, it is more and more apparent they will be the most critical elections in modern times. For decades, our Constitution has been under attack [ironically] by our court system, led by statist administrations.


Every American Patriot should fight to revive it:

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American Values and Principles

It is not comfortable to know that extraterrestrials are out there observing us. Are they waiting for us to catch up or waiting for us to eliminate ourselves? Billions of earth people are heading down a dangerous path, and don’t have answers that make sense. If the two or three who read my thoughts would pass this blog on, we might start a wave that would sweep the world.

America’s Founding Fathers, aware of the corruption that comes from aristocracy based on birth, wrote and signed a Declaration of Independence, which gave every individual in America the birthright to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, based on the idea that we are capable of being self-governed.

We are not born knowing how to self-govern. The Constitution the Founding Fathers wrote was based on the idea of learning and earning the right to be self-governed. Knowing politicians, the Founding Fathers required that they swear to protect and defend the Constitution. Self-serving politicians simply selected judges who interpreted the Constitution to conform to their whims. Thus, today’s Constitution is whatever turns us on. It’s worthless.

Faced with the reality of what corrupt politicians have done to us, we Americans have learned the hard way to never trust a politician. They will do wrong every time they get the chance. The principles and values behind America’s original Constitution, as written in the Founding Fathers’ Declaration, came from natural law and nature’s God. Any interpretation of the law that fails to recognize this is political expedience. It changes the course for the rocks.

In my new Scofield Study Bible my wife Karen gave me for my eighty-fifth birthday on September 17, today I read in Matthew 11 an editor’s note, “The new message of Jesus: not the kingdom, but personal discipleship.” This is followed by “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt.11:28). It brought to mind being self-governed. When we look within for our answers, the yoke is easy and the burden light, says Jesus.

Looking at the actual reality of our situation, are we merely intelligent meat; here today and gone tomorrow; no more than pawns of the powerful, here to bear their heavy burden? The Founding Fathers found it necessary to dissolve the bands that forced us to pay the oppressor British Crown. We can agree that almost anything beats enslavement. When enslaved, we have the common desire to be free. Once free, we now see, the process begins again that leads to enslavement. Are we really capable of living under natural law and nature’s God, or of self-government?

For many years America grew and prospered under her free enterprise system, in fact, to become the most prosperous nation on earth. Then the free enterprise system failed us. The American people had lost sight of the principles and values that made America great. Fat Wall Street hogs, under the free enterprise system, unsupervised, freely manipulated the stock market and left America sucking hind tit. We, the betrayed people, looked to the fox guarding the henhouse for the answer. Government gladly accepted the duty to grant us individual aid. Once government got its foot in our doors, with Ponzi schemes that give us less and less and government more and more power, more than half of the American people depending on government now, we’re going bankrupt morally, spiritually, and financially, losing every liberty we have, the Tea Party, the reaction. We’ve come full circle. Back to the Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence. Millions of Americans are now doing what I did in 1973: studying our Constitution; looking within for answers; discovering natural law and nature’s God.

The Tea Party came 37 years after I studied my Constitution, the original Constitution, and took action against government. I was out of sight, out of mind. I took my tax case all the way to the Supreme Court, and to no avail, other than to create a record. The government lied every step of the way and hung itself with its own rope. I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post in 1986. The Post investigated. The IRS admitted on the front page to numerous “mistakes,” such as ignoring court orders.

From my out of mind, out of sight action, the United States was left an unnoticed, unconstitutional fraud, and now caught in its own web of deceit; we’ve yet to see the end of my story. “In earth as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:10). Editor’s note: “The new revelation concerning the Lord’s Prayer,” just what is the new revelation?

Jesus came to earth 2,000 years ago with a prophecy that we would become a brotherhood. Desperate to keep Jesus’ prophecy from happening, his prophecy is being perverted in America by the collectivist fraud I brought to bear in 1973. Collectivist salvation, “what did you say?” “When any one heareth the word of the kingdom and understand it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart” (Mt. 13:19), And who would the wicked one be? Notice that Obama says our Constitution is flawed and our liberties negative. He learned about America at Harvard, whose faculty teaches the philosophy of Marx. Obama did not swear to protect and defend my Constitution. He has his constitution, which we read in Dreams From my Father, his father a communist, a bigamist, and an alcoholic who killed a Kenyan with his car. I would not think many, including Obama, would want to live and think like dirt poor native Kenyans. One-world Obama wants to share your wealth.

