The 2020 Election Was Stolen

Source; We The Peop[le USA

From Oren Long;

Whenever anyone says the 2020 election was stolen, they are called "conspiracist", "fringe", or any number of other insults.  The Left and media (same difference) immediately point to the fact that 60 federal judges rebuffed Trump's legal team's filings in all 60 federal courts.
Let's talk about that.  
Trump is right.  The election was stolen and there are truckloads of evidence to prove it, including HUNDREDS of sworn affidavits from hundreds of poll workers citing open theft of the election all across the country.  There are numerous videos of ballot tampering, fake ballots being stuffed into machines and ballot boxes, Republican poll watchers being prevented from observing the counting process and even being physically pushed out of polling stations.    
The new movie "2,000 Mules" clearly and accurately documents these shenanigans, especially stuffing ballots into drop boxes by the hundreds.    
Everyone with half a brain KNOWS the election was stolen; they just won't say it.    
But, back to the 60 federal court judges who summarily dismissed Trump's court filings.  "Summarily" is of prime importance.  Those 60 federal judges refused to even hear the mountains of evidence brought to court.  They dismissed all the cases without even listening to the evidence.  Their reasoning amounts to "Congress has already certified the election, so who am I to overrule Congress?"  Really?!  Courts overrule Congress all the time.  
So, what is really going on?
Simple, really.  Think about it.  
Imagine being a federal judge who actually heard all the evidence.  Given the overwhelming weight of evidence, there would be only one possible ruling, "Biden stole the election, is an illegitimate president, and must be thrown out of the White House".  Imagine being that judge.  You would literally be in fear for your life and the lives of your family.  
Such a ruling would create the mother of all constitutional crises.  It could start another civil war.  NO judge would want to be the person starting a civil war.  
Such a ruling would automatically be rushed through the appellate process all the way up to SCOTUS.  And, at each step of the appellate process, the evidence would be made public.  NO ONE within the judicial or political system would want that and would do anything and everything to stop it.  I doubt even SCOTUS would want to dethrone a sitting president.  And, if the courts did dethrone Biden, the country would explode.  The Democrat Party itself would likely be declared a "criminal" enterprise and disbanded.  More chaos!    
Then there is the MASSIVE pressure that was undoubtedly put on all 60 judges.  You can bet the pressure was MASSIVE!  
Perhaps my late brother said it best, "Any man who goes to court expecting justice is not just a fool, he's a damned fool". 
The prevailing 'wisdom' is that, regardless of the open undermining of the electoral process, the republic will somehow muddle through it and magically survive.  Again, REALLY?!  Without honest elections, THERE IS NO REPUBLIC!    
Given the open cowardice of the media, politicians, and even the courts, we no longer have elections, just the illusion of elections.  Hence, we have no republic.   
Or, as Joe Stalin said, "It does not matter how people vote; it only matters who counts the vote".  

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  • Surely that cannot be so! A stolen must be joking!

  • It is absolutely astonishing that people who are other wise decent. law abiding, truthful, and honorable so quickly accept a crime of this magnitude, that effectively ruins their lives and the reputation of American people in the eyes of other nations.

    We sit back and actually think that , "Oh well, Biden is now president and we will get even in 2024."   It is what it is.  So, we move on while the country comes apart at the seams.

    We have no leadership what so ever. Just none.  This government has become so corrupt that it stinks up the entire globe. 

    So hold your nose. You can't afford to blow it.  Tissue is too damned expensive.



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