Biden To Sign False Executive Orders

12683153670?profile=RESIZE_400xIs this the Twilight Zone, reality or prophecy? The concept of a mentally impaired President of the United States unknowingly signing a false Executive Order conjures a dystopian scenario with far-reaching consequences. But the question is will Biden's Executive Order actually be false or protected by the Democrat Party?

This hypothetical situation raises critical questions about the stability of American governance, the safeguards in place to prevent such occurrences, and the potential ramifications for the nation.

Here's the scenario.  A mentally impaired President is tricked into signing an Executive Order and then all hell breaks loose!

The President of the United States suffers from significant cognitive decline, rendering him incapable of comprehending his surroundings and the implications of his actions. In this diminished state, the President's decision-making is heavily influenced, if not outright controlled, by aides and advisors.

One day, an aide, individual or a political zealot having access to the President of the United States either out of malevolence or ideological zeal, drafts an Executive Order with severe and controversial directives. The Executive Order could range from imprisoning political opponents, such as conservatives and Donald Trump, to enshrining abortion as a constitutional right, or even outlawing private ownership of gold. The impaired President, unable to grasp the content or consequences, signs the Executive Order, and it becomes law.

Immediately political zealots jump into action and the consequences are unleashed throwing America and the world in turmoil!f_fh_bidendesksign_170106.jpg?profile=RESIZE_584x

The immediate fallout from such an Executive Order would be unprecedented. The American political landscape, already polarized, would likely erupt into chaos. Conservative groups, civil rights activists, and legal scholars would mobilize to challenge the order, leading to mass protests, legal battles, and widespread civil unrest and possibly Civil War!

Then it gets worst!  

Legal and Constitutional safeguards may not be enough! In theory, the American political system has numerous checks and balances designed to prevent such a scenario. The 25th Amendment to the Constitution provides a mechanism for the removal of a President deemed unfit to perform the duties of the office. This process requires the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to declare the President incapacitated, followed by Congressional approval, but how long could this take, days, weeks or months?

But a darker scheme arises if the political zealot is the Vice President, Cabinet member or Family member.

However, the invocation of the 25th Amendment is a complex and politically fraught process. In a hyper-partisan environment, garnering the necessary support from both the executive branch and Congress could prove challenging, especially if the President's condition was either sudden or not widely recognized and with a weak Republican Party the Democrats could block any or all action to halt a draconian Executive Order, if they choose to acquiesce!

Next the Judicial intervention would have to be the counterweight to rebalance America, but it must fly into action without restraint.  

The judiciary will play a crucial role in addressing the fallout from a Biden Executive Order. However, the issue persists: who has the authority to draft an Executive Order, an aid, family member or even a member of Congress? If the Executive Order was prepared and signed, it is law no matter who does the drafting!  

Given the immediate and potentially draconian nature of the order, numerous lawsuits would likely be filed to challenge its legality. Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, would be expected to intervene and suspend or overturn the order but how long will that take and what damage could America suffer until the court fixes the problem?

Nevertheless, the judicial process will be time-consuming. Even with expedited proceedings, the interim period could see significant turmoil as various states, organizations, and individuals navigate the legal uncertainties and practical implications of the order.

Political and social implications are beyond comprehension! Far beyond the legal battles, the broader political and social implications would be profound. Public trust in the government will plummet, exacerbating existing divisions and potentially leading to widespread disillusionment with the political process. Conspiracy theories and misinformation could thrive in such an environment, further destabilizing the nation.

The combination of constitutional safeguards, the rule of law, and the vigilance of both the public and political institutions provide a strong defense against the possibility of a mentally impaired President enacting disastrous policies but how long will it take and what if one of the Parties decide to dig in their heels?

The idea of a mentally impaired President signing an Executive Order may seem far-fetched and substance for conspiracy theorist but it serves as a stark reminder of the potential vulnerabilities of our political system. Lets not forget the DOJ refused to prosecute President Biden because of his impairment!

Final Word: Does America have a President which will sign anything set before him by a aid, family member or political zealot?

The answer is: Absolutely, YES!

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  • The SCOTUS ruled that the President has limited immunity from prosecution for his OFFICIAL  ACTS...  Official Acts while ADMINISTERING his CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS (specific and implied)... and NO MORE.

    The Constitution doesn't give the President the power to ARBITRARILY govern ... 'due process' under the Statutes, Articles, and Amendments of the Constitution limit a President's power and immunity. The People and Congress retain the power to hold the President accountable (Impeachment and indictment upon removal)... for criminal and administrative acts that are not deemed part of his Constitutional power and duty. We can expect the Court to be used to define what is OFFICIAL and a Constitutional  Act by the President.  Big Mistake... We just transfered more power to an unelected judiciary. 

    We can expect the Democrats and others to challenge any order or act the President makes, which they object to as not being OFFICIAL or within his constitutional powers ...  Thus giving unelected judges the power to define the President's and Executive Branch's official powers under the Constitution... this is especially significant where IMPLIED powers of the President and Executive Branch are in dispute.. not good..


    • I agree, but my article is more focused on the 'fixing' of the EO. I agree Biden is limited but the Dems could raise hell until it is reversed. 

    • COL, I AGREE WITH YOU 100%!


    • Yes, and the Administrative State is KNOWINGLY AND ENTHUSIASTICALLY executing these illegal orders and regulations, expecting to escape legal accountability for violating the law. Trump needs to indict and prosecute these individuals.


  • In the event of this event happening, the Governors of the individual States and the SHERIFFS in the individual counties must fulfill their obligation and oath to the US Constitution!

    • Hey David, I hope you are right unless the EO tells Law Enforcement to stand down. IMHO it's not the EO that is the real problem but the fixing of it which takes time. 

  • God help us all

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