
  • Just because these people are stupid doesn't mean the rest of us are.  Do they ever listen to themselves?  Disgusting!

  • So let me get this right, we now have so many Illegal Aliens in control of our economy, deporting them would destroy America! 

    So what good is citizenship? 

  • Stupid broad

  • It is no longer astonishing that these lunatics think all rank-and-file citizens are stupid enough to believe the lies they continue to tell. The mere expression on this hussy' face exudes arrogance and wickedness. Of course, we know why they orchestrated the presence of these millions of illegal immigrants, which is to eventually give them amnesty as Chuck Shumer and his cohorts have publicly advocated, which would authorize them to vote, for democrats, obviously. It takes nothing more than the fact that they were willing to jeopardize our sovereignty, security, and safety for that purpose, renders every member of their current leadership heirchy totally unfit and unqualified to have any position governing this nation.

  • Hurt the economy?? Leave them here we will have to hire more police, judges build more prisons, guards, specifically for the wetbacks. Yeah it will hurt the economy. Oh and NO SOCIAL WELFARE NOTHING IF YOU ARE NOT A CITIZEN.

  • If we don't deport it will destroy America.

  • She meant to say it will hurt votes for the left! That's all they're concerned with.

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