Tuesday Noon ~ TheFrontPageCove

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
Up Against The Wall
by Susan Weintrob
Alaskans Want More Drilling - Trump 
and Congress Are Working to Make It Happen
by Samantha Block
{dailysignal.com} ~ The Trump administration is attempting to do what past administrations have either failed to do or blocked: open up part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas drilling... The House recently passed a budget proposal that opens the door to allowing drilling in the refuge. The bill now stands in the Senate and could be well received at the White House, which included royalties from drilling in the refuge in its budget proposal. Last month, The New York Times obtained an internal memo from the Interior Department, which proposed the lifting of restrictions on exploratory seismic studies in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The agency was directed to provide an environmental assessment and a rule allowing for new exploration plans...http://dailysignal.com/2017/10/20/trump-looks-to-open-up-arctic-wildlife-refuge-to-oil-drilling-something-alaskans-want/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tds-fb?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CapitolBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTmpaaVkySXhZekZoWmpsaCIsInQiOiJiS0lVZjlFV1pGRDQ0bUpVQm5FaTFqUXZkN1d1ZVpZV0NZU2tjSHZBT3l4d2w4T3hoZE1wQmp2XC9mWlp1ME5CeCtrWHBpQm1ZdlpORG1CUzRVYzhPUWJpY3FiMUxsQ2x2RFNET0RmK3pwNjlHaDFZVFgydGF4NVQxRmhlS09meTgifQ%3D%3D
‘liar-Hillary Clinton and Her Husband Sold Out America
to the Russians’, More URANIUM ONE evidence
{rightwingvideos.com} ~ On Tuesday night, Sean Hannity slammed the liar-Clintons and the liar-nObama administration over the new report that the FBI had gathered evidence that Russian …  http://rightwingvideos.com/hillary-clinton-and-her-husband-sold-out-america-to-the-russians-more-uranium-one-evidence/
Israel Says Syrian Rocket Fire Into
Golan Heights Was Intentional, Warns of Escalation
{israeltoday.co.il} ~ At least three rockets fired from Syria hit the Israeli Golan Heights over the weekend... The incident was initially downplayed as errant mortar fire, mere "spillover" from Syria's ongoing civil war. But top military officials admitted a day later that the attack was likely intentional, and was just the latest in a string of escalating provocations. A senior officer in the IDF Northern Command told Israel's NRG news portal...  http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/32600/Default.aspx
GOP Leader Holding Up Trump 
Budget Nominee Over Hurricane Funding
by Fred Lucas
{dailysignal.com} ~ It was Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who launched a broadside against President Donald Trump’s budget nominee over religious views, but it’s the No. 2 Republican in the Senate... who is blocking the nomination of Russ Vought from coming to the floor for a vote. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, seemed to clarify in a tweet Friday that it isn’t personal against Vought, who Trump nominated to be the deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget. Rather, Cornyn just wants more federal dollars for his state, which was hit by Hurricane Harvey this summer...What the heck are you doing Cornyn?  http://dailysignal.com/2017/10/22/gop-leader-holding-trump-budget-nominee-hurricane-funding/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tds-fb?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CapitolBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTmpaaVkySXhZekZoWmpsaCIsInQiOiJiS0lVZjlFV1pGRDQ0bUpVQm5FaTFqUXZkN1d1ZVpZV0NZU2tjSHZBT3l4d2w4T3hoZE1wQmp2XC9mWlp1ME5CeCtrWHBpQm1ZdlpORG1CUzRVYzhPUWJpY3FiMUxsQ2x2RFNET0RmK3pwNjlHaDFZVFgydGF4NVQxRmhlS09meTgifQ%3D%3D
George Soros's Latest Effort to Fundamentally Transform America
9ltdpv43CTfWK15hnMM7Ifw7U2NWtLLmZHcaLsqlRcvrZMc6g59spdeelcJas9_a68mjUEyLMEUvrOJPHhaxbhbkRTvUmV6KJYZOkabaRGSStGXLsjEGkqjSnspHhX0=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=500by Arnold Ahlert:  George Soros has decided to put some serious money behind his radical leftist agenda. According to The Wall Street Journal, the billionaire activist has provided the Open Society Foundations with $18 billion in funding, vaulting the firm he founded into the upper echelons of philanthropic organizations. According to 2014 figures from the National Philanthropic Trust, only the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has more U.S. assets.