Coincidentally, on the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, July 4, 1776, the day the brotherhood Jesus prophesized was born—that is to say, the planet Uranus was on the ascendant of the astrological chart of the United States, meaning her sign was Aquarius. Abraham Lincoln was born under the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius was also on the rise in his chart. Aquarius was on the rise in my chart. Astrologers claim the Age of Aquarius, which we are now entering, is an age of brotherhood. By the way the three wise men led by the star of Bethlehem to Christ’s birthplace, were Persian astrologers.

In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas, who spent 30 years in meticulous research of the outer planets’ alignments, who found consistent correspondence with these alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biology, in that vein of thought my astrological charts shows Saturn and Pluto to be in their most favorable alignment when I was born. “In earth as it is in heaven,” keep in mind, called a trine, “this trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized,” we read in Astrologer’s Handbook. “They are able to work slowly to make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”

Tarnas points out in Cosmos and Psyche that in November 2008, Saturn and Pluto went into unfavorable alignment. It means widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation. Obama came at the right time to lead us. Too bad about that, but take heart. No way are we going to Kenyas’s dogs. The bad alignment ends in 2011. I’ve good news. Natively understanding the laws by which subtle forces are organized, I studied and came to understand the quantum mind, as told by quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker. We are “co-creators.” “The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. The quantum mind is the basic reality.” It is mind over matter; we make our reality.

You are not out of sight, out of mind anymore, folks. Old ideas fading into the forgotten past; the observer interacting with matter, hope is the beginning of our current mission; faith is not blind anymore; and charity begins with the individual, we, individually, in the driver’s seat making our reality, a groundswell is building—welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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Friday, October 01, 2010

Larry Dever

Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, Ariz. (Cochise County Sheriff's Department photo)

Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, Ariz. told that President Barack Obama has “got his hands wrapped around our throat” as his administration sues the state of Arizona for trying to enforce the
immigration laws that the federal government itself will not enforce.

Dever also said he has “zero confidence” Obama will secure the border before his presidential term is up in two years and that the president is putting the people who live and work in Cochise County at risk by
willfully failing to secure that border so that he can maintain
political leverage for his goal of winning an amnesty for illegal
aliens. videotaped an interview with Dever on Aug. 13, the same day Obama signed a $600 million bill to provide 1,000 additional Border Patrol agents. When asked whether he believes Obama actually wants to
secure the border, Dever said that Obama did not want to do so.

“No. He’s as much as said so,” said Dever. “He’s playing the border security card, holding that, his trump card, to get immigration reform. And he’s basically said, you’re not going to get the kind of border
enforcement you want, you’re asking for, unless you give me immigration

Cochise County is one of four counties in the state of Arizona that is contiguous with the Mexican border. Dever, a native of the county, was first elected sheriff in 1996 and has worked in local law
enforcement in the county for three decades.

When asked Dever if he was saying that President Obama was putting ranchers, other people in his county and the even Border Patrol agents who worked there at risk by holding off on securing the
border while trying to win an amnesty for illegal aliens, Dever said:
“If that’s what it seems like I’m saying, let me just make it perfectly
clear, as the president likes to say: That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

Asked how much confidence he has that President Obama will eventually secure the border before his term of office ends in two years, Dever said: “I have zero confidence in that.”

“While this new funding is welcome, it’s still far short,” Dever said of the bill the president signed that day. “It’s an improvement, and we welcome that. But what really irritates me, really irritates me, is
that while throwing out all this money in the government, he’s suing us
on the other hand.”

Dever was referring to the lawsuit brought against Arizona by the U.S. Justice Department seeking to block an Arizona law enacted earlier this year that requires local law enforcement officers in Arizona to
determine the immigration status of someone they stop for another reason
and then have a reasonable basis for suspecting may be an illegal
alien. In July, a federal judge issued an injunction blocking
enforcement of key provision of the Arizona law, and it is now on appeal
to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

“So, he’s got his hands wrapped around our throat—to use a Gulf oil—his foot on our throat, to use a Gulf-oil-spill metaphor, and, holding out a few crumbs in his hand and saying eat this,” said Dever.
“Lift the lawsuit, Mr. President, and drop that thing. Let Arizona take
its leadership role like it’s willing to do. We’ll help. We’ll do more
good with that than anything else that’s going on right now. Other
states are getting on board. And then give us the resources we need to
get this thing done.”
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As the onslaught of dirty politics rears its ugly head roughly 30 days from Election Day, there's a battle between the biased mainstream media and the truth. This is a battle conservatives have been fighting for decades, but since the arrival of The Chosen One, it has become blatantly open.

