Biden's Nothing-Burger Regime

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Get this. 51% of respondents to a Monmouth poll say Biden won't help the middle class.

A new Monmouth University study shows 51% of people say President Joe Biden's policies have not helped the middle class at all.

The study also found Americans are still very worried about inflation and the open borders.

According to the poll, only 10% of Americans say middle-class families have benefited a lot from Biden's policies so far. This is down from June 2021, when 19% said middle-class families benefited a lot and 36% said they didn't benefit at all.

Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, said Biden’s main selling point when he ran for president was, he understood the everyday person. "However, responses to his policy agenda show this is still an area where he is weak."

The president is doing about as well as former President Donald Trump did in his first year in office, the study found. In December 2017, 11% of people said Trump's measures helped the middle class a lot, while 53% said they didn't help at all. At the end of Trump's term, 32% said his policies helped the middle class a lot and 32% said they didn't help at all.

Now, 38% of Americans say they are middle class, while 29% say they are working class, 14% say they are poor, and 16% say they are upper-middle class or better.

Overall, 41% of Americans say they are fighting to stay in the same financial position, while 46% say their finances are stable and only 12% think their situation is getting better. Nearly 9 out of 10 people who are poor say they are suffering. About half of those in the working class, nearly 30% of those in the middle class, and about 1 out of 8 people who are upper-middle class or better off also say they are struggling.

The study found Republicans (45%) and independents (46%) are more likely to say they are struggling than Democrats (28%).

One-quarter of Americans said inflation (24%) or rising gas prices (1%) were their biggest worry right now. This is down from last summer, when 33% said inflation and 15% said gas prices. Other things people were worried about were the economy (12%) and paying bills (12%).

Between March 16 and 20, the Monmouth University Polling Institute questioned 805 adults in the U.S. for the study, plus, or minus 5.8 percentage points is the error range.

In conclusion. Where’s the beef?

  • Lower taxes? No.
  • Make America secure? No.
  • Secure the borders? No.

All America can see is a big fat Nothing Burger with an extra helping of hot air!

What do you think?


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  • In a very short time Zombie Joe has managed to bring this great country to its lowest point. He is leading us to the brink of destruction. His immoral government is not doing a Nothing Burger. It’s doing a whole lot of something to destroy us all.

  • I would disagree with calling TRAITOR JOE's administration a nothing burger.  That would imply he has done nothing.  That would actually be an improvement!  What this administration is - is a Poisonous Burger.

  • I disagree, Biden Regime doesn't have a nothing burger! His burger is full of baloney!

     Lmao Haha Sticker - Lmao Haha Laughing Stickers

  • Hahaha, what did you expect? Progress from the progessives? They know how to tax and spend and give their buddies fat-cat extras! 

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