CIA Guarantees Kennedy Never President

11038229890?profile=RESIZE_584x(PatriotHQ) One must ask: What did the Kennedy family do to piss off the CIA? We’ll never know but this is a classic example of a generational curse. But it doesn’t stop there. If our government can hold a grudge against a family forever then can it hold a generational grudge against all Americans?

The short answer is: (wait for it….) It probably already does! Yikes!

The Kennedy family's fight against the Central Intelligence Agency's criminal cabal seems never ending.

In a speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association just a few months after being sworn in as president, John F Kennedy, RFK Jr's uncle, said the following: "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society, and as a people, we are inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings." We judged a long time ago the risks of excessive and unreasonable concealing of relevant facts surpassed the risks mentioned to support it."

The generational curse became public view when President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Hours of evidence prove the CIA, organized crime, and the highest echelons of the US Federal government were all engaged in JFK's death. Including the magic bullet, the grassy knoll, and the presence of George H.W. Bush, a young CIA asset, in Dallas that day. A day he claimed he couldn't recall.

However, the entire operation was blamed on a lone gunman…. (Tooth fairy was unavailable for comment)

An hour after learning of his brother's death, Robert F. Kennedy told a close friend he was shocked it wasn't him. He expected to be the one "they would get." Over the next few days, he wrote letters to his children, entrusting them with the duty of loving and serving their country. And to recall what their uncle, John F. Kennedy, had begun.

A few years later, the New York Times reported President John F. Kennedy told one of his administration's top officials he wished to "splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

Senator Robert F. Kennedy officially declared his candidacy for president on March 16, 1968. Following major victories in the primaries, he was assassinated on June 5th while giving a speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California.

Nina Rhodes-Hughes was one of the few witnesses to the assassination, and she alleges another shooter stood to her right. She was afterwards outraged the cops had ignored her statement. The shot killed Robert F. Kennedy was fired close to his head, and the entire operation was blamed on a single lone gunman standing in front of him.

Regicide is the ritual death of a king to commemorate a power grab. While the Kennedys are as filthy as the rest of the swamp, the two brothers stand out like mythical kings. Aside from Dr. Ron Paul, who stated we must get rid of them, no one in government questions the CIA's crimes.

A youthful RFK Jr referred to American politics as a one-party system while promoting a book on television in 1978. And the demise of his father and uncle as an occupational hazard.

John F. Kennedy Jr. met in March 1999 to discuss running for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton in 2000. Four months later, he was killed in a plane crash. With all the hallmarks of a cover-up.

Lee Harvey Oswald, the purported lone gunman in the JFK assassination, was a CIA asset, according to recently disclosed papers.

In 2024, RFK Jr. will run for President. He blames the CIA for his uncle's assassination, which he describes as a "successful coup d’état from which our democracy has never recovered."

And he believes his father was murdered by Thane Eugene Cesar, a security guard who shot him from behind after forcing him into their patsy, Sirhan Sirhan.

In conclusion. We wish Robert F Kennedy Jr. safety and wellbeing, even though many Patriots disagree with him, he still has the right to voice his opinions, unless you work for the CIA or any one of the many alphabet agencies, then all bets are off.

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  • It wasn't Oswald, it was the C.I.A. That killed both Kennedy brothers!

  • Only if divinely appointed should he run else he is doomed. 

  • I would never vote for him But he certainly has the freedom to speak, And since the DEMOCRATS have decided OLE JOE want have any debates with other possible candidates, his chances seem very remote.Democrats are betting on a predetermined outcome, They could care less about electing a competent responsible President all they want is somone in the OVAL OFFICE that they can control that will  PUSH their SOCIALIST COMMUNIST PROGRESSIVE AGENDA, JOE BIDEN is the perfect person for them they know he doesnt know where he even at most of the time and they know he can be completely controlled and instructed to carry out the agenda they tell him to carry out. Thats the reason they hated DONALD TRUMP they could not control him, They could care less that AMERICA is the worst off with JOE BIDEN in office, They are completely POWER and CONTROL CRAZY.

  • JFK STATED He would dismantle the CIA!! Called them off at the bay of pigs.Cancelled project North woods, which became 911.

    RFK SR Prosecuted the mob, the cia's pals.They murdered JFK Jr for saying if he was Pres. he would investigate the details of his fathers assasination.

    It was caroline that wanted to run for senator. But Crooked Hillary threatened her off. No RFK, JR IS NOT SAFE FROM THE ABC AGENCIES. !!!

  • I hope Kennedy gets the nomination.

    • ADMIN

      Yes, he has some conservative views but is still a Dem. The CIA has painted a target (literally) on his back. 

      What type of a country kills it's politicians and prosecutes and persecutes people who want the best for America? 

      Different points of view, yes, but freedom and liberty must be respected!

  • Well. I'm not a Kennedy fan. But I would not wish harm to anyone, but Bobby you better Play CYA!!! Let the Voters Decide!!!

    • ADMIN

      I agree with you. Many, many others on both sides also agree Robert Kennedy must have a voice.  

  • You mean Robert Kennedy.....JFK is long dead!

    • 🤣 Sorry about that. You are correct! 

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