TIMES, NEWSWEEK Hit O'Donnell, Skip Coons Record

Everybody gets the game. And the game is over.

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A Miracle

Since we have the uncomfortable feeling that our lives could be at the brink of significant change, and how we hate change, I’ve a message for you.

On Good Friday 1975, I drove out of my driveway in North Texas and headed for South Florida, never to return. I didn’t pick Good Friday, but the day Christians commemorate as the day Christ was crucified had special meaning in my life, as did April Fool’s Day. Both stand as signs. It seems that I have a penchant for picking days that have special meaning to make major changes in my life.

On April Fool’s Day 1999, my wife Karen and I boarded a jetliner at Palm Beach International Airport for a one-way journey back to square one, Portland, Oregon.

In August 1981, I’d departed Portland, with Karen all the way to Salt Lake City repeating, “I don’t know why I’m doing this.” Nearly 18 years later this fool returned to Portland.

The Good Friday departure resulted in my finding a new life that was vastly better than the life I left. After the August 1981 departure, if anything could go wrong it did; after the Good Friday 1975 departure, when things could very well have gone wrong, everything went right. In the change that didn’t work out well, I’d been impetuous. In the change that worked out well, I got on my course of destiny.

I’d studied my Constitution and acted. I had a bigger than life calling. In the 1981 change, I was running from my problems; in the 1975 change, I was facing the problem and acting.

In my 1975 departure, I was the pioneer seeking a new and better life. America’s Founding Fathers wrote my Constitution for a people that came to America seeking a new and better life. “And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened” (Luke 11:9).

The Phoenix, a legendary bird, after a life of centuries this bird immolated itself on a pyre and from the ashes was reborn. The Phoenix is an emblem of immortality, or of reborn idealism or hope, or a person who has been restored after suffering a calamity.

In this vein of thought, another sign in my life was the eruption of Mt. St. Helens on May 18, 1980, which occurred on my first date with Karen. We were hiking a mountain trail near Mt. St. Helens. The most important thing in my life, to love and be loved back, had escaped me. When I met Karen, I’d experienced three failed marriages. The last thing I wanted was another wife, but the moment I met Karen I felt as though I was with an old friend I’d not seen for a long time. Just prior to seeing the sky turn black in the northwest from the eruption, Karen blurted out, “I want ours to be a platonic relationship.” She doesn’t know why she said it. Fifteen years later, I read in a computer printout taken from an astrological compatibility program: “The platonic thing was there from the start, and there is a sense of the brotherly and sisterly between you.”

What about the 9-11 event? Is it not as well a sign? We are entering the Age of Aquarius, the sign, the water-bearer, we’re told this age is of brotherhood. Where does brotherhood begin? Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. We are all God’s children.

I read in my new Scofield Study Bible, in the Gospel According to St. Matthew, The new message of Jesus: not the Kingdom, but personal discipleship. I turned back to “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:10). The period after “Thy kingdom come” made sense. We are on earth to act, not to hope for the kingdom that is yet to come.

In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. On Good Friday 1975, the day of my departure from my old life, (we are on earth to act) Uranus, my ruling planet had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born. It meant I’d be under pressure to significantly change my life. I shudder to think what would have happened to me had I been too afraid to take the leap. After my departure, I faced a very tough situation, including being locked out of my apartment for non-payment of rent. Somehow, I knew I was going to win the battle. That feeling never left me. My departure in 1975 was to the sea. In a violent storm, God’s hand was on my wheel. Are we not all born for a purpose? I was saved for a purpose. We all have a purpose. Never give up.

Long ago, I dreamed of some day retiring in the mountains. In Numerology and The Divine Triangle, under “Life Lesson Number,” my number being 7, means “you are here to use and develop your mind. . . You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self.” In March 2008, Karen and I moved into our dream home in the tall timber near Mt. Hood. There are numerous coincidences in my life like the ones I mention here.

