
  • The Dems have been proclaiming we are a ‘land of immigrants’ but now we are the 'land of ginny pigs!' Yikes! 

    • ADMIN

      Hahah good one Steve (oink oink)

  • This POS deserves the firing squad.....he earned it!

    • Use a rope, it is cheaper and the same one could be used to hag ALL of the TRAITORS, including the deep state gop establishment hacks like mcconnell, graham, kinzinger, cheney, and the majority of the gop that are anti-American, and the many Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists!!!!!!!!!!  None of them are worth a bullet, let them dangle from a gallows!!!!!!!!!!


    • Yep.

    • That's my recommendation. Always has been. Cheap and reusable. Won't add to the debt.

    • Send the bill for the bullet to Michelle! 

  • "People we were supposed to be able to trust" - - as the "Gipper" said, more than once - - "Trust, but verify" !!  Not difficult to know how genocidal the "Vax program" was, with all the information that has been produced since the end of that charade!

    • AMEN,  hundreds of people died or suffered permanent damage from unsafe poison they falsely labeled as vaccines when ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine was safe and available but big pharma couldn't make billions and the bureaucrats and politicians couldn't get kickbacks from the things that worked!!!!!  We likely won't know the lasting effects for many years!!!!!!!!!!

  • Biggest mass murder ever in history.

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