Berserk Biden Has Spending Madness

? As if the Covid holocaust wasn’t bad enough, then burned out cities by peaceful rioters, deadly toxic spills, outlawing of domestic oil and gas, massive increase of taxes, 87,000 new armed IRS audit agents and hundreds of billions of dollars given to a foreign war (which America is not part of) not to mention the continued supply chain failures has put some of Washington big shots on edge! Yikes!

Get this. Dozens of Democrats join the GOP to stop Biden's "far-left" executive orders cause inflation. Most Republicans and 59 Democrats worked together to put limits on Biden's executive orders.

Maybe, just maybe the Swamp has realized for retirees, inflation is bad. (maybe for everybody)

Wednesday, a lot of Democrats in the House voted with Republicans to make the White House check how Berserk Biden's executive orders madness will affect inflation before they are put into place.

With the bill, Republicans are trying again to stop the policies of the Biden administration, which they say are the cause of the highest inflation in decades. The bill passed 272-148, with 59 Democrats in favor.

Republicans say the bill would make Berserk Biden think twice before imposing maddening expensive new rules on the public. The bill would require the administration to study any executive order with an annual budgetary effect of $1 billion or more to see if it could cause inflation in the economy.

After the latest report on inflation, Republicans criticized Berserk Biden saying he "lives in a different reality."

The House vote on Wednesday told Sleepy Joe Biden he needs to figure out how his executive madman orders affect inflation.

Democrats didn't agree with GOP claims orders from the Biden regime or big spending sprees by Congress caused inflation. Rep. Cori Bush, D-Missouri, said the cost of living went up for millions of Americans because of COVID-19 and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Democrats insisted huge spending bills like the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan and the $700 billion-plus Inflation Reduction Act helped to control inflation, even though some economists have said these, and other bills increased demand by flooding the country with more money, which made inflation go up.

Cutting back on oil and gas production in the US would hurt the environment, a report says, but is anyone l listening?

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said, "Because Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan and the actual Inflation Reduction Act last year, our country's inflation rate is now lower than the U.K., Canada, and 20 other European Union member states." However, does this mean Europe is our model?

Republicans have said they will control congressional spending now they control the House. They have also said Biden should be stopped from making orders  raise prices in the United States. The GOP pointed to two executive orders Biden made  caused inflation. One revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, and the other, in late 2021, said the government could only buy electric vehicles for the next ten years.

"By pushing one big-spending policy after another, President Biden has continued to add fuel to the fire of inflation," said James Comer, R-Kentucky, chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. "The wages of our constituents are going down quickly. Even though their real wages have gone down because of inflation, they have had to pay more for eggs, electricity, and other things."

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said “far-left" policies in Washington are what cause inflation. Amen!!

"The REIN IN Act makes sure expensive executive orders  Biden decides to make on his own will not go into effect until he is told about the possible effects on inflation and has a chance to think about them," Comer said. "The hope is Biden will think twice about hurting inflation once he knows about it and understands how it could happen because of his own policies."

Elise Stefanik, the chair of the House GOP Conference from New York, said “inflation is hurting families and Congress needs to pass the bill to force Biden to see it. "Inflation has reached its highest level in my lifetime during the last two years of one-party, far-left, radical, socialist Democrat rule in Washington, led by Joe Biden," she said. "Any family, small business, farmer, or manufacturer will say inflation is killing their businesses and family budgets."

In conclusion. Berserk Biden is spending our tax dollars like a drunk sailor on shore leave with a pocket full of his buddies’ money! Yikes! The old school of tax and spend has never gone away. The Dems think by madly spending America’s wealth they can eventually break America bringing it down to a smoldering mass of failure so they can be the savior and resurrect and rebuild into they image.

The problem is ‘their image SUCKS!" and is nothing more than totalitarian communism.

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  • Hey USA 4 ME, you got it right! Spending Madness, for Dems it’s incurable. 

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