In The Meaning of Life: the Physics of Consciousness, we read, “The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.” Our state of consciousness, fundamental to our existence, means there is no limit.

In earth as it is in heaven, in The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” I’m Aquarius rising, we are told that I’m somehow “different” from other people, that I can have a strong sense of freedom for myself and for others, and ahead of my time. We’re told under “Aquarius Rising” that trying to conform in order to be like everyone else I may rebel at crucial times. In the first instance, in 1975, I found the real me. In the second instance, in 1981, I ignored the real me and acted foolishly. For eighteen years I paid for my folly, finally returning to square one, I got back on my course of destiny. We are personally responsible for our own lives. There is no other way to find happiness.

Since prior to my having been born again I studied my Constitution and acted, and had a bigger than life calling, and now my dreams have come true, I refer you to As A Man Thinketh by James Allen.

As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which may make himself what he wills.

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U.S. and immigration??

America 4 Americans !

Before I start this tirade I want everyone to think about the scenario I am about to put forward.

Imagine that you and I are both trying to raise and care for our individual child. One each.

In this situation there is only enough food for one, exactly one child! Keep in mind that one child must starve and only one can be allowed to survive. There is no compromise. Should we try to share both will starve. End of discussion!

Imagine that you have the only access to this food. Which child do you feed? I am sure that you are going to let your child die and feed mine. Am I correct? Of course, we both know that is not going to happen! If anyone should even attempt to say different I would boldly call him or her a liar.

What exactly is happening to our country? No one has any sense of loyalty anymore.

Lest of all, the millions of immigrants, legal and illegal, that have invaded our home.

Due to some extremely stupid moves by our "elected officials" we have N.A.F.T.A. and other assorted trade agreements that the average U.S. citizens did not agree to and which has removed millions of jobs and sent them overseas.

We are in the midst of a war that no one seems to see. Our country in being invaded from without and then destroyed from within with the eager aid of our elected officials.

In addition to this we have millions of illegal immigrants already here and many more to come. Just watch! We, the American citizens are supposed to simply stand and watch as these illegals take over our country.

As for the incredibly lame, not naive, lame idea that these illegals are simply working jobs that no U.S. citizen would have, that is a lie, plain and simple. They take many jobs that pay well above $10.00 an hour and more! Right now and, actually at most any time just about any American would take such a job.

The legal immigrants would never work for the supposedly paltry sums fools claim the illegals work for to begin with. They are taking even more valuable jobs that our citizens could and should have.

Now the same traitorous politicians that allowed this situation in the first place want to give them citizenship through amnesty. Join the military and/or simply go to school at the American taxpayers expense and you're in. WHY? Are they better than the millions of immigrants that came before them and went through the process as our LAWS demand?

They come here, have a baby on our soil and we are not only expected to pay the bill for this, but allow them to stay because their child was born here. Their children should not be considered a citizen in the first place. It is more than plain that they know that giving birth here will make their child a citizen and use this to invade and remain in our country. They cry that we should not force them to leave because that would be unfair to their children, who might have to leave with them. Is it fair to us, who have to pay their way?

They want to vote. Illegal! They want to work. Illegal! They want to become citizens without due process. Illegal! Many use the social security numbers that other illegals have already and sometimes still use. Highly Illegal! Plain and simple, they are criminals, nothing less! Absolutely nothing more.

Our welfare tolls swell everyday and a large part of this is due to paying for the general upkeep and medical welfare of these same criminals.

It is not our fault that their countries might be in bad shape. It is also not our duty to care for them. That is the responsibility of their own governments or countries!

They form large protest marches to call for their rights. These are rights that are not theirs to begin with; they are here illegally. This the perfect time to round them up and deport them!

Please understand that this is "not" a speech of hatred or the prejudice of an insane individual. I am afraid for my family, friends and country. We cannot care for our own and worry about the rest of the world too.

Whenever we actually do manage to send a few back they just return. They assume a new name and locate another social security number and their here once more.

We need to start collecting in addition to fingerprints and photographs; DNA samples, retinal and vocal scans. Then if anyone should be caught a second time they will be very easy to identify and we can put them in prison. Once in prison they could be made join public work crews and then at last pay their own way. Repeat offenders are people that have no respect for the law as their own conduct proves.