          As of now Soros’s agenda remains unstated, but as columnist Alex Newman accurately notes, Soros has provided funding for “everything from globalism and Big Government to abortion, racial hatred, radical politicians, nationalized police, liar-Hillary Clinton, mass Islamic migration, illegal war, and open borders.” The Journal explains how the new arrangement works:
          Soros Fund Management LLC’s 87-year-old founder now shares influence over the firm’s strategy with an investment committee of Open Society. Mr. Soros set up the committee and is its chairman, but it is meant to survive him, people familiar with it said.
          A new chief investment officer at the Soros firm is less a trader than an allocator of capital to various internal and external asset managers. Unlike past investment chiefs, the official, Dawn Fitzpatrick, doesn’t report to Mr. Soros or others at his firm but to the philanthropy’s investment committee.
          Soros doesn’t plan to trade the funds he’s allocated to the firm. Rather the money will be used to set up an “ongoing process of migration from a hedge fund toward a pool of capital deployed to support a foundation over the long term,” as chief executive of General Atlantic LLC and committee member Bill Ford explains.
          What are Soros’s long term objectives? In 2009 he told the Financial Times that the future should be “owned” by China. “I think you need a new world order, that China has to be part of the proc¬ess of creating it and they have to buy in, they have to own it in the same way as the United States owns … the current order,” he stated.
          A year later, while receiving the Globalist of the Year award from the Canadian International Council, he reiterated his China-centric vision. “They have now got to accept responsibility for world order and the interests of other people as well,” he stated. “Today, China has not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States.
          The would be a vigorous, communist-controlled economy that has sold America poisonous pet food and toxic drywall, courtesy of an authoritarian government that has been a serial human rights violator for decades.
          Why would Soros support worldwide authoritarian rule? “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance — to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god,” he stated in his 1987 book, “The Alchemy of Finance.
          An aberration? Not when you say it twice. “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,” he told The Independent in 1993.
          Unbridled megalomania goes a long way toward explaining why Soros has endeavored to advance his progressive globalist agenda through organizations operating in more than 100 countries. It is an agenda, former DOJ attorney J. Christian Adams revealed last November, that leaked funding documents reveal extends to spending hundreds of millions of dollars on “often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats.
          Last January’s “Women’s March on Washington,” promoted as a “spontaneous” grass roots event, turned out to be a Trump bash-fest with Soros underwriting at least 56 of the event’s “partners.” Soros has also been instrumental in funding Black Lives Matter, another entity that claimed it was a spontaneous uprising engendered by racial frustration. Accuracy in Media’s James Simpson reveals it was anything but, detailing its ties to several Marxist organizations, many of which also received funding from Soros directly, or Soros-funded organizations like the Tide Foundation.
          Other Soros-backed groups include the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Center for American Progress, the Advancement Project, the Center for Community Change, the Brennan Center, and the ostensibly non-partisan League of Women Voters. He partners with large tax-exempt foundations such as Atlantic Philanthropies, Carnegie, Ford, and New World Foundations. He has also pulled together a number of media entities sympathetic to his causes.
          Now Soros is putting $18 billion — or three times the total spending by all political parties, in all races combined, during the 2016 election — behind his effort to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.
          And therein lies the fatal flaw: he and equally puerile leftist billionaires are peddling thoroughly shopworn social justice tropes. Exhibit A is Tom Steyer. The newfound environmentalist billionaire — who earned much of his own fortune financing coal projects — now demands that any Democrat wanting a 2018 campaign contribution must promise to impeach President Donald Trump.
          In short, both men and their progressive allies are doubling-down on the same America-hating agenda the Left has been promulgating for decades. The one that also includes the contemptible presumption that leftists are entitled to rule, irrespective of election results.
          Yet there is a critical difference between the past and the present: America has seen this “movie” before, and it no longer resonates. As columnist J.R. Dunn asserts, the nation is currently experiencing progressivism’s “complete and accelerating collapse” while its adherents are “going for the gun, the club, the homemade flamethrower.
           Why embrace violence? “Because there’s nothing else left,” Dunn concludes.
          Moreover, the Left’s hijacking of entities and institutions normally off-limits to political proselytization is keeping the decline front and center, from Jimmy Kimmel “sermons,” to knee-taking NFL millionaires, and everything in between.
          And then there’s the rank hypocrisy. How does one abide the same Hollywood celebrities who protected Harvey Weinstein ever again presuming to lecture Americans about their moral shortcomings? Or a Democrat Party whose presidential candidate ran a campaign with the slogan“Stronger Together,” even as she labeled half the nation “deplorable,” and continues to assert her loss was the result of misogyny, racism and xenophobia? How are we supposed to take seriously a Leftmedia that endlessly reiterated second-hand stories about the Trump administration’s collusion with Russia, even as it appears determined to bury documented collusion by liar-nObama administration officials?
          Collusion so egregious, the foundations of our constitutional republic are threatened.
          Like any American, Soros is entitled to spend his money as he sees fit, just as he did when he backed liar-Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But as the progressive movement is learning, money isn’t everything: liar-Clinton spent twice as much as Trump and still lost.
          Why? Because you can’t put lipstick on a pig. Progressive-orchestrated hate and hysteria — exemplified by their ongoing attempts to suppress speech, obliterate history, upend genetic reality, ignore any law with which they disagree, and divide Americans into warring tribes — is no longer selling to a nation of fundamentally decent people who finally decided they’ve had enough.
          Eighteen billion dollars buys many things. Assumed credibility isn’t one of them.  ~The Patriot Post


