A.I. Blocked From Pressing Nuclear Launch Button

1677514218652.png?profile=RESIZE_584x(PatriotHQ) Nothing to worry about! Question: Who gave A.I. nuclear launch codes? How did Artificial Intelligence obtain access to America’s Nuclear Arsenal? ….and how close were we to a A.I. starting a nuclear war? BTW – The sheeple are concerned, but don’t worry the government is in charge.

Get this. NOW the Pentagon banned AI from running nuclear weapon systems under bipartisan bill. WTF? AI wasn’t banned before?

The bill would make official a current Pentagon policy says a person must be "in the loop" when nukes are used, but comes up short who is the person?  Maybe Sleepy Joe will be in charge!

A bill was introduced in the House by three Democrats and one Republican. Its goal is to stop artificial intelligence systems from getting to the point where they could start a nuclear attack on their own. TLTL (too little-too late)

The move from the bipartisan lawmakers would stop any future decisions by the Defense Department could lead to AI being able to fire nuclear weapons on its own.

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colorado, said this week while the U.S. military can use AI to improve national security, using AI to launch nuclear weapons without a human chain of command and control is reckless, dangerous, and should be banned. (not banned now)

Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., has been outspoken about the dangers of letting AI keep developing quickly without any checks. He said, "As members of Congress, it is our job to have responsible foresight when it comes to protecting future generations from potentially devastating consequences."

Their bill would codify current Pentagon policy requires a human be "in the loop" for any decisions regarding the use of nuclear weapons.

AI is becoming more and more of a hot topic in Washington, D.C., as its use in everyday life forces lawmakers and officials to think about both its benefits and its risks.

In an interview on "America's Newsroom" on Friday morning, Buck said Capitol Hill had some work to do to catch up. He said, "AI is here, and it's a shame Congress hasn't paid much attention to it for a long time."

Buck said, "We want to make sure a person is involved in the process of launching a nuclear weapon if we ever need to launch one." "So, in sci-fi movies, the world is out of control because AI has taken over. We're going to have humans in this process."

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer put out a broad plan earlier this month. In it, he asked companies making AI to let outside experts look at it before it is made available to the public. And in its budget for fiscal year 2024, the Pentagon wants to spend $1.8 billion on AI research and development.

The U.S. Central Command just hired Dr. Andrew Moore as its first AI advisor. This is another sign the military is putting more attention on how to use the benefits of AI, which is changing quickly.

Schuyler Moore, the chief technology officer at CENTCOM, said the military sees AI as a "light switch” helps people make sense of data and point them in the right way. She said the Pentagon thinks it "must and will always have a human in the loop making the final decision."

In conclusion: WTF!!! AI has access, and now Congress wants a ‘human’ to oversee AI’s integration! BUT, don’t worry, the bill is stuck in committee and a decision to move to the floor of Congress should emerge probably within a 12,000-year half-life. Just in time for the end of a long nuclear winter!

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  • So, we built an AI which is smarter than any person, then no one bothers to hide the nuclear launch code/sequence, now Congress is considering adding a human to the mix.
    Unfortunately, the weak part of this plan is the 'human' which will be a liberal and will probably blow themselves up and part of Kansas.

  • Just more insanity in an insane regime!

  • Our government can't even run a 'Go-Bot' they built! What? The A.I. escapes the lab and is last seen heading towards a nuclear missile base? This is so crazy!

    The only thing crazier is if the U.S. were to build a secret biological laboratory in an enemy communist country and then wonder why the bio-matter escapes and infects the world! 


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