Illegals are not the only problem! As stated earlier, we cannot take on the cares of the entire world. REMEMBER WHOS CHILD ARE YOU GOING TO FEED FIRST! The numbers of legal immigrants into country should also be curtailed.

There are, or so I have heard, many programs or incentives not offered to actual U.S. citizens that allow immigrants to go to school with loans and even grants. "We The People" would be the ones to foot the bill for such. They are offered tax shelters as well as loans and grants to start businesses that are not allowed for U.S. citizens. This is not only wrong, it should be a criminal offense. REMEMBER WHOS CHILD ARE YOU GOING TO FEED FIRST! This is treason against the American citizens.

It is not politically correct to say things like (stop or limit immigration), I for one do not care out political correctness, and instead I care about America and its citizens. Limitations are exactly what needs to be enacted in the U.S.A. Once again, I say there is only so much we, the U.S. citizens can do for the world.

Many other countries have limitations as to how many immigrants can move into their countries. There is a sound and perfectly legitimate reason for this. They cannot afford to support them as well as their own citizens. Neither can we!

The U.S.A. and Canada are the only countries that have automatic citizenship when born on their soil. Seems rather asinine to me!

Immigrants, whether legal or not, DO TAKE JOBS, that U.S. citizens could fill and at this point in time need to have to keep their families alive.

Unemployment is a scourge in our country right now. Yet we continue to allow massive numbers of immigrants to migrate into our country and economy every single day. They are taking jobs that we need desperately. It needs to be stopped, now!

The bleeding heart politicians seem to think they are being humane when allowing this sort of thing. They are not! They are simply trying to win the support of the very people they should be sending home.

Eventually there will such numbers of people here that we will not be able to support anyone, citizen, legal or illegal immigrants. That is a fact!

So in closing, for now, I say, may GOD bless and guide America and protect us from the invasion that is happening before our very eyes and that no one seems to see.

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Maybe I just haven't read or heard anything yet, but where is the support by the Tea Party for Maines Conservative Candidates? I was told by Tea party patriots, that the Tea Party doesn't support or endorse political candidates! But if that is the case why is the Media reporting Victories for Tea Party Candidates?

These are a few Conservative Candidates that are running, and a couple are running against Multi Term Liberals.

Paul Lepage for Gov., Jason Levesque for Congress, Larry Dunphy for State Rep, Rod Whittemore for state senate.

Why is the Tea party so silent in Maine? I don't get it, can someone help me see the light here?

Thank you

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Increaseing our power

You and I are members of a very select group and we joined together as a group to make to make a difference.
There are literally hundreds of groups across all across America wanting to make a statement. Some of the groups are small with just a few members and some with a few hundred members and all like us dissatisfied with the current politicians and the wretchedly bad job they are doing.
Almost all groups are trying to figure out who is the best of the bad and, if they are not lying, will they support their cause. And they will encourage members of their group to vote for that career politician because there is no better choice.
The two parties have a lock on the candidate selection process and they always select the person that supports the issues that most concern them. Issues that when come to be law will benefit their pocket book or the pocket book of the supporter, donator to their past and future election.

In 1780 Samuel Adams wrote “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.
I can say with out a doubt that the vainest and aspiring men in this United States are the politicians that hold office and we the citizen the members of the many groups are the experienced patriots and that is why we have banded together as groups. We have the power collectively united to prevent the ruin of America.