Up Against The Wall
by Susan Weintrob
{jewishworldreview.com} ~ Amidst the heartfelt prayers of religious men and women modestly dressed and in deep devotion, a young woman walked up to the Western Wall.

She wore a sleeveless blouse and tight pants. Her head was uncovered. Each of these was a "no-no" in orthodox eyes, especially on the Sabbath.

I was praying at the Western Wall that hot morning while on a community leadership seminar. The Western Wall of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem is a special place. Touching its holy stones is to travel back in time almost 3,000 years.

As those around the young woman continued to pray, she began writing a note. To capture the moment, she took out her camera and snapped. Both of these actions publicly violated the laws of the Sabbath.

This was the last straw for the woman standing next to me. Dressed in a long black dress, her hair completely covered, she inhaled sharply, marched over to the woman and began screaming at her in Hebrew.

The language pouring out of this woman's mouth shocked me. She began belittling this young woman, who immediately began sobbing.

Another Orthodox woman, an American who moved to the Holy City's Jewish Quarter, walked over to the young woman, after first shushing the yeller.

The American quietly talked and put her arm around the distraught young woman. We would soon learn that her pilgramage to the Wall began early that morning with a bus ride from Haifa. Completely secular, she had never been to the holy site --- or any service for that matter. Despite having been born and raised in the Jewish State, she simply wasn't aware of Jewish laws and traditions.

The reason for this trip? Her young daughter had been diagnosed with cancer. For the first time in her life this mother wanted to pray her heart out, asking the Ultimate Healer for a refuah shalemah, a complete recovery for her child.

That note was a prayer for her ailing daughter.

Most of us teared up as we heard the the young woman's story and we joined in praying for her child.

The outraged woman suddenly fell silent.

The note, now already written, was placed in the Wall's cracks, in accordance with Jewish tradition.

The American, however, was not yet finished. It was now her turn to inhale. She turned to the yeller, who by now was embarrassed by her actions.

"You," she said her in American accented Hebrew, "you have committed the greater sin by disrupting the Sabbath, disrupting our prayers and worst of all, trying to bring shame to this young mother. If you wanted to bring her closer to Judaism, you might have reached out in compassion."

I stood by nodding, offering my support and agreement to what she said.

We read in the beginning of the Book of Samuel about Hannah, unable to have children, mouthing prayers through her tears at the shrine in Shiloh. Eli the Priest sits in the doorway, not recognizing Hannah's sincerity, pre-judges her and condemns her for coming drunk to disturb the holiness of the site.

Unlike our young mother at the Wall, Hannah ably defends herself, explaining that she had come to pray for a child. Eli, realizing his mistake, prays with her and Samuel the Prophet is born from these prayers. Today, Hannah's praying in a whisper is the model for many of our prayers.

The indignant woman at the Wall should have done what Eli had done. She should have listened and offered her prayers and support. It would have been a moment long remembered by both.

As my husband and I became observant more than 25 years ago, we questioned a compassionate Orthodox rabbi about religious people who react hostilely to non-religious individuals. His words remain with us today.

"Being kosher is more than what goes into your mouth," he said. "It's also what comes out."

A shady deal is called "not kosher" even in common usage today. The queasiness in our gut reminds us that ethics are critical to communities that want to nurture and nourish.

I think back to that young mother and hope her child is in remission and that our prayers helped. The incident remains engraved in my mind and I hope it did in the mind of the outraged woman who shouted and screamed. Prayer and observance should remind us to be kind to strangers and a light to the nations, a lesson I hope she learned.

As a Principal, students were often sent to my office because they had misbehaved; usually someone said something nasty or had bullied on the playground. Yet these same students enthusiastically collected canned goods during disasters or volunteered to help a local foster child agency.

Something like the woman who prayed so piously yet screamed at her neighbor.

I used to tell these students, "It's easy to be charitable to people you don't know and will never meet. It's not easy to be nice to that kid sitting next to you." Or to the person praying next to you.

Yet that is where we have to start.
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