11027224454?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) The Enlightened Liberal Progressives live by some very strict rule, one of them are: “…never let a serious crisis go to waste”. But it doesn’t stop there, especially if the crisis was manufacture so reaction to the crisis is the building blocks to a money and power grab.

Such is the case with failed banks! After banks have failed, Biden is getting ready to take control of all U.S. dollars and not in a way which will benefit the American people.

Taxpayer’s money will soon no longer be under their power but will be a form of nationalization of America’s banking and financial markets!

Obama's idea for a government program has been brought back to life by Biden. Even if Biden doesn't win the race in 2024, the plan can't be stopped. Time is running out!

The plan is to take all the money away from taxpayers. In the last few weeks, the news of failed banks in the U.S. have become global leading to foreign bank failures as well.

First, there was Silicon Valley bank, then Silvergate, Credit Suisse, and more is on the way.

These failed banks made it possible for the government to take over. With a pilot scheme called the Regulated Liability Network a U.S. Pilot program is already being implemented in scores of banks and financial institutions.  

It's made so the government can use its power over all currency which will put the taxpayer in a financial squeeze. This has come to light as a former bank employee, putting everything on the line is telling the public what is going to happen next, and it is shocking!

Louis Navellier has helped the wealthy dodge some of the worst financial disasters in U.S. history, such as the Black Monday crash of 1987, the dot-com crash of 2000, and even the financial crisis of 2008. Because of Navellier’s success, he now handles the money for more than one billion dollars of private client finances.

Today, Navellier is informing taxpayers about the next terrible step in these bank failures. Anyone with a bank account in the United States could be a victim.

Navellier says the government will use the failure of banks as a reason to take more control of the financial system and bring it under the absolute management of government agents!

The government will replace the cash with a digital money as soon as the summer of 2023, but it doesn’t stop there!

Remember if a taxpayer uses a digital exchange, the government can turn off the money supply to any industry, company or person whenever it wants.

A Taxpayer could be a victim if they disagreed with the government plans, or even shared on social media about wrongdoings by the government.

This strange thing Biden did could ruin retirement financial markets or target individual taxpayers for scrutiny and build instability. Whole industries could lose all their information and access to banks, money markets and investments.

Will Americans fight back? Are they willing to be absorbed into the government collective, lose their freedom for a handful of temporary security?

In conclusion: Why are you shocked at this? You knew the government under the Dems will grab power and control who can buy or sell!

Even your grandparents knew it! People have known this for thousands of years!

Revelation 13:17    ” ……so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark…….” America has got the government control of buying and selling down tight, now all the government must do is work on the ‘mark’ which is the implanted chip in the body.

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  • Everyone expects the Dems to grab our Banking and financial systems because they are the Neo-Confederates still at war with the Republic! 

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