We all disapprove of the job Congress is doing, yet 95% of incumbents are re-elected.
Why do they get reelected over and over again? Incumbents take advantage of the perquisites of office to enhance their electoral position over their challengers. Thus, the franking (free mailing) privilege incumbents get helps them maintain increased name recognition. Travel to the district helps incumbents as well. In addition, by performing casework for their constituents (such as by finding lost Social Security checks), incumbents can develop good will, which then translates into votes. Finally, incumbents can skillfully take positions that are in agreement with constituency opinion. They also advertise based on these positions and build a legislative record that the opinion leaders in the district can support. In short, incumbents are doing just enough to help them get reelected. Getting reelected is their number one priority from the day they take the oath of office. Representing the constituents of their district takes a back seat to getting reelected.
Do campaign contributions to congressman buy votes? Of course they do. If they didn't, there wouldn't be any campaign contributions in the first place, especially from the heavy interests in business, defense industry and others who regularly buy Congressional votes. Not all politicians in office are on the take, but too frequently the news exposes a glaring example. I would be hard pressed to name just one that is not on the take.
The most recent features suspected bribery taker Congressman William Jefferson (D., La.) trying to explain the $90,000 found in his freezer. This may be shameful, but certainly not surprising. Throughout history, there have been an old-boys' network operating among Washington lobbyists and legislators. Members of the House of Representatives must run for re-election every two years; Senators every six years.
Today a Presidential candidate must raise many millions for a campaign, and it takes at least from $250,000 to several million to finance a Congressional campaign. Does anyone really believe that all campaign gift money comes from selfless patriots whose only altruistic motive is to bring competent, honest government to Washington?
Today’s politician could not fix the problems we have even if they wanted to. They are trapped by what we call "political Catch-22s": They must serve their party or they will be gerrymandered out of office (ask Lieberman). They must serve the special interest groups that finance their campaign or they will not have enough money to seek re-election. They must be politically correct at all times - ensuring they do not offend any person and thus lose their votes and dollars. They can only create "pork", they can never remove wasteful spending. They are so determined to get re-elected that they spend ridiculous amounts of time fund-raising instead of representing their constituents.
The voters are becoming more and more dissatisfied with the political parties and are showing this by the ever increasing number of new organizations dedicated to changing policy in Washington, groups such as As A Mom, TEA Party, GOOOH, Sons of Liberty, 9-12, and Operation Pitch Fork, to name a few.
Most of the organizations have similar goals. Some focus on a single issue and others cover many. What is meaningful is they are all working to bring our nation into a new era of true and rightful government by the people, an idea that once made this nation great.
This nation can again become a nation for the people if we will work together, but our problem is we have so many organizations, each with a few thousand members. What we need to do is bring the thousands of members from all organizations into one central group.
It stands to reason, as long as we remain separate we stand no chance of opposing the parties. Is there a solution to all of this? A solution to special interest money used to buy votes, a solution to a candidate saying one thing to get elected and then doing just the opposite.

Yes there is. And the solution is to change the way candidates are chosen.

You and I want a candidate that will have no ties to special interest money and is not beholden to any political party telling them how to vote and is not worried about being reelected because the most they will ever serve is two terms.

I have researched over fifty groups all with special agendas, Tea Party,
Operation PitchFork, 9-12 Project, Break the Bonds of Tyranny just to name a few and none of them have a definite solution with one exception and that unique exception is an
organization named Go – GOOOH is an acronym for Get Out Of Our House. GOOOH is not a party, nor is it a platform. It is a process for electing citizen representatives to serve the people in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Why the House (something we all learned in school and most have forgotten)?
The President can suggest laws, but only Congress can make them. A member of either the House or Senate may introduce a bill but it must be approved by both. If similar but different bills are passed by the House and Senate, a conference committee attempts to reconcile the differences and then both will vote on the same bill. Before it can be a law it must also be approved by the President or, if he does not sign, the House and Senate can vote on it again and if they both pass it by a 2/3 majority it becomes law. If the law is challenged, the courts can rule that it is unconstitutional.

GOOOH has the solution: get rid of the politicians and elect true citizens. Go will
(a) Sever the ties with special interest groups
(b) Replace career politicians with true representatives
(c) Hold our elected officials accountable
(d) Allow you and your peers to actively participate in the selection of your representative.
(e) Allow you and your peers to determine, among yourselves, who can best represent your District

GOOOH does not define (or have) a platform. It allows selected candidates to represent their district's interests unencumbered by partisan politics. Candidates will define their own platform by filling out the Candidate Questionnaire.
Candidates are required to sign a legal contract agreeing to run for no more than two, 2-year terms. They will therefore spend their time representing their district and developing legislation - not fund-raising (or pandering) for the next election.

As a member of your select group you should also consider becoming a member of Go. It will cost you nothing to join and your benefit will be in helping pick the next candidate to run for Congress.

Visit and learn more.

P.S. Having read this, please email me with your thoughts on the subject.

Don Alexander
Houston, TX
832-443-5108 .
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