10 Things To Make America Great Again

america-let-freedom-reign_a-G-7360070-0.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x10 Things To Make America Great Again

1. Close Border & Deport Illegals, Esp. Troublemakers & Stop Fentanyl. Five million illegals have crossed the border since Joe arrived and now live in America.  TX AG Ken Paxton says illegals cost $850 million per year. Trump said $200 billion dollars a year, but with such an incredible stream it could well be $500 billion a year for all we know. Five million illegals cost us trillions of dollars, and none can have real jobs without a Social Security or they wouldn’t have to cross secretly like they do. Further, ALL foreign convicts from the border were allowed in except for murder and deadly assault records.

2. Re-Open Keystone & ALL US Gas & Oil Fields and give tax credits for oil refineries to expand, reopen and build new refineries. The US is mired in fuel spikes causing gasoline to double or triple what it was just 2 years ago. Most infuriating, this has all been done by choice. Insane because it’s caused by closed down gas and oil fields on Federal Land, in the Gulf, and Alaska – while we beg dictatorships to pump more. We need to reopen the Keystone Pipeline, which would deliver almost a million gallons a day from our friend Canada. And massively and swiftly reopen all the other closed lease areas and get back to business as exporters in the greatest energy creating country in the world. But it won’t there. Give the refineries a protection from the EPA and provide tax credits to expand, reopen and build new refineries. Some of the oil refineries are over 100 years old and running at a 100% capacity!

3. End ALL Speech Codes & Censorship. The First Amendment states:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” So what happened?  America, former Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, now boasts onerous speech codes across the United States. Many have to do with race, gender, trans or anything that people can get upset about. But we have to end these speech codes. Let’s make up our minds we’re going to teach our children how to be tough and not to fall down crying every time they hear an insult. All speech codes against the Constitution must be immediately ended, which means ALL anti-free speech laws.

4. Strip the FBI of most of its power. The FBI has been the praetorian guard to protect Democrats. The FBI has been the praetorian guard to protect Democrats and now specializes in falsifying evidence against Donald Trump, and any other menacing conservatives. And this has to end. Can you imagine trying to reform the FBI? It would be like trying to make the mafia repent. The FBI spreads cancer across the United States. Our only safe road is to just muzzle the FBI and stripe most of it’s power.

5. Send US Troops to Collect All Americans Left in Afghanistan. As our POTUS is a demented scoundrel, he decided to telegraph our enemies when we were leaving Afghanistan. This caused conflict and chaos, resulting in thousands of Americans left behind. WE must immediately drop everything and go and get these Americans out and then blow up all the military weapons we left behind. Let’s also put new leadership in the military, while we’re at it.

6. Cancel 87,000 New IRS Agents. When Joe Biden entered office, the old buzzard immediately began attacking businesses, including a massive attack on the oil industry. This cost us hundreds of billions in taxes for his war against “Global Warming.”  He canceled the Keystone Pipeline his first day. So to make up for lost income and to attack the hated middle class, he signed into law 87,000 new IRS agents . We need to cancel this and stop the 87,000 paramilitary troops, and their giant ammo stockade, or it’s going to be bloodshed and tears until Biden is fired or unelected.

7. End Constant Witch Hunt Against Trump & Allies. Free the J6 hostages! It’s sickening to watch the constant attacks against Trump and his allies under the theory that the left has the right and duty to hunt Trump until he’s in prison. Are we a South American Banana Republic? This must stop. We must make an official end to all of the hunts against Trump and the lawsuits against his allies.

8. Restore National Teaching History, Govt & Logic with no CRT. The number one problem in America now is probably education. Children are not taught history, government, or logic to consider a few missing subjects. So we need to start new federal rules so that every child may learn logic and rhetoric, history of the West and American Revolution. Also, the history of communism and why Democratic Republicanism is the best form of government. While we’re at it, let’s put an absolute ban on Critical Race Theory.

9. Slow down the trade with China Give tax credits to American industries who manufacture products which use to be made in China. Build a product better, fast and cheaper than China and get a tax credit!

10. Finally, we need to impeach Joe Biden. Please. And lying illegal smuggler Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI’s smugly sly Christopher Wray, incompetent confabulator Kamala Harris, and a few others. Please. Or, dear friends – Would leaving Joe as the head of the rotting Democratic Party be a better punishment?

I wish it was only the Democratic Party America is troubled with but the coward Republicans who are cheating the US people by siding with the libtards in Congress. They and the Dems are destroying America from the inside.

However if any Congress person can have the balls to simply introduce any 1 of these suggestions then they will always get my vote.

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  • As for #4- strip FBI of its power; do the same with CIA AND get rid of, at least two-thirds of the alphabet soup agencies! 

    Ah, yes, #9-don't just "slow trade" with China, ELIMINATE IT and China will soon disolve.

    • ADMIN

      Yup, the alphabet agencies are out of control. We must starve China by systematically reduce import while expanding export to China. Then they will come th=o the bargining table. 



    • Absolutely!

  • These are good plateform  keypoints. We are less then 2 4 months away from the next election.

    OBTW - Smaller government lower taxes still works! 

    • ADMIN

      Steve, you are right but not enough to restore America. We need strong medicine to cure the libtard cancer which has affected the very soul of America, and I'm not going to say here what that strong medicine is..........


  • Yes please = but first the de"mock"rats have to lose power.  None of these things will happen until that does.

    • The only way we can wrest power from the democommies is to wreck/eliminate their cheating schemes around the ballot boxes. Perhaps having the National Guard supervise elections is not such a bad idea.

  • I agree with all 10, but good luck trying to do them

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