Defunding District Attorney Dangerous Move (Must Read)

(PatriotHQ) The Trump team is demanding the defunding of the Manhattan District Attorney as a way to stop the Trump prosecution and send a message to all liberal law enforcement, but this may backfire! Once the Republican defund the Dems sweetheart Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg the Dems will start their campaign to use this defending as a Stare Decisis and go on full attack all the conservative DA’s not only at the federal level but they can do the same thing at the State level! This will cement their grip on all the blue States and dig deep into the Red States as well.

There are other ways to accomplish the stopping or slowing down of rogue DA’s but defunding law enforcement is a dangerous path.

Get this. After the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged former President Donald Trump on criminal charges a week ago, a group of House Republicans led by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Arizona, attempted to defund the office of the Manhattan District Attorney.

The "Accountability for Lawless Violence in Our Neighborhoods Act," often known as the "ALVIN Act," was proposed by Biggs. If passed, this legislation would prevent the office of Bragg from receiving federal financing and force the office to refund any federal cash received after the first of the year 2022.

Biggs also proposed the "No Federal Funds for Political Prosecutions Act," which would prevent state and local law enforcement agencies from utilizing funds or property to investigate the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, or a candidate for the post of President in connection with a criminal investigation.

"During his campaign, District Attorney Alvin Bragg promised to file criminal charges against President Trump. "Bragg took the unprecedented action of converting alleged minor business misdemeanors to 34 individual felonies in an attempt to put President Trump behind bars and humiliate him and his supporters," Biggs said in a statement to the Daily Caller. "Bragg's action was unprecedented because it was an attempt to put President Trump behind bars and humiliate him and his supporters."

Bragg filed a complaint against House Republicans earlier this week, accusing them of initiating a "campaign of harassment in retaliation for the District Attorney's investigation and prosecution of Mr. Trump." Bragg's lawsuit was filed in response to the investigation and prosecution of Trump by the District Attorney.

In conclusion. The right is cheering the defunding of District Attorney Alvin Bragg, but they may 'singing the blues' when the Dem’s follow in the steps of the defunding process set forth by the Republicans. Does everyone realize America is at war and not with a foreign power but with the socialists takeover of America by the Democratic Party? 

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  • I think you are on to something. The left WILL use this technique to remove DA's and others that don't sing their tune! 

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