
  • .....since when? 

  • Yes, he has their back, and is stabbing them in the back like the gop establishment is stabbing conservatives in the back!!!!!  Both wings of the new world order globalst party are stabbing We the People in the back for personal wealth and power!!!!!!!!!!


    Like this? 

    Man Stabbed In Back

    • Yup, they do nothing for years, but 8 months from elections the promises come rolling in. Amazing bastards, but what is more amazing to me is that people still fall for it! 

    • Yes, EXACTLY like this!!!!!  He is stabbing blacks, and others, in the back just as the gop establishment is stabbing conservatives in the back!!!!!  Both wings of the new world order globalist party are stabbing We the P_eople in the back!!!!!!!!!!


    • Yep, that's it. Same.

  • Yes, with the same knife held to it as to the rest of our backs.

  • Lying Joe Biden is NOT focused on hiring American Workers!  He and the rest of the Demoncrats are pushing to hire ILLEGAL Aliens over American Citizens!  This is going to devestate the African-American Community unless they get off the Demoncrat Plantation and vote for leaders who are focused on Making America Great!

    • Dick Durbin wants illegal aliens in the military, to be the devildemocommiecrat party's SS, to kill citizens who efuse to surrender our firearms!!!!!Devildemocommiecrats know the military WILL NOT obey orders to confiscate guns nd kill anyone who resists so they want iillegals available to do the dirty deeds!!!!!!!!!!

  • He just might be in for a rude awakening, but of course the demonrats will cheat just like they did in 20

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