
    • Hush money?

  • Hey everyone. I went to Google Earth and checked out the Lahaina Maui view. Why is all the area  blocked out? What are they hiding? Go to Google Earth and see it for yourself. 


  • Hey Bob I watched the video and you are correct. Only the buildings burned and the metal cars. I did see only high metal gas cars burned!

    This leads me to think it looks like a EMP pulse or something like it. OBTW - can you find any victim interviews? Other than bystanders and firemen? ...and why are there still over 800 children missing? 

    also, why was the hospitol admitting everyone with pacemakers and medical electrical implants? This looks like a massive lighting strike on all metal buildings and high medal cars! 

    Did anyone see any new cars burned? No? Because the new cars and more plastic and fiberglass than metal. 

    • Also, it bears noting, that the US has an in-time missile defense system stationed in Hawaii to counter a Chinese launch.

      But if they along with the Russians (who are p.o.ed with us over Ukraine) have hypersonic missile capability, can they be ruled out absolutely?

      Just how hardened is our missile defense response facility?

    • "OBTW - can you find any victim interviews?"

      This underscores the notion that this is a corporate event.

      The Chinese no longer have any pull to request a coverup.

      So I think a corporate choke point on overly informative outgoing reporting has been and is in effect. IMHO

  • OKAY, who left the orbiting high energy beam weapon on last